
Washington Clowns run the USA Government and control every Government around the world by force or veiled threats

 The Washington Clowns not only run the USA Government, but they also want to run and control every Government around the world. By force or veiled threats, they are making sure Governments of the world cater to their interest and agenda, even having to sacrifice their citizens and country to fulfil the USA demands. Why would countries need USA bases on their soil to fight an imaginary enemies created by the USA's war mongering machine. The USA is the only country that is creating all the wars around the world.

We saw what the USA did with the EU, the G7 and attempts made to control the G20 as well. Now BRICS is countering that, not using military hardball tactics, but economic solutions and most of all the de-dollarization agenda that most or even all are in favor of. No country wants an all-out war of destruction that suits the USA and its allies, in order to bring the US$ hegemony to its knees. De-dollarization is the peaceful way out and the right move, strategically planned and executed by Russia and China over many years, even decades I would say.

Controlling raw materials, energy and commodities were steps taken over the years to achieve the aim of BRICS. It is in the final stage of its implementation, and much will be laid bare in October in Kazan, Russia. And BRICS is able to provide the umbrella of safety for all countries joining the bloc. It is a pity that Iraq and LIbya jumped the gun and were taken out by the USA without adequate support resulting in their oil being seized.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When small countries hear the veiled threat - 'You are either with US or against US', there is no need to ask who they would have to be forced to choose. This is more like a single choice question. Ever heard of that?

Now there is a choice and that is by joining BRICS. And countries are rushing to join. Yes, the USA is still using veiled threats of punishing those who would join in the de-dollarization wagon. Notice the veiled threat is directed towards the connection to de-dollarization, not about joining BRICS, which the USA cannot do anything about. After all, who is against those joining QUAD, or AUKUS or Five Eyes or Asia-NATO. The USA, EU, G7, Japan, India Australia and all the Anglo-Saxon Whites can go around forming more alliances among themselves. It is just like rearranging the tiles in a game of mahjong, or just putting the same old stuff in new packaging. It changes nothing, but perhaps only in pricing, LOL.

Russia and China are not going to succumb to the use of force or threats. The two powerhouses can survive leveraging on each other's strengths. Russia can supply China with all the cheap energy and food grains. China can supply Russia with cheap EVs and consumer products. To put it simply, they complement each other perfectly. So perfectly that they are just next-door neighbors with pipelines to deliver gas and oil without having to use crude or gas carriers that could be blockaded in times of war. Cheaper, faster and more secure.