
I doubt the sickest country on earth can take down Russia in Ukraine

 I doubt very much that the sickest country on earth can take down Russia in their proxy war in Ukraine. The reverse is most likely and the evil yanks will turn away, tail in between its legs, to lick their wounds. The sickos are so disorganised and biting off more than it can chew. 

If anything 🇷🇺 and 🇨🇳 should incite a civil war in 🇺🇸, through some false flag incidents to ignite the highly charged and flammable atmosphere in the sickest country on earth. Give them a dose of their own medicine. Take the war back to their turf as that's the last thing they want, as that's political suicide for their leaders. 

When they have a civil war, all other wars started by them in the rest of the world will stop. Everyone can then stock up on beer and popcorn and watch the fireworks. After all, everyone in that sick country is armed to the teeth so it'll be a blockbuster war. I'll have champagne instead of beer, thank you very much.



Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

Have the UAssA into civil wars.

M.O.T. soon and just like the old Soviet Union broke into many chaotic states the World would be a safer place.

With their Clown Leaders and kaput econmy, there be riorts and lootings soon.

Then have Russia send their Deadly Arsenals into one or two of their Break away States to have a taste of their own poison instigating Urukiane.

Be the Disunited States of Asses.

Those so called Demo CRAZY countries who brainwashed their peoples of their "DREAMS" to be Prosperous are living in their DreamLand.

PRCs don't dream, they worked to their Aims of been out of poverty.

Anonymous said...

When they do fail and need to extricate themselves, they will have to invent an excuse to save face. They cannot just stop the war and tell the world they were defeated, despite all 32 NATO countries coming together to fight a single Russia. Just wait and watch how they will fabricate the narrative to throw Zelensky under the bus when all else seems hopeless.

The first Ukrainian F16 was taken down days ago, but the excuses have varied. One excuse was diverted towards pilot error, a veteran pilot well regarded. Of course, admitting that the Russians shot that F16 down is a loss of face so early in their game changing moves. The USA is paranoid that more F16s are going to bite the dust under Russian missiles. The most damaging reason came from Ukraine's inner circle, a lady that spilled the beans that the F16 was shot down by its own patriot missiles, killing its most experienced pilot, which is even a more shameful admission. She accused the Zelensky Government of trying to lie its way out.

If the F16s continue to fall from the sky, Zelensky may be bold enough to ask for F35s to change the game. So far, all the game changers - Leopard tanks, Challenger tanks, Abrams tanks, HIMARS, Patriot missiles have done nothing to change the game.

That Ukrainian foray into Kursk may be a ploy by Putin to lure Ukrainian troops and military equipment away from the Eastern front in Donbass to give the Russians an easier route to advance its territorial gain. Those Ukrainian troops and equipment now in Kursk could be taken care of at leisure, knowing they are being bogged down with winter just closing in them.

Anonymous said...

Suffice to say, if the USA broke apart and territories returned to Mexico, the world would really be a safer and more peaceful place.

Anonymous said...

The Mexicans are waiting to take back their land. The American natives almost extinct and no way to take back their land.
The Americans are using the same formula in the Palestine, to wipe out the Palestinians for good. No more future threats when they are no Palestinians around.