
The American lies. America is NOT great, NOT exceptional...but evil savages

 The Americans lie to themselves and to the whole world that they were exceptional, great people, great nation, better than the chosen race. And they believe in their own lies. They lied about everything using Hollywood and the media. And the mostly illiterate world peasants gulping them up wholly without question, even today, even academics and supposedly thinkers.

The early Europeans that fled to America were the peasants, the illiterates, the commoners that wanted to look for a better life in a virgin land, just like the migrants that fled to South East Asia to eke a living. They were not the elites. The descendants of these migrants came from commoners, rogues, thugs, gangsters and illiterates, not the elites and royalties of Europe. They have commoner's genes. They are not great or exceptional. The only thing exceptional about them was their cruelty, to massacre all the natives so that they would not be a threat to them to take back their land again. They made sure that the killing of the American natives was as complete as possible...now nearly extinct!

Is this greatness? Is this a good claim to be exceptional? Shame on you, evil doers.

After they had killed almost all the natives and rebuilt the land and called it their home, they started to lie and lie about everything. They lied that the native Americans were savages that attacked them. The truth, they attacked the native Americans and behaving in every way like savages. The massacres were merciless. Men, women, children, were all killed indiscriminately.

And they lied about protecting the few survivors, marching them to the so called 'reservations', ie barren land without provision for food and water, hoping that they would not survive the journey.

They did not lie about the black slavery, but did not want to talk about it. But they lied to the Chinese peasants about jobs in American gold mines but turned them practically into slaves, with no pay and little to eat, and even robbed them and beat them for fun and pleasure. And they lied that the Chinese were untalented people fit only to be cooks and laundrymen, after invading, robbing and destroying the most advanced civilisation then in China. And propagated the same lie over centuries that the Chinese were also as backward and uncivilised as the subhuman beans of America.

And since they became victors in WW2, they had been at wars, non stop wars all over the world, to kill, massacre and genocide the natives, to colonise and to become an evil Empire. But they lied to themselves and to the world that they were great loving and caring people. They never killed, never at war with anyone, peace keepers, policemen of the world, maintaining a great world of peace and freedom. But anyone opposing or disagreeing with them would be attacked, invaded, killed and conquered.

They assassinated leaders of the world like hunting down bears and buffaloes, at their whims and fancies, fabricated lies to kill and kill, not just the leaders but the people of countries they attacked.

They lied that everyone, every country is a threat, when the Americans are the world's number terrorists terrorising the world with their fake democracy, human rights and so called Rules Based Order, ie  Rules written by the Americans for the benefits of the Americans, and to be obeyed by the rest of the world. The Americans are threatening everyone, every country in the world with their military might.

They preached democracy but never practise democracy at home or abroad. The Americans lie about freedom but is the dictator and empire of the world. They killed anyone that they deemed as enemy with false assumptions. There is no democracy in the world under the American Empire of Lies. They forced and coerced all their colonies and cronies into wars of aggression and genocides.

And they are still lying about their fake greatness of the past and wanting to be great again, when they have not been great except in the eyes of the unthinking believers and the hillbillies. They were only great in Hollywood movies, cowboys killed Indians!

And they audaciously announced a budget of $1.5b to spread lies and disinformation about China and other countries, and owned the world's biggest terrorist organisation like the CIA, NED, NGOs, and many terrorist organisations to kill and create instability in the world, to preserve and protect the evil American Empire of Lies and Wars.

How can a country be great when the leaders are liars, scoundrels and cheats and murderers, with no moral principles and questionable behaviours? Just look at what they are doing in Ukraine and Gaza, to the Cubans, Venezuelans, North Koreans, Iranians, Iraqis, Libyans, Zimbabwes and many Africans and Arabs and Muslims around the world!


Anonymous said...

Ministry of Financial Health in Sinkieland is heavily vested and creating a Golden Triangle of Pfizer, Moderna and AstrazeZeneca. The irony is Drug dealers end up with the Death sentence! But Vax pushers are glorified for saving lives? When peer reviewed findings of the danger is sprouting all over except mainstream media. https://rumble.com/v5dwc6l-500000-americans-have-been-killed-by-the-covid-vaccine-and-the-cdc-is-hidin.html

Anonymous said...

They lied about Iraq. They lied about Afghanistan. They lied about Xinjiang. They lied about mRNA vaccine as being able to protect against COVID - 96% at that. What else would they not lie? It is in their DNA.

Virgo49 said...

Notorious Quotes from the Americunts:

Mike Pompei aka Popeye : We stole. We cheat and we lie.

Hairy Hillary Clinton;
We came. We saw. We conquer

That's not so Bright Mad Madeleine Albright: Collateral deaths and damages of few millions are inevitable to conquer and invade and killed.

Dotard Trump: We are in Syria for the OIL.

Many many more of their EVIL deeds.

No shame, No remorse. No Apathy nothing of humility in their darn dumb brains and genes.

Virgo49 said...


Here we had one from Kishore saying Don't unestimate the Americunts!

Meaning their Evil Deeds and Murderous Genes?

Virgo49 said...

Shud be Don't Underestimate the Barbarians and Savages.