
What was the purpose of Sullivan's visit to China?

 In the dying days on his job, Jake Sullivan still made a trip to China to have a photo op with Xi Jinping. Did he really believe the Chinese would take him seriously when everything he said or agreed on would be thrown out of the window in a few months? Or was he there applying a job to work for China, or getting a free trip while he still could?

The hottest topic in the mind of Sullivan must be Russia and Iran, two countries that the Americans are preparing to attack. Actually three countries. The third country is obvious. In Ukraine, there is a last ditch effort to win a little ground before they abandon Zelensky and replace him with another traitor of Ukraine. But the war will go on as the ultimate objective is to defeat Russia. Nothing less would do for the Americans after working so hard for so many years and wasting billions in the whole process, and not forgetting throwing all the European economies under the bus. Russia must be defeated at all cost or the clowns would really look like clowns to the Americans and the world. They orchestrated this Ukraine War.

This is the primary goal of Sullivan. And to achieve this, China must stop all assistance in kind or just moral support, military or non military to Russia so that Russia can be taken down.

The trade off, the Americans would not support Taiwan's independence, would not encourage the Pinoys and Japanese to provoke China and raise tension in the South China Sea. The nuclear Typhoon missiles would be withdrawn from the Philippines. And if China refused to oblige, more sanctions would be put on Chinese companies and Chinese banks, and more threats, more tensions in the South China Sea.

His second objective is to stop China from supporting Iran and be on Iran's side when the Americans and Israelis launch a major offensive to finish off Iran. And the trade offs are the same as above.

Sullivan's threat and offers are nothing new, the same slate of cards that the Americans are using against China to bring down China. Sullivan must be thinking that his offers and threats are the most clever idea and China could not but to accept, an offer that China could not refuse. Or he may be thinking the Chinese were so stupid not to read what he did not say. 

This is what would happen if Russia and Iran were to be defeated.  When that happened, all the offers mentioned above would be like the offers to that stupid Gorbachev, not valid. Maybe Gorbachev was not stupid, just bought over by the Americans, a traitor to the Russians. And the Americans would attack China with NATO, Japan and the Mickey Mouse in the Philippines and Australia. That would be the fate of China in the American's plan to remain as the Empire, to bring down China after finishing off Russia and Iran. Sullivan forgot that he and his Washington clowns only think as far as tomorrow while China is looking ahead 10 or 20 years or more and could see through their silly plans and pranks.

By the look of Sullivan's face in the photo op with Xi, it is very likely that Xi told him to stop being silly and go home, not to come to China again. After he left office, he, Blinken and all the Washington clowns would be sanctioned like Pompeo.


Anonymous said...

Xi must be silly to believe that the USA will stop its anti-China stance with the defeat of the Russians. There is no other country in this world more untrustworthy than the USA. Not in agreements, not in writing and certainly not in words. As we now know, the moment the USA turns its back after all the talk and agreements, they will change their stance and resort to their old dirty habit.

We do not call USA the United Snakes of America for nothing. Even if any agreement is reached with the sitting President, the next one can always disavow agreements made by its predecessor. This had all been clearly displayed. When the Soviet Union broke up, it was agreed with Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not expand an inch Eastward towards the Russian border. NATO soon disregarded the non-expansion promise and did just that by claiming that there was no written agreement to do so. Can countries ever trust the USA or the Anglo-Saxon Whites?

The moment the war between Russia and Ukraine ends, the USA will pivot towards confrontation with China. This is a certainty, and China must not fall for any monkey tricks by the USA. Trying to split the co-operation between China and Russia in today's context, is an exercise in futility by the USA. It will not happen.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone really think Sullivan will be heard? He's just pissing in the wind and he'll wet himself. Hope he brought enough nappies. Why should Xi pay any attention to these dying sickos? Time will solve the problem: their debt will explode, dedollarisation will put the final nail in their coffin. Nobody will attend their wake, everyone will be celebrating at home. The world will finally be at peace, hopefully.

Virgo49 said...

Right Anon 3.47

You are absolutely Right On!

Listen to what's Xi lectured him!

He kept nodding his silly Head.

Must NOT be a scum to the World.

Work for World's Peace.

He went off with nothing in his hands.

No nothing any promises that he wanted China to isolate Russia and the Rest.

Nice try SillyVan.

Anonymous said...

Aiya he is just using ah gong money to enjoy a trip to china, whether there is any outcome on the meeting, he don't give a hook. Just like our papies ministar going for oversea trip using ah gong money to watch olympig..eat swiss cheese in the name of peace summit.. eating sashimi in the name of understanding old age policy i ahno-neh land..or screwing another mp oversea..etc..

Anonymous said...

I see it as an exercise in futility. China will NOT take any promise or assurances from US seriously. To China the group running the US in the WH is just a bunch of clowns.