
Putin's support for Kamala throwing confusion. Is he supporting Trump?

 Now the media is trying to start the accusation that Putin is interfering with the USA election in November, just because he said he supported Kamala Harris. Is this a ploy to help Kamala Harris, with the Democrats trying to leverage on the fact that even Putin is placing his bets on Kamala Harris and not Trump as he had been accused of in 2016? It looks likely to be the case.

Why should Putin or why does he care about who sits in the White House as the result means little of benefit to Russia. Trump had been instrumental in issuing threats against countries involved in the construction of Nord Stream 2 during his Presidency and even said he will stop the pipeline. When Biden became President, he just continued with the same modus operandi, even sabotaging the completed pipeline by taking it out of circulation.

Russia and China really have little interest in the coming USA election as they know for a fact that both parties are ruling USA according to the dictates of the Deep State, and using the same playbook, with Congress singing from the same songbook and the swamp infested by the same old oddballs. There is a saying that when the Republicans sing the low notes, the Democrats will just sing the high notes to serenade the voters. The situation is reversed depending on who is the incumbent and who is the opposing party. Nothing ever changes. It is just a game of a musical chair built for two, which the voters have no inkling of.

Any attempt by Russia or China to interfere in the USA election therefore holds no water, just platforms fabricated to create a bogeyman for them to fool the voters. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For a short time, I was under the impression that using bogeymen Russia and China had faded away from the USA election spotlight. I was wrong. Russia and China are like the sauce to complement the taste of a dish and always needed during USA election season. Nothing meanders from their playbook which both parties follow.

After the fiasco of Biden's incapacity taking center stage faded away, the new
or should I say, the old playbook of using bogeymen Russia and China is dusted and put to good use again. The fuse has been ignited and the MSM is taking up the task of adding fuel to the fire.

Congress will take up the demonizing of Russia and China, with Iran as well, on the election interference issue. Nothing is beyond them to fabricate by just providing the narrative to fit the agenda which they have horned into an art. Just like the Iraq War with the whole UN falling for it.

That is why keeping the swamp intact has its privileges and advantage in times of need for both parties. The oddballs in the swamp are still needed to sing the chorus to serenade the voters. Why would Trump want to drain the swamp is a no brainer.