
Ukraine War - Dementia Biden still touting his bedside fantasy

 Biden is touting the narrative that Putin will not prevail in Ukraine. Despite all his empty forecast, the sanctions, the doom and gloom that he raised about Russia collapsing and the Ruble turning into dust, is Russia still not prevailing? He must have forgotten his earlier prophecy about the collapse of Russia, being excusable for being a dementia patient. Now, Russia will be prevailing even more with North Korea and Iran providing weapons to Putin.

I guess that must be the narrative also touted in Vietnam decades ago, that North Vietnam will not prevail. How could they, with almost half a million USA troops in Vietnam, supplemented by more than 300,000 South Korean troops and others and supported by the whole USA Military logistics - aircraft, aircraft carriers, carpet bombing, use of chemical weapons aka agent orange, and yet failing. I also guess that this must be the very same narrative in Afghanistan, that the Taliban will not prevail. But prevail they did, and the USA was defeated, not really a 'withdrawal' by any sense of the word.

Biden is thinking that just by repeating the same false mantra over and over, he can change the reality into fantasy, and he is trying to convince allies that this is the reality. The reality that is not so real when the USA and its allies are going after the alternative media like Tik Tok and RT for telling the truth on the ground. And what was their reason for targeting RT? For being the intelligence arm of Russia. What a load of rubbish when they know that they are losing the media war. Any reason plucked from the air is enough to put down alternative views about the war, or the true view of the war.

Will longer range missiles change the game? That is what they are touting, and it is obvious they want an escalation to take place with even attacking Iran on the cards for its weapons supply to Russia and Iran's stronger desire to have the nuke for deterrent. Using the argument that Iran's possession of nuclear weapons is a threat to the world, just like North Korea. Is North Korea threatening others with nukes other than South Korea and Japan for their provocations. Who is the biggest nuclear threat to the rest of the world? Which country ever used nuclear weapons twice on another country?



Anonymous said...

Hamas is telling the USA and Israel it is going for the long war and that it has the resources to do so. Can Ukraine or Israel afford a prolong war and can the USA stay the course to provide unlimited aid? When Trump gets elected, the whole equation is already going to change listening to his rhetoric. But then, perhaps we need to take him with a sprinkle of salt, as all of them on both sides of the political divide are just snake oil vendors capable of lying through their teeth.

Twenty years in Afghanistan fighting against ill-equipped farmers bearing small arms and the USA had to run for their lives. With the Afghans telling the rest of the world that Afghanistan is the 'Graveyard of Empires', the USA thought that with their military superiority, taking on the Taliban will be like taking candy from a kid.

In the end the USA had to give up their fight, not from lack of more weapons, but it was a moral defeat. The USA is not capable of fighting long wars. It will sap their moral as soldiers are sent home in body bags like in Vietnam. That is why the USA dared not be directly involved in Ukraine and Gaza.

The other pertinent question to ask is for how long the USA can continue to provide weapons to Ukraine and Israel, with essential raw materials for making weapons now controlled by China like Gallium, Antimony, Nickel, Steel and others.

Anonymous said...

The daily pounding and bombing of Israel by Hamas, Houthis, Hezbollahs and other freedom fighters would deplete all the defensive weapons and missiles of Israel. When that happens, Iran would have a free ride sending all their missiles into Israel. And other Arab and Muslim states would also join in to finish Israel for good.

Anonymous said...

Even if Israel were to win in Gaza, it will not have any peace forever. Israel will forever be living under threat, being surrounded by Islamic States. They may be weak for now but can grow strong in time with help from Iran, Russia and China. China and Iran were weak before but not now.

Those Palestinians killed in Gaza are not going to be just collateral damage. They have families who will not forgive and forget, especially their sons, daughters, next of kin, relatives and allies.

Remember the saying - There are no permanent friends, only permanent enemies. And that goes for those now supporting Israel.

Anonymous said...

Caveat, if Russia and China were to fold their arms and let them destroy Iran and then the whole of the Middle East. That is their final solution.
The Middle East would be safe for the Jews if the natives in the region ended up like the natives of North America.

Anonymous said...

If Iran is so easy to destroy, the USA and Israel would have done that long ago. They have been eyeing the Iranian nuclear sites for decades. Why did the not go for it?