
Indian predatory strategy - The Chinese are learning. Has Singapore learn anything?

 BYD now intends to build a billion-dollar factory in Pakistan instead. Never say that Chinese companies are stupid and still wants to invest in India. Never try to tarnish all investors with the same tainted brush.

The Indian predatory strategy works only for a limited time. Once investors know that they are going in and getting clobbered, they will wise up. Those that are already there, they have little choice but to make the best of a bad situation until conditions become intolerable before calling it quits.

Having said that, some Western companies like Apple, thinking it will get preferential treatment, needed to test the waters first. And the result was not ideal, and Apple had to move some production back to China.

Modi has now been summoned to Washington to submit his report to the emperor about the happenings in BRICS. He must go to Washington once in a while to update the emperor, and this time is about what to expect in the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia. Of course, other reasons will be fabricated to cover the mission.

Wonder if other BRICS members trust the Indians and avoid giving too much sensitive information about BRICS to be leaked. BRICS must beware of the Trojan Turkey intending to join the bloc. It must follow the saying - Once bitten twice shy.



Anonymous said...

Samsung is also facing strikes in India. If not careful, its factories may be torched as well. Samsung is on the decline in reality. Its heydays are over, like Japanese, USA and EU carmakers. Next will be its smartphone business.

The Chinese will be eating the lunches of all those Japanese and South Korean businesses going forward. China already took over their shipbuilding business. China also cannibalized their electrical and electronic manufacturing outfits. China is now targeting their semi-conductor business as well.

Japanese steel maker, Nippon Steel, is facing grave threat from Chinese steelmakers and desperately wants to buy US Steel but had been stopped in its tracks by the US Government. Nippon Steel needs USA protection in the USA market. Japan is furious. Allies or no allies, the USA only looks at its own interest. It may be too late for Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to realize this.

Elsewhere, ASML is also fighting a battle with Chinese semiconductor equipment manufacturing business. The Chinese were reported to have succeeded in making their own chipmaking equipment that could replace ASML's lithography machines.

Day in and day out we have been transfixed with the hot wars in Ukraine and Gaza. There is also an economic war being fought between China and the collective West with Japan and South Korea on their side. BRICS is part of the economic war being waged against the USA and its allies.

Anonymous said...

Sillyporean will never learn, as seen from it wanted to be screwed by the same political party for over 50 yrs. If sillyporean can buy into it leader argument that million $$ salary prevent corruption, cdc voucher help to alleviate high cost of living, dangerous vaccine benefit outweigh the risk, 80% sinkies actually "own" their hdb flat & believe cotton come from sheep..what can one expect.

Anonymous said...

With so many Indian talents painting such a wonderful picture of India as the greatest place to put money in, who do you think the daft will listen to?
And Modi came personally to wow the daft believers for their money.
If only LKY is still around, he would put a stop to the stupid narrative. He never believed that India was a good place for investment.

Anonymous said...

'Cotton comes from sheep' must be the mother of all quotations. It really personifies the believe that an education in the West is the best education Asians can get. As they say, seeing is believing. Believing is really unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

He would put the 'Cotton comes from sheep' to pasture for stupidity. But then 'Cotton comes from sheep' was initially praised by him to high heaven as Prime Minister material.