
Trade war or hot war are only easy to win in Hollywood fantasy movies

 If trade wars are easy to win, China would have been decimated by all the tariffs and its manufacturing base curtailed. In the end, who paid for all those tariffs? Not the manufacturers in China, but the end consumers in the USA. And did China's exports suffer? In fact, China's exports still flourished.

Hot wars are not easy to win either. Otherwise, they would not have fled Vietnam with just their pants on and boarding helicopters from rooftops in a mad rush to get out. It was a defeat that can never be covered up by just using the word 'withdrawal' as in Afghanistan. And the USA also fled from Afghanistan after twenty long years and US$2 trillion thrown against the Taliban, just fighting farmers bearing small arms, and they could not overcome them. Was that easy to win as they thought? Of course, Afghanistan is the 'Graveyard of Empires' and even the superpower USA cannot win with all their firepower, air support and hype up military capabilities. Worse still was leaving behind all the weapons for the Taliban to form a credible army now. Afghanistan will be more than the 'Graveyard of Empires' for those thinking of swallowing it up.

Now in Ukraine, it is the same story. 32 NATO countries supporting Ukraine, with all the sanctions imposed, and they still cannot win the war. NATO is really trapped in Ukraine. We do not know the outcome yet, with Europe down on its knees and already totally defeated economically, all thanks to their following the dictates of the USA blindly. Will it be a full-fledged defeat like in Vietnam or to put it more unrealistically as a 'withdrawal' as they put it in the context of Afghanistan. We know 'withdrawal' was just a face-saving attempt to put it bluntly. It was a defeat in a war that was never easy to win as they thought.



Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

All these Western Might of the UAssA and the NATO Euro Nuts are just Myths that they are Invinvible.

All the while, they been posturing their invincibilities by conning the Rest of the World's Dafts of their swaggerings and bullyings.

NATO been acronym as No Action Talk Only Force.

Stupid of them using Urkiane to fight Russia and had the same country been bombed to dust by Putin.

Fighting Russia with one hand and one leg tied together.

All these bombardments and action been concentrated in Urukiane.

Won't dare to fight Russia direct.

Scared that their own their countries and sub humans be killed by Putin.

How to fight Russia when Putin had the advantage to whack that little imp wholesale with her Superior Air Powers and Arsenals?

That Imbecile Skkky wants to shits then looked for hole to further train their idiots to handle the arsenals as supplied by the eqaully stupid Nuts.

Want to fight Russia then Combined and fight lah!

Why you scared ah!


Anonymous said...

They say that fact follow fiction. Hollywood is the master of make believe - Superman, Batman, Wonder woman, Spiderman, Incredible Hulk, Avengers and even Space Force.

But the USA came out second best in Vietnam and Afghanistan despite all the wonderful creation of Hollywood. Oh, let us not forget about the moon landing as well, another Hollywood blockbuster of the 60s.

Anonymous said...

De-dollarization would never have been gaining traction so fast over the last two years without a reason. The action by the USA actually accelerated the process with the seizure of the Russian assets contributing to fast tracking of the inevitable together with the sanctions against Russia that borders on insanity.

The weaponization of the US$ was instrumental in setting off the fuse and that has awakened the world to the danger of one country holding all the cards and having all the privilege to print unlimited toilet papers and dictating all the rules of the game. It is a self-inflicted suicide by the USA, no one else is to blame.

The whole world now wants to get rid of a unipolar world for a multi-polar world instead. And rightly no country should be allowed to print money without consequences, while any other country would not get away with it. A truly global currency must be found that is fair to every country of the world.

Exceptionalism is not going to save the USA this time around. Not even with all the Anglo-Saxon Whites ganging up to support the US$ hegemony. The Europeans will soon find out that they have been sacrificed to no avail.

God is great in pushing Russia to the side of BRICS. A blessing actually for BRICS that Russia is on the side of China and not the USA. Otherwise, that would be disastrous for China alone against the Anglo-Saxon White clique. Who is to blame? Own self blaming own self is just apt.

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 2.46

The Americunts movies are all on violence, wars and Destructions.

That's in the mentally sick psycho masses with their sick genes.

Where in the World they have peace loving movies of humanity?

The Anglo oops Angels are all

Let them killed their own with their sick mentalities more of their guns violence.

Virgo49 said...
