
Turkey a Trojan Horse wanting to join BRICS?

 BRICS may be admitting a Trojan Turkey into its fold, after having a Trojan Horse already playing havoc.

A nuclear device may be placed inside a Christmas Turkey for celebrating but which will sabotage BRICS, LOL.

Turkey is in NATO but not in EU tells us something very important and sinister. Turks are never accepted as Whites and can never co-exist as Whites with the Anglo-Saxon White clique. Turkey can only become cannon fodder for the Whites but cannot hope to share in the benefits of EU when the EU was strutting its economic feathers for the world to see. That is why nukes are placed inside Turkey and not in any other European state of NATO.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any country unable to take a stand as to which side it favors cannot be allowed to join BRICS. The risk is too great. The chance of sabotage is not to be underestimated.

If the USA can be seen funding NGOs in countries around the world to destabilize them, what guarantee can such tactics not be employed in dealing with BRICS. If the USA had been caught spying even on leaders of close allies like Germany and France, what guarantee can such tactics not be employed against leaders of countries in BRICS from the inside. If the USA, in the past, had been caught spying on allies by selling them decoding machines with backdoors that allowed the USA to spy on messages they were sending, how can any country within NATO itself be allowed in BRICS when they are totally controlled by the USA?

For all we know, the USA probably is still spying on Olaf Scholz and having a hold on him to make him comply with every dictate, such as taking out the Nord Stream pipeline. Scholz is a lame duck, clearly not having the same guts to confront the USA like Angela Merkel. Having a pair of testicles is no better than one without them.