
Russian treachery broke Outer Mongolia from China. Putin should put it right by returning Outer Mongolia back to China

 The Mongols invaded China in 1271 and ruled China as the Yuan Dynasty till 1368 when it fell to the Ming Dynasty. The Yuan Dynasty integrated Mongolia as an integral part of China - a province of China. From the Yuan Dynasty to subsequent Chinese rulers Mongolia has always been ruled as part of China's national sovereign territory as a Chinese province. However, due to Russia's treachery Mongolia was detached from China in 1946.

From 1925 to 1948 China was in turmoil with many provinces under warlords and with many European countries inclusive of Russia tearing China apart under their extraterritorial control while at the same time China was subjected to Japanese invasion.

It was during these turbulent times Russia under Stalin occupied Mongolia from 1925 to 1946 under the pretext of holding it for the security of China less it would be occupied by Japan. However, in late 1946 and without China's permission or agreement Russia treacherously organized a false and fake plebiscite for Mongolian Chinese to choose either to become independent or continued to be part of China's sovereign territory. The fake plebiscite under Russia's control obviously but falsely declared that the Mongolian Chinese obted for indpendence. Yet before holding the fake plebiscite Stalin had illicitly and illegally cut off a large part of Mongolia and annexed it to Russia to form the Tannu Tuva province by the side of Lake Baikal.

Hopefully the day will come when Mongolia will reunite with motherland China as part of China's sovereign province.

Tuesday, 3rd September, 2024

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lol no.

The Yuan Dynasty ruled China as a part of the Mongol Empire. The Emperor of the Yuan was also Khagan of the Mongol realm