
Israel's arrogance and aloofness underestimate the feelings of the Arab and Muslim world

Is this statement true, that the Americans and the Jews underestimate the feelings and probable reactions of the Arab and the Muslim world? If this is true, then a bigger regional war is and will happen, with the Arab and Muslim world uniting to fight for their right to exist in the land they called home.  If this is true, then the Arab and Muslim world must be smart enough to know what their fate would be if they do nothing, thinking that the decimation of the Palestinians and the lost of their land would end a chapter of genocide and land grab by the Americans and the Jews, and they will be safe, by not doing anything to protect themselves from the massacre and destruction.

If this is not true, if the Americans and the Jews read the Arab and Muslim world correctly, that for selfish self preservation, they would not do anything, would not lift a finger to help and save the Palestinians, then Palestine and the Palestinians would be history very soon. 

And if this is not true, then the existence of the Arab and Muslim in the Middle East would follow the way of the Palestinians, one by one, terminated and driven out of their land. It would be an easy job to deal with the Arab and Muslim states one by one, with the rest either collaborating with the Americans and the Jews and thinking that this would buy them safety and their land would be protected, or folding their arms watching lamely from a distance, or hunkering in fear and praying everyday that the supernatural force would protect them and save them from the fate of the Palestinians.

Are the Americans and Jews that arrogant and aloof to believe they can do what they want in the Middle East against the Arab and Muslim world and get away with it Scot free, without having to pay a price for it? Are the Americans and Jews really believe that the Arab and Muslim world is a piece of cake to be gotten and eat as well?

What do you think the Arab and Muslim world would do or would not do with regards to the genocide and land grab in Gaza in particular and the Palestine in general?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As long as the Arabs are not united and also do not have nuclear weapons, American/Jews will treat them as piece of cake to be eaten as & when they desired. If China did not have nuclear weapons, it would had been cut-up & taken by various ang mo tua kee long time ago. As long as one have the tua kee weapons, others can cry father cry mother also no use.