
Barbaric western civilisation that refused to be civilised



20 minutes of the true western barbaric culture by a westerner. The cruel and savage western history was hidden from the westerners and never told as it is, leaving all the westerners dumbly believing in a distorted civilisation that was uncivilised and still uncivilised till today.

The western civilisation is a lie. It is built on killing, plunder, pillage, robbing and stealing from others and oppressing others from developing and progress on their own to be better than the West.


Only as an adult I started educating myself about the horrors of the British empire in India. I am first generation British Indian. At school we learnt all the good the so called empire did in India but now I know that they destroyed India which was the 3rd richest country at the time. They murdered 165 million indians and starved them. Left a whole nation in poverty and illiterate.
I have been listening to you for years. You uplift my confidence as a muslim and clear off my mind off the stagnating poisonous effect of the rotten so call western civilization. Thank you brother shahid, may Allah reward you and your family with Jannatul firdaus.


Anonymous said...


Virgo49 said...

Wow 1000% correct description of the Evil WHITES Barbarians and Savages.

Doomsday be falling on them soon.