
China must not re-integrate Mongolia to the mainland

 China must not re-integrate Mongolia to the mainland as it is becoming increasingly closer to the USA and the West. Mongolia has rich resources like rare earth, that the USA and the West are greedily eyeing, with bulging green eyes, and they will continue to engage in subterfuge by pressuring Mongolia against China. What other countries are the USA and the West eyeing besides Mongolia?

Venezuela for its massive oil reserves is a prime target and Russia has to get its act together with Venezuela to put paid and deter the 'mother of all terrorists' from trying to seize the oil. Mafia Trump already stated clearly during his term as President that he wants to seize Venezuela's oil. Attempts to create instability, incursions using mercenaries tied to the CIA, inciting opposition to create chaos have all failed.

Why is the USA also so interested in Vietnam. Vietnam has the world's second largest reserves of rare earth. The USA and the West are desperate to find new sources of rare earth elements after China exerted control over exports of Gallium and Germanium. These are required for weapons development, semiconductors and aviation needs.

Indonesia is another country that the USA is eyeing, with its rich mineral resources like nickel and bauxite for battery production. The USA is making great attempts to be close to Indonesia, not because they love Muslims in Indonesia. Do not get them wrong. Nothing is more important to the USA than their interest.

China is now adding Antimony to its export control for National Security reasons. Antimony is a flame retardant that should be an important material for aviation and the military. National Security is becoming a very useful excuse nowadays and is being used either way. Dual use is going to become important very soon, as everything is considered dual use, even food for arm forces. The more 'word salad' the USA and the West wants to invent to cripple China, the more it will hit them under the belt. What is sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander. It works both ways.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Until and unless Mongolia takes a stand of who it wants to enhance its relations with, China will not relent on its stand on the Power of Siberia 2 gas pipeline through Mongolia. Russia is trying to bridge the gap as seen in this visit by Putin.