
Hippocrates Oaths are now on the Hypocrites Oaths.

 Those who sweared on the Hippocrates Oaths are now on the Hypocrites Oaths.

Long long time ago, many had already sold their Souls!

Time immemorial. so many hoohas of Stem cells and genome researches by so many countries and even news of break thru of successes in curing or transplanting of organs in many prevalent diseases.

What's happening now?

Not even a sound and news on them!

The Multi Billions Pharmaceutical Companies simply offered their millions to these so called Researcers and sealed their mouths and dormant their discoveries.

Now only pay again to have so called quick fix vaccines to their collobrations with the scums of their virures.

They had a heads up with the knowledge that these viruses are even been created by them.

So many scums professionals in this Medical Line are so greedy with their pursuit of wealth.

They had so many properties to service, so many mistresses to take care of.

So a Dental Surgeon will killed out the whole mouth of teeth from Ah Gong who may had just one bad tooth.

Also Doctors selling their cough surups to those silly idiots who wanted to go high.

This is now the World we are living in.

Even Doggies, oops Doctors in Private Practices or Public Hospitals are been given incentives and bribes from the competing pharmacies and medical medications suppliers for many free rewards.

No eyes see.



Anonymous said...

Ministry of Financial Health in Sinkieland is heavily vested and creating a Golden Triangle of Pfizer, Moderna and AstrazeZeneca. The irony is Drug dealers end up with the Death sentence! But Vax pushers are glorified for saving lives? When peer reviewed findings of the danger is sprouting all over except mainstream media. https://rumble.com/v5dwc6l-500000-americans-have-been-killed-by-the-covid-vaccine-and-the-cdc-is-hidin.html

Anonymous said...
