
Virus and Vaccines - Another evil American scheme to make humongous profits by cheating and coercing the people of the world


 WHO invites makers of mpox tests for emergency review in push for rapid access.... A new form of the virus has triggered global concern as it seems to spread easily through routine close contact, prompting the health agency to declare mpox a global public health emergency earlier this month.... Earlier this week, diagnostics firm Labcorp said it is working with U.S. health regulators to determine if it needed to ramp up its mpox testing capacity.  CNA

For decades after Vietnam, the Americans have stumbled on the most profitable business, making wars, inciting wars, raising tension by fabricating threats and then sell weapons to the stupid masochists that think they are war heroes. Buying one ship, one aircraft, one submarine or two tanks would win the war. The Americans got so insane about this war formula that they discarded their whole real economy and put all their money into the war industry. It was so easy to make money selling a $100m war machine than selling a million pieces of mobile phones just to make the same money. So the madness continues till today with many silly govts being duped, cajoled and conned to buy more and more weapons of mass destruction, because they believed in the demon threats the Americans are telling them, without realising that the real threat to their existence are the American terrorists.

Now the Americans have stumbled onto a new formula, making viruses and creating a mania of a pandemic, and duping and collaborating with silly govts to make vaccination using expensive and unproven American experimental vaccines mandatory, compulsory, even imposing all kinds of abusive measures to force their population to be vaccinated against their safety and will.

This formula has proven to be an epic success in the Covid19 pandemic. American pharmaceuticals were the biggest winners in the last Pandemic. But even before this, several evil American so called entrepreneurs have already invested tons of money in copyrighting viruses and vaccines in preparation to make a pile with their evil intent and designs.

The main media have been roped in to the charade, hyping about serious virus threats and pandemics and the need for mass compulsory vaccinations. The hue and cry is ongoing with every incident of a new virus or disease being hyped to heavens high and promoting fear among the populace. And the pharma companies are all raring to go, to mass produce and market their experimental vaccines for compulsory and mandatory vaccinations with the assistance of equally greedy and evil governments.

This is an existential threat against human civilisation, an assault on human rights and individual freedom to choose not to be injected with questionable foreign chemicals into their bodies against their will. But the barrage of fear is being raised daily with govt and international organisations playing a big part in this big money making scheme. The victims will be the innocent, ignorant and hapless people being coerced by their govts to get jab and jab for life, with fake vaccines. Real vaccines do not need to be jabbed and jabbed forever, at most two or three jabs in a life time.

Beware of the demons and the devils in your midst that played up your fear and vulnerability and rob you of your money and risking the safety of your life with contorted and exaggerated fear, alarm and fake vaccines.

It is all about making money indiscriminately against all morals and decency.


Anonymous said...

Medicine was supposed to save lives. Now it is turning into a money making machine. And they are churning out viruses and diseases to create demand for vaccines to make money.
They are so evil and immoral to make money by any means, even to kill or undermine the well being of human lives.
Unscrupulous and wicked!

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 10.23

Those who sweared on the Hippocrates Oaths are now on the Hypocrites Oaths.

Long long time ago, many had already sold their Souls!

Time immenorial. so many hoohas of Stem cells and genonme researches by so many countries and even news of break thru of successes in curing or transplanting of organs in many prevalent diseases.

What's hapoening now?

Not even a sound and news on them!

The Multi Billions Pharmaceutical Companies simply offered their millions to these so called Researcers and sealed their mouths and dormant their discoveries.

Now only pay again to have so called quick fix vaccines to their collobrations with the scums of their virures.

They had a heads up with the knowledge that these virures are even been created by them.

So many scums professionals in this Medical Line are so greedy with their pursuit of wealth.

They had so many properties to service, so many mistresses to take care of.

So a Dental Surgeon will killed out the whole mouth of teeth from Ah Gong who may had just one bad tooth.

Also Doctors selling their cough surups to those silly idiots who wanted to go high.

This is now the World we are living in.

Even Doggies, oops Doctors in Private Practices or Public Hospitals are been given incentives and bribes from the competing pharmacies and medical medications suppliers for many free rewards.

No eyes see.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the big pharma are building factory in sinkieland, so sillyporean will become their test subject. This big pharma just need to partner papies & give out cdc voucher together with a dose of jab, sillyporean will queue up to take it.