
Everytime the Anglo Saxons accused China or others of malicious or aggressive acts, we must exposed their malicious and aggressive acts to the world

 The real irony is that they are now using the protection of human rights and democracy as their weapon against those not toeing the line. It is no longer communism, with terrorism losing leverage as well. After all, the USA itself is the biggest terrorist, and not running away from the fact that Israel is terrorizing the Palestinians in Gaza. The pot calling the kettle black is not a good excuse.

What human rights are the Anglo-Saxon Whites talking about with all the genocides they committed throughout history. Putin said it in no uncertain terms that what the USA did itself, it will use it to accuse others of doing it. They think that accusing others of doing it will make them more angel-like in the eyes of the world. The more they tried to dodge or deflect the genocide issue by accusing others, the more their dirty big lie gets dug up from history. Nobody will ever believe that Satan will just turn into an angel to save the world.

The MSM will never talk about the genocides, so exposing them is not that easy. That is why repeating them on social media must be the only way to educate those not aware to take an interest in understanding the truth that had been denied to them for decades.

And the truth about China is now slowly being realized through foreigner's eyes visiting China in droves. They could not believe their eyes and now knows that they had been sold blatant lies that obliterated the truth very well. 



Anonymous said...

Pentagon to set up military repair hubs in 5 Indo-Pacific countries, including Singapore

The U.S. Department of Defense will launch military repair hubs in the Indo-Pacific countries of Japan, South Korea, Australia, Singapore and the Philippines, as it envisions a global network of repair hubs for key warfighting platforms.

The Pentagon's new Regional Sustainment Framework (RSF) envisions utilizing existing industrial capabilities of its allies and partners so that it can conduct maintenance, repairs and overhauls of its ships, planes and vehicles closer to their area of operation instead of bringing them back to the continental U.S.

The plan is to launch pilot programs in five Indo-Pacific countries this year, then expand it to NATO partners in the European Command's area in 2025 and to Latin American partners under the Southern Command in 2026.

Of the five countries, four are treaty allies. Singapore, though not an ally, has had a long tradition of hosting U.S. warships on a rotational basis.

The Pentagon is expected to announce more details this month, according to one of the sources familiar with the matter.

Anonymous said...

After the shooting in Georgia, the two contenders for November and the demented one are saying that the loss of a few kids is such an unnecessary sacrifice. Those are really and totally hypocritical stance that on the surface bears no substance, and under the surface just trying to use political grandstanding to gain mileage. Of course, we know for a fact that USA politicians always do not mean what they say and say what they do not mean. The world is starting to understand that believing in the exact opposite of what they are saying is the wisest way of interpreting their behavior.

What about the thousands of children killed by the Israelis in Gaza? What have they said so far about that and what are they doing? Are these children in Gaza not unnecessary sacrifice? Who provided all the weapons that Israel is using to kill them? The USA is behind all that killing, nothing more, nothing less.

To put it in perspective, former USA Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, a Jew, said in no uncertain terms that sacrificing 500,000 children in Iraq is worth the price to pay. Such a monster serving the USA Administration is really a shame to behold. Are we to believe that only White kids are valuable to protect?

And we now have two Presidential hopefuls shedding crocodile tears to gain political mileage for November, knowing they are just hypocrites in their hearts and minds about killing children. They must first put a stop to what is being done in Gaza, before attempting to put on a sheep's clothing to cover up no more than a wolf's appearance.

Anonymous said...

The Pentagon, like Joe Biden can talk about setting up this and that. Do they have the resources, raw materials, manpower. What raw materials does Japan or Singapore possess? Just like building the India/Middle East/Europe Corridor or the Africa Digital Information plan, they all ended up in the rubbish heap.

Virgo49 said...

Sinkieland would welcomed them with open arms.

For we are only good for service agencies and servile food and sex industries.

Marcos also very happy that his Pinays would come by the hundreds to once again worked in the sleazy bars and parlours.

Sinkies flats owners also rubbing their hands in glee that could rent out their flats for a few thousands and everday sat the the coffin, oops sorry coffee shops drinking beer and shaking their balls.

Those closed to the bars joints can have good rentals incomes with ten to twenty squeezed into one.

What the Hell the neighbours own Sinkies complained for whats?

None of your business as long as the Government ok.You kaypoh ah?

Even Desmond Lee also happy whats!

Even building up Tough oops Turf Club land into BTO flats.

Wah chia bey liao ah!


Anonymous said...

Would Singapore be a hub for the Americans to fight China in a war?

Anonymous said...

The Americans are expanding their Empire and colonies in the Asia Pacific region, compromising their colonies and cronies to fight wars on their side. And the colonies and cronies cannot say no. No coercion lah, they did it willingly.

Anonymous said...

The USA Military Industrial Complex in USA is already facing shortage of essential materials to produce weapons like rare earth, antimony, steel plus semiconductors for use in drones and missiles. China will ban further exports of other essential materials to cripple its expansion overseas. Yes, semiconductors which we have been given to believe that USA is still holding the edge. In high-end chips no doubt, but in legacy chips, not so.

This is all grandstanding and nothing more than theoretical intent to unsettle China and Russia.

Anonymous said...

Just like the grandstanding over sanctions that failed miserably.

Anonymous said...

Like-minded countries of Japan, South Korea, Australia, Singapore and the Philippines follow the ruler-based order . .

Anonymous said...

They are more or less colonies and must do the necessary. They have to die for their master.