
China triumphs over US, Japan and South Korea in economic war...Samsung is finished

 Samsung is also facing strikes in India. If not careful, its factories may be torched as well. Samsung is on the decline in reality. Its heydays are over, like Japanese, USA and EU carmakers. Next will be its smartphone business.

The Chinese will be eating the lunches of all those Japanese and South Korean businesses going forward. China already took over their shipbuilding business. China also cannibalized their electrical and electronic manufacturing outfits. China is now targeting their semi-conductor business as well.

Japanese steel maker, Nippon Steel, is facing grave threat from Chinese steelmakers and desperately wants to buy US Steel but had been stopped in its tracks by the US Government. Nippon Steel needs USA protection in the USA market. Japan is furious. Allies or no allies, the USA only looks at its own interest. It may be too late for Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to realize this.

Elsewhere, ASML is also fighting a battle with Chinese semiconductor equipment manufacturing business. The Chinese were reported to have succeeded in making their own chipmaking equipment that could replace ASML's lithography machines.

Day in and day out we have been transfixed with the hot wars in Ukraine and Gaza. There is also an economic war being fought between China and the collective West with Japan and South Korea on their side. BRICS is part of the economic war being waged against the USA and its allies. 



Anonymous said...

Samsung is warning its striking Indian workers that no work means no pay.

What if Indian strikers take a leaf from the South Korean doctor's strike that is still on since February 2024? Can Samsung survive in India?

Anonymous said...

Samsung factory in India may be torched if it is no work means no pay.

Anonymous said...

Samsung can forget about it factory in India. Very soon Modi will ask his filthy rich friends to take over & we will see a new word number 1 phone brand call SamDian..haha

Anonymous said...

Indian predatory practice in action. Soon they will take over Samsung for a song.

Anonymous said...

Netflix is next for visa, tax and racial discrimination charges in India. More and more issues are added by India to punish foreign companies operating in India. Does that sound familiar in the USA as well?

Anonymous said...

Get ready for a 'Samsong' in India. A new phone brand under TATA control? The Indians could not take over Apple in India. Probably warned by the USA not to try. Samsung could be an alternative.

Anonymous said...

The Indians are desperate in wanting to have a decent mobile phone brand to call their own. Samsung is a good target. Can change the name to Samsu, a famous Indian drink.

Anonymous said...

Changing to 'Swansong' for Samsung would also be good. Easy to remember how it came about. I think India should conduct a competition to name a new smartphone brand that will conquer the world.

Virgo49 said...

Samseng better!

Tried to have a model with lots of Tatoos


Anonymous said...

Mahathir would like samseng. He is Malaysia's number one samseng.