
Some Dictators in Africa consorting with the USA/West to exploit their own country and people

 The fact of the matter is that there are still some Dictators in Africa consorting with the USA and the West to exploit their own country for their own benefit. These are not stupid African leaders as some may think. They are as smart as you can imagine, but corruption has turned them into traitors to their own country. All they care for is how to feather their own nests and how much the Whites are sharing with them in exploiting the resources of their country,

These traitors do not care what good Russia and China are doing in Africa. They have eyes too, but they rather turn a blind eye and continue enriching themselves than caring about what happens to their country. After all, they know they cannot rule forever and at some stage must give way. So, why not make hay while the sun shines.

And if some are saying that some African leaders are even condemning Russia and China, it goes without saying. China and Russia are spoiling their lucrative relationship with their colonial masters in a bilateral win-win situation. Why allow China and Russia to end all that?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On the same note, some cronies and toadies in East Asia are consorting with the USA/West to destroy the peace in the region.

What is the purpose of having NATO expanding into Asia? It is trying to fool the really stupid about protecting their turf, when all the Anglo-Saxon Whites wants to do is create mischief and instability in the region, so that it becomes chaotic and easy for them to establish more bases with the hyped-up threats. It is the same modus operandi as in the past, trying to recolonize a weakening Asia besought with infighting.

What threat is Australia facing today, wanting to form AUKUS to have access to nuclear submarines to patrol their boundaries? It is no more than the USA and UK wanting to have a nuclear presence in the region. It is nuclear proliferation clear and simple. Say what they like about having no nuclear weapons on board their nuclear capable submarines. The nuclear weapons will be added slowly, the same way they expanded NATO in Europe. They are never to be trusted. Not in words, deeds and agreements. It is all a farce and ASEAN had been fooled. Why isn't anyone saying that ASEAN is stupid to stand idle and allowing that to happen?