
De dollarisation - 159 countries confirmed to adopt BRICS financial system

 There are 195 in the world today. Given that 159 countries are joining BRICS new financial system, it means only 36 countries are not in, about all the American and European countries. There are 28 countries in EU and 3 Anglo Saxon countries in US, Australia and New Zealand, and Israel, and a few die hard American colonies like Japan and South Korea and a handful of crony states that would be left out.

With the new BRICS system, the world would be clearly divided between the American SWIFT system and the new system. Many countries may still be using both systems but if the American terrorists would to sanction those joining the BRICS system, then likely many would leave the SWIFT system altogether.

Did the rogue American propaganda jeered at China and Russia for having very few friends? For 159 countries willing to make the move to join the BRICS financial system, the writing is on the wall. These countries have had enough of the bullying and threats of the American terrorists and want a new and fairer system, to be free from the aggressive and atrocious Americans. 

The American hegemony and ability to oppress and threaten the world are over! It would be good if Trump is re elected and impose sanctions on the 159 countries. Then the Americans would be left to play with the balance 36 countries in the world. By sanctioning others, the Americans would be isolating themselves from the rest of the world. Now that would be nice.

The BRICS meeting in Kazan would welcome a new world order without the Americans and their colonies and cronies. This is truly a world shattering event of the century. The final nail on the coffin of the American Empire. 

Adios Americano!

PS.  Russian state-funded news outlet RT retracted a report that incorrectly said 159 countries had adopted a "new BRICS payment system" but not before the false claim spread across social media. RT misquoted a Russian official who said that 159 "participants" – not 159 countries -- had adopted Moscow's SPFS system for bank transfers, which sanctions-hit Russia uses as an alternative to the global SWIFT system.

Anyway, this is only a matter of time.


Anonymous said...

Too much of a good thing is bad. Applies even to sanctions!! BRICS is fully self sustained and self reliant. No need to depend on unfriendly countries. Let the sickest country on earth and its lapdogs starve and fade into oblivion.

Anonymous said...

It's 159 participants from 20 countries lah . . .

Russian state-funded news outlet RT retracted a report that incorrectly said 159 countries had adopted a "new BRICS payment system" but not before the false claim spread across social media. RT misquoted a Russian official who said that 159 "participants" – not 159 countries -- had adopted Moscow's SPFS system for bank transfers, which sanctions-hit Russia uses as an alternative to the global SWIFT system.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Oops, thanks for the correction. Cheers.