
2 Asian Mickey Mouse are not whites or Jews...Mickey Mouse will always be Mickey Mouse

 The two hot wars in Europe and Middle East are steaming along fine. The Americans, Brits and Europeans are fully behind the two protagonists, the Ukrainians and the Jews. The Ukrainians are seen as whites or look like whites, blond hair and blue eyes. The Jews are quite close, especially the European Jews. And they have the added advantage of being in full control of the American Administration in Washington. All the American politicians are paid by the Jews and will take orders from the Jews.

Ukraine and Israel can count on unlimited support from the Americans and the Europeans. And the two wars would not stop until they won or would be forever wars with the full support and finances to defeat the Russians and the Arabs.

As for the two Mickey Mouse in Asia, ie Taiwan and the Philippines, both 100% dependent on the Americans to back up their hostilities and provocations against China. Without the Americans behind their backs, they would be blown away when China coughs. But they are still deluded to think that the Americans would support them fully like supporting Ukraine and Israel. Their stupidity and dullness are written on their faces.

Both are not whites, and both are not Jews. The stakes are not worthy for the Americans to die for in Taiwan and the South China Sea. And China is not only a formidable opponent, the geography is all for China. There is no Europe and a massive land mass to facilitate the logistics for a war with China. It is a done case. The Americans knew it but the two Mickey Mouse are still in Disneyland, thinking the script can be written in Hollywood and they can write their own success story.

China also has finance and technology behind it, and with a huge population, a huge armed forces to fall back own, the Americans would not be foolish to take on China in a hot war thousands of miles across the Pacific Ocean.

When would the two Mickey Mouse wake up and realise that cartoons are just cartoons and meant for cartoonists and Mickey Mouse? They are not worthy to die for, to sacrifice the lives of American boys and girls. Who did the Taiwanese and Pinoys think they are for Americans to sacrifice their lives for?


Anonymous said...

Jews are Whites, like British Jews that looks as White as USA Jews like Blinken. Ukraine is considered White to be allowed to join the EU or European Union. The Turks are not and not allowed in the EU. See the difference?

Anonymous said...

Mickey mouse surrender. . .

The Philippines has withdrawn a coastguard ship keeping watch over a disputed reef after a months-long stand-off with China.

The Teresa Magbanua, Manila’s largest coastguard vessel, returned to port on Sunday from Sabina Shoal after blocking and ramming by the Chinese coastguard left the crew dehydrated and malnourished and the ship damaged, Philippine officials said.

Anonymous said...

China must act and behave strong and firm against the Mickey Mouse. The whole Global South is looking for a strong leader in China and Russia. China must not disappoint the Global South. They want China to lead, to stand up to the American terrorists and the Anglo Saxon savages.

Anonymous said...

If the enemy is a second or third rate country, the Americans would readily honour their words to protect Taiwan or the Philippines, especially when they can bomb the enemy to Stone age. In this case, the enemy is a super power that can give back everything the Americans dare to throw at China. Therefore, it is no go for the Americans.
The Americans with Nato also cannot deal with Russia and think of taking on China? What a joke!

Anonymous said...

The Americans ordered the Pinoys to pull out of Sabina Shoal. Mickey Mouse meekly obeyed the master.