
The malicious and warmongering whites continue to be malicious and warmongering today

 That was how the Native American Indians with primitive mindsets fell for the words of angels coming to spread their beliefs to save them and the Native Indians ended up losing their land. The same with the Australian Aborigines. The same with the Pacific Islanders.

The Chinese and Indians, with their thousands of years of civilization and religious heritage did not fall under the spell of the angels out to con them of their land and did not hand over their land in exchange for the holy book.

In China, where religion failed to work, they forced drugs upon them, using gunboat diplomacy to open up the country to their drug trade. That failed and they tried splitting China into concessions, like in Africa, and gathered eight nations ganging up to share the loot dividing concessions for each to govern. It failed too. Then came the trade war, which did not work as well. Now it is technology stifling and sanctioning. We shall see whether it works or backfires.



Anonymous said...

Still using ganging up method to subdue China. How many countries are now doing the technology sanctioning against China? Even more than during the eight nations invasion of China. At that time Russia was also among them.

Today, we have South Korea, Netherlands, Canada, taking part in technology sanctions against China among those in the eight nations, led by Little Britain.

Anonymous said...

Little clowns trying to mess around with China, the biggest industrial power today.