
Mahathir destroyed the country for generations, not just during his Premiership

 Mahathir destroyed the country for generations, not just during his Premiership. It will take another generation or two to reverse his education policy, even if they were to try to do it. It will take generations to get rid of the deep-seated corruption within the establishment. It will take decades to attract back the talents that he drove away during his premiership, mostly to the benefit of Singapore, especially the Chinese. The incentives for doing that are just not there for those who wants to return to serve the country,

I would not just blame Mahathir alone. It was already a festering disease of corruption within the racially endowed ruling establishment even before he came to power, but he was the one that made it worse with his never ending New Economic Policy that basically alienated the Chinese and Indians. Most of these non-Malay Malaysian talents were later to become of great benefit contributing to Singapore, people like Goh Keng Swee and Hon Sui Sen among others.

In Malaysia, Goh and Hon would never have been given the chance to rise in positions to serve the Malaysian Government. The pro-Malay establishment would never allow that. Meritocracy never had a chance in Malaysian politics, only cronyism and racial factors matter.

It is really ironic that Malaysia, with all the natural resources became a pale shadow of its southern neighbor that was to arouse deep jealousy and spiteful behavior from Mahathir and his cronies. Now, with UMNO in the coalition, fighting corruption is a mountain to climb for Anwar Ibrahim, if he were to try. This is the biggest problem to overcome.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is really ironic that one man can destroy a country with tens of millions of others having no say and unable to do anything about it.

Suffice to say, even in the USA this is happening. Voters have no choice or just a Hobsons Choice. Either vote for the right hand or the left hand, but it belongs to one person, or entity vis a vis the Deep State.