
Mass terrorism - Explosive devices embeded in electronic products...Be Warned!

 Pager explosions in Lebanon should wake up the world to how cyberattacks can be made against users of smartphones, computers and of course planes. Many suspect Israel with the USA involved, but of course they will deny. The USA was not involved in the Nord Stream bombing, right? Biden only said that he will get rid of it, and he had ways and means to do it.

The fingers are being pointed at Israel that had been involved in cyber warfare against Hamas and Hezbollah since the October 7th, 2023 attack by Hamas. Pagers are practically obsolete around the world, but being still used in Lebanon is a surprise. There may be a reason, but we do not know. It seems that a tiny high explosive had been inserted inside those pagers during production to enable such a big explosion. That is really a scary revelation if true.

What about smartphones, and laptops and even Boeing planes? I shudder to think about such scenarios.

Maybe it is time for me to buy smartphones and computers made in China and avoid travelling on Western made aircrafts. Now, perhaps it is time to ask where is Malaysian flight MH370 now. Not believing the officially fabricated news of plane parts being washed ashore here and there. They have all the time to plant evidence to muddy the waters. 


PS. Wait for these savages to spike food and drinks. They could start with spiking Coke! The economies of the western world would collapse. No one would buy anything from the evil West.


Anonymous said...

The next high risk target would be Amazon. Beware of puzzles or mails coming from Amazon. These ruthless devils have proven that they would do anything without any concern for the safety of the innocent.
The Amazon puzzles or mails could be an explosive or carrying poisonnous chemical substances.
The world is turning topsy turvy because of these devils being set free to do what they like with the support of the Americans and the West.

Anonymous said...

Fedex is just as dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Do you mean parcels instead of puzzles? You can't send puzzles.

Anonymous said...

The irony is that such terrorist acts will definitely backfire also on the USA and the West. As an example, targeting Coke alone is going to kill the company. Now USA smartphone and computer makers must be worried about who is next. The tagline of 'Who is next' will take on a whole new meaning.

Terrorism has also taken on a new face. But rest assured there is no 'exceptionalism' against such terrorist acts. It applies to every country, big or small, powerful or weak, Whites or non-Whites. And perpetrators of such terrorism do not even have to be inside the country or identified by his skin color or affiliations. It amounts to opening a new can of worms.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you. I mean parcels, not puzzles.

Anonymous said...

If "terrorIsraelist" can activate bomb in a tiny pager miles away, and they could not find a big airplane (MH730) with lot of tracking devices onboard?? Maybe it time to engage the "terrorIsraelist" to help find the missing plane. Remember when the plane went missing, it was the kangaroo who spearheaded the search (only 6 of their native was in it). The kangaroo then lead everyone on a wild goose chase to no where. Why didn't the self appointed global "policeman" lead the search since the plane is manufactured by them & also they surely have access to those electronics devices onboard. It time the world should come together to point the finger at the "policeman" and ask for an answer.

Anonymous said...

The Israelis are gloating about how clever this mass terrorism crime works. They forgot that the Arabs and Muslims can do the same. Now it is no holds bar. Everything entering Israel could be embedded with explosives, food poisoned, water sources poisoned etc etc. When there is no rules and no limits to destroying another people in a conflict, everything goes.
Israel better prepare for the worst. It is surrounded by Arabs and Muslims and is not self sufficient. It is living on Arab land. The Arabs would know what to do next.

Anonymous said...

I would not discount the fact that the world had been led on a 'Wild Kangaroo Chase' searching for MH370 deep down South of the Indian Ocean. Now trying to justify the whereabouts of the plane by discovering plane parts washed up all over. It is very easy to place evidence after such a long time to divert and justify actions taken earlier. I would never believe a word of those said to have discovered parts of the plane.

Anonymous said...

When Israel and the USA do that, they are not terrorist resorting to terrorism. When Arabs or Muslims do that, they are branded as terrorists. Their hypocrisy stinks to high heaven.

Anonymous said...

Can you believe this? After nearly one year of daily bombings by the Hezbollahs, Hamas and Houthis, the number of Israelis dead and wounded is less than those killed and wounded by the explosive devices in Lebanon in one week!
The 3 H's group must be firing duds or toys at Israel. Or they were firing into open waste land.

Anonymous said...

Can you believe the Russians are so short of weapons they are fighting with shovels?

Anonymous said...

In way it is good that the Americans and Israelis continue with their ethnic cleansing and killing spree. There must be a point where the rest of the Arabs and Muslims say enough is enough.
For the moment they are watching from the sideline as if it would not happen to them. Be very sure, their turn will come, sooner or later. The Americans and Israelis are taking them out one at a time. The big prize is Iran.
If Iran is gone, the whole Arab and Muslim world would be at the mercy of the Americans, the whites and the Israelis. And it would not be pretty.

Anonymous said...

Well, the Indians also think that what happened and is happening to China will not happen to them. India's turn will come when it is no longer useful to the USA.

Now, Modi's headdress is going to get bigger after being praised as the 'Leader of the QUAD' by Biden. That sure lifted Modi's ego to a higher level.

Modi ought to ask Biden when the India/Middle East/Europe Corridor is going to start construction. When is the railroad across the Pacific from USA to India going to start construction. There is nothing to be shy about such big projects as China is surely not going to be interested in bidding for projects that floats in the air.

It is so easy being USA President just saying things that cannot be done and getting away with it. Trump will surely have nothing to do with whatever corridors or back lanes as he is all for USA and to Make America Great Once again, not make India great definitely.