
Biden buttered Modi as the 'Leader of the QUAD'

 Well, the Indians also think that what happened and is happening to China will not happen to them. India's turn will come when it is no longer useful to the USA.

Now, Modi's headdress is going to get bigger after being praised as the 'Leader of the QUAD' by Biden. That sure lifted Modi's ego to a higher level.

Modi ought to ask Biden when the India/Middle East/Europe Corridor is going to start construction. When is the railroad across the Pacific from USA to India going to start construction. There is nothing to be shy about such big projects as China is surely not going to be interested in bidding for projects that floats in the air.

It is so easy being USA President just saying things that cannot be done and getting away with it. Trump will surely have nothing to do with whatever corridors or back lanes as he is all for USA and to Make America Great Once again, not make India great definitely. 



Virgo49 said...


Why India cannot surpassed China.

Even said by LKY.

UAss just using India as another sucker for their self interests.

Indians egoistic thought that the Americunts are looking up to them.

One video stating will the UAssA allowed the Rise of India?

Definetely NOT! No one could upset the Barbaric Americunts.

Anonymous said...

There is one 'Red Line' in the West that can never be crossed. That is telling the world that Communism is doing better than Democracy. That reality is happening with Communist China, but the fantasy that democracy will always triumph communism is still being trumpeted to no avail. Otherwise, why is there such a need for the USA and the West to counter China economically at all costs today? Why is there all the hubris about having to protect democracy around the world if it is still a triumphant system? When companies lost the competition, advertising is necessary and logical.

And that is why India can never be the next China, not to talk about surpassing China. India is, in fact, handicapped and stifled by its democratic system of Government, where even farting needs the consensus of the voters. The actions of the Indian Government are held hostage by the need to cater to voters every few years. Things do not move smoothly in every endeavor, be it high speed rails, overhauling its agricultural system, securing land for infrastructures on top of a cumbersome administrative system inherited from the British that hampers progress.

China is able to progress so fast because the Government is not held hostage by voters and partisan needs, but solely catering to national interest and needs. The Government charts the direction and the private sector investors follow the route set up. Every investor knows what and where to invest in, what and where the priorities are and are confident that the direction taken is not going to falter and support hampered. That is why China dominates in most sectors of the global economy, be it shipbuilding, motor vehicles production, manufacturing and now putting all the priorities into semiconductors.

If India thinks that the USA will allow it to rise like China to challenge the USA, it is mistaken. They have only to look at Japan and Germany, and now China to draw its conclusion.

Virgo49 said...


India could not be the next China