
Ukraine War - Europe sinking in a quicksand they never expected and regretting

 Trump said trade war was easy to win. The Washington clowns think every war is easy to win, without knowing the enemy. So, with their brilliant stupid plan, they held Biden's hand to sign it and went to war with Russia. The key architect of this plan was none other than Victoria Neuland. She thought every country was like Iraq or Libya. And the Washington clowns fully agreed with her great stupid plan.

To the Washington clowns, it was an all out economic and financial war against Russia and the Russian economy would crumble and bite the dust within months. Thousands and thousands of sanctions were thrown at Russia. And the clowns in the European capitals also bought this stupid plan wholesale. After the retirement of Angela Merkel, probably forced out by the Americans, Olaf Scholz was anything but a midget in international politics, and ended up in the pocket of the Americans.

The other European leaders were no better than Scholz, another bunch of clowns across the Atlantic Ocean. They believed everything the Washington clowns told them or afraid to go against their colonial master. It would be a quick war, an easy war against the Russians if the whole of Europe were to gang up with the American terrorists against Russia.

It was all fantasy, like a Hollywood production, with the producer dictating every move, every word and every action and writing their own ending. The American heroes would win, must win. The enemies are nuts, unable to think, cannot think, and would sit there to be devoured and not knowing what to do. The realities said otherwise. The Russians are not duds or unthinking beans. They are as smart if not much smarter than the clowns on both sides of the Atlantic, and militarily more capable.

The Russians took the bull by the horns, and with full support from its people and allies, threw everything back at the Washington and European clowns. The Ukraine War is not over in a few months, and is now more than two and a half years and the Russians are winning. The only option left to the Washington and European clowns is to double down, and probably leading to a point of no return, all in.

This is not what the European clowns expected. They were hoping for a blitzkrieg as promised by the Washington clowns. If they know it would take so long, they would not have accepted the plan. Their economies cannot afford a long war. Their economies are at the brink of a recession. And they needed cheap Russian gas and oil and food to survive. Now all these have gone up in smokes.

The European economies are crumbling, not the Russians. And everyday the war goes on, the financial and economic burden would get heavier to bring down the European economies. Unfortunately there is no way out of this quicksand. Sink is the only way forward.

The Washington clowns have successfully brought down the whole of Europe instead of Russia. Who is to be blamed for this fiasco? China, the convenient scapegoat of the Washington clowns? The clowns would never blame themselves. It is always other people's fault, blame someone else, blame China, thousands of miles away from Europe.

While the Europeans are fumbling and wondering what to do next, how to exit from this mess, a big collapse is awaiting every one of the combatant in the Ukraine War. Europe is doomed, finito!

God works in his own mysterious way to destroy the devils in their own plans. Amen.

PS. And the little devils in London are pushing to strike at Moscow to invite Russia to nuke Europe for a quicker end to the European civilisation. Great friends.


Anonymous said...

If trade wars are easy to win, China would have been decimated by all the tariffs and its manufacturing base curtailed. In the end, who paid for all those tariffs? Not the manufacturers in China, but the end consumers in the USA. And did China's exports suffer? In fact, China's exports still flourished.

Hot wars are not easy to win either. Otherwise, they would not have fled Vietnam with just their pants on and boarding helicopters from rooftops in a mad rush to get out. It was a defeat that can never be covered up by just using the word 'withdrawal' as in Afghanistan. And the USA also fled from Afghanistan after twenty long years and US$2 trillion thrown against the Taliban, just fighting farmers bearing small arms, and they could not overcome them. Was that easy to win as they thought? Of course, Afghanistan is the 'Graveyard of Empires' and even the superpower USA cannot win with all their firepower, air support and hype up military capabilities. Worse still was leaving behind all the weapons for the Taliban to form a credible army now. Afghanistan will be more than the 'Graveyard of Empires' for those thinking of swallowing it up.

Now in Ukraine, it is the same story. 32 NATO countries supporting Ukraine, with all the sanctions imposed, and they still cannot win the war. NATO is really trapped in Ukraine. We do not know the outcome yet, with Europe down on its knees and already totally defeated economically, all thanks to their following the dictates of the USA blindly. Will it be a full-fledged defeat like in Vietnam or to put it more unrealistically as a 'withdrawal' as they put it in the context of Afghanistan. We know 'withdrawal' was just a face-saving attempt to put it bluntly. It was a defeat in a war that was never easy to win as they thought.

Anonymous said...

Victoria Nuland has been thrown under a bus and is history. She was discarded like a single use bag.
The sanctions and tariffs by the sickest country on earth only made those targeted stronger and more resilient. They should be thanking the sickos. None of the countries sanctioned has folded, but the reverse happened. They're stronger. The sickest country on earth should learn from this and start sanctioning itself.

Anonymous said...

What is the USA going to do when the US$ hegemony bite the dust? They cannot sanction countries anymore. Those sanctioned countries can do business with each other without using the US$ or SWIFT system. Venezuela, Iran, Russia, North Korea, Cuba and China will become Boomtown Charlies. Some will be celebrating, and some will be sulking. The world will become upside down and downside up.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ. The world will be normal again and there'll be peace on earth.

Anonymous said...

There will be plenty of subterfuge, sabotaging and ganging up to counter BRICS. Now it is preserving the status quo. If that hegemony cannot be preserved, they will try to destroy or attempt a comeback. The Whites will always side with the Whites, no matter what.