
Killing is in the blood of the Anglo Saxon tribe... North America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya now Gaza and Ukraine etc etc

 Killing is in their blood is already evident in the genocides committed in North America, Australia and some Pacific Islands.

Their hands are also stained with blood by starting an illegal war in Iraq based on fabricated evidence. How many innocent women and children were killed? 500,000 children being sacrificed was touted to be worth it. It is now stained with blood in Gaza. More than 40,000 is still worth it right? How many more tens of thousands is still going to be worth it?

With all the blood on their hands, how much further are they prepared to go in Lebanon against Hezbollah. After that there is Yemen and the Houthis to add on. With Iran firmly in their sights and demonizing building up, more blood is going to be on their dirty hands.

There is now the spinning of the narrative about Iran supplying arms to Russia, which will allow them to include Iran in their calculations. They have to invent the narrative to fit the crime, and they are going about it.

And as we get closer to November, they are trying to tell the world that Russia, China and Iran are interfering in the elections. Four years of chasing after a Russian wild goose interfering in the 2016 elections yielded nothing convincing, just hot air and wasted millions.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With war mongers running the USA, and maggots in the swamp supporting their agenda, the spilling of blood is only going to get worse. But all that is not important, and just brushed aside as collateral damage, just like the children and women killed in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. It never gets inside their conscience.

All the wars have the same element of being started by the White war mongers or instigated by them (as in South China Sea) or created by them (as In Ukraine). The wars in Vietnam (about containing communism), Afghanistan (about countering terrorism), Iraq (about preventing WMD when the communism and terrorism threat narrative failed to fit), Ukraine (about upholding NATO's right to expand NATO closer to Moscow).

Next will be China and the narrative is not about communism triumphing over democracy, which will be self-admittance of defeat, but all about containing China's rise to overtake the USA and the White Imperialist, and the rising Chinese influence globally, especially in Africa. Oh, de-dollarization issue is inconsequential for the USA, on the surface, and they are not rattled today and are treating de-dollarization as a non-event, but beneath that they are nervous and paranoid. They can keep on denying, but de-dollarization is going to be the main catalyst leading to their own downfall.