
West want to keep Africa poor! Africa looking to China for help

 Africans are pragmatic. China was no richer than Africa more than three decades ago. Within that space of time, China lifted 850 million Chinese out of poverty. If that is not a testimonial of China's humanity, what else is to be taken as the hallmark of China's capability?

And China is helping Africa in the same way, with no bias against the stigma of being poor and should be left to fester. What is wrong with China providing aid to Africa to be paid back in resources extracted by joint ventures formulated to ensure a win-win situation? Like China today, progress in Africa is an affront to the West's intention to keep Africa poor and dependent on their colonization and pilfering of resources. All the wars that the colonial powers created benefited the Anglo-Saxon Whites and brought sufferings to the Africans. Is that what African's want going forward?



Anonymous said...

And the West is asking the obvious question - What is Africa doing in China?

African leaders were in Washington in 2022, treated like slaves meeting their master. All they did in Washington meeting Biden was a photoshoot for them to take home to show that they met Biden. They were accorded little time to talk about their problems. What were they doing in Washington must be the question on everyone's mind. They were at first given US$350 billion (bribe) said to be for development, but later shrank, after post-ejaculation, to just 10% of that or US$350 million instead. How shameful was that! Shared among the 50 odd countries, each gets US$7 million for development. It was an insult to even the poor Africans. Even less than the US$150 million for ASEAN countries to buy sampans for fighting piracy.

African leaders meeting Xi during the China-Africa Summit were accorded red carpet treatment and promised US$60 billion for aid for a start. Rest assured this will not be shrank to a pittance like the US$350 million from the original US$350 billion. Shame is not a word in the dictionary of the USA.

Anonymous said...

That clearly shows how fast the USA can change its face. The promise of US$350 billion immediately changed to US$350 million when Biden turned his lying face.