
Typhoon missiles in the Philippines...American terrorists teaching the Chinese what to do next

 The Chinese must be learning every trick the lying American terrorists are teaching them, from freedom of navigation, building military bases around China and the latest, stationing nuclear weapon capable Typhoon missiles in the Philippines.

The first phase of this mischievous act was to transport nuclear missiles to the South China Sea in the name of conducting war games. The next step is to leave the missiles in the Philippines, promising to bring them back after the exercise. Then delay the return to September, claiming that they are no threat to China.

And the latest, claiming that the no money Philippines wanted to buy them, so the missiles are now own by the Philippines, not American missiles. And the Pinoys need not pay a single cent for it. And the missiles would be fully operated and controlled by the Americans to be used against China. And this is not nuclear proliferation, spreading nuclear weapons to a non nuclear state, turning South East Asia into a nuclear zone.

Now this is not rocket science. China should simply follow the same formula and deployed a few nuclear tipped missiles in the Caribbeans or in Latin America. Sell the missiles to these states without them having to pay for it, like the case of the Philippines that cannot even afford to pay for a coast guard boat.

China, Russia, what are you waiting for?


Virgo49 said...


UN Chief now said that the UN needed REFORMs!

Lack of Accountability lead to some Countries had the Notion that they are Are Immune and Could Committed Crimes against Humanity.

Hello said the White Barbarians and Savages UAssA and their Mafia Gangs.

No need to pull any Punches.

You are the U.N. aka United Nations Chief and way above all these Imbeciles.

If not you are just United Nonsense.

Virgo49 said...


This Latest "Different Frames of The World" Post stated that the UAss would NOT dare to have a Warm with China.

Jimmy Dore's video also had that halting Bidamn said Urukiane needed to have a settlement with Putin and abandoned that Clown Skky saying that we had lost the War.

Different Frames stated that the UAss had lost every wars with Vietnam, Afghanistan and now Russia.

So with tails behind their backs won't dare to fight China.

Now China been assertive flying into the Japs zone and also confronted the Pinoys.

Patience running thin.

Virgo49 said...

Was wondering why of all countries this UN Chief came to Spore and gave a speech saying that the UN needed reforms and that some barabic scums countries are causing havocs and wars in this planet?

Oops forgot Sinking Land had one Principled Gift of the Gab Champion Schools Debating Team Leader and now like India's Jaishankar's calibre also Gift of the Gab able to table a Resolution in the UN for reforms.

Think he able to have the guts to table for reforms getting rid of the Veto Powers and have more Leaders in the African and Asiatic Side to have more representations and powers as in the Security Council?

Don't after kena slap blue black and purple on both cheeks by the Western Barabuans Scums.

Dare or NOT?

Don't think so now with this soft boned 4thG or G string PM and his cohorts.

Mostly Yes Men and Woof Woof

SinSpools put a wager?
