
America is not a country. It is a hideout abode of Anglo-Saxon state terrorists

The best American clone. The clone wants to start WW3 but was programmed to call it reordering the world. It was stumped and unable to respond when told to shut up.

America is not a country. It is a hideout abode of white terrorists, the Anglo-Saxon state terrorists. A country has good morals and ethics and a long tradition of civilization and culture and one that looks after its people and citizens. But America is occupied by white terrorists from Europe who after killing and genociding all the native Americans shamefully called the land as its own. 

Even then the so-called American government doesn't look after the welfare of its people and citizens. It is under the control of the one percent Anglo-Saxon elites and the Zionist Rothschild Illuminati and Free Masons Cabal. Its government governance follows the evil Darwinism theory that it is not the responsibility of the government to take care of its people. It believes and practises the Law of the Jungle - the survival of the fittest where the wild beast the tigers, lions leopards, hyenas, wild dogs and wolves struggle and kill each other for food and survival. So in America only the rich and powerful survive and the rest whether they live or die is their own business. 

Therefore in America sixty million American citizens mainly the blacks have no food to eat and have to queue up daily for food stamps for donated food given by societies and where being homeless they have to live in makeshift tents pitch up outside shopping malls and by the roadsides where they both eat, sleep, shit and urinate at one and the same place. 

 So America is more like a hideout place where state terrorists, thieves and robbers, thugs, rogues and scoundrels camouflage as humans with coats and neckties that terrorise not only other countries but also their own people. So America is a sickos hideout of mentally deranged Anglo-Saxons elites leaders and the despicable Jewish Zionist Rothschild Illuminati Cabal.. They are the embodiment of all the world's evils and God need to destroy them. 

 Southernglory1 Monday, 30th September, 2024


Anonymous said...

What do people do when they found out the robbers or bandits hideout? They will destroy it don't they. So what must the free world, the BRICS countries and Countries of the South do. Mustn't they unite and destroy the American state terrorist hideout in their abode in America. Surely they must, right.

Anti-white terrorism: Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

The Anglo-Saxons Americans practise extreme Darwinism or Law of The Jungle strictly in the states. They think they can also impose their satanic inhuman practice on the rest of the world. They can't be more wrong. Let them try and let them meet their nemesis. The BRICS countries and all freedom countries of the South led by Russia, China and Iran will with no uncertainty destroy them and send them to hell forever.

Kali Ibrahim : UAE

Anonymous said...

The whites, the Anglo-Saxons and the Zionist Jews can kill hundreds of thousands of Arabs and muslims every day with impunity. It seems nobody is able to stop such senseless genocide of innocent people. They seem to think they can do the same to the Middle East Arab muslims just as they had genocided the natives of America and Austtralia to extinction. Wake up people of the world, if you don't act your turn for them to genocide will come. It is legal and justifiable for every citizen of the free world to kill Jews and Anglo-Saxons wherever they may be. Don't let them accuse you that when you kill a few of them it is a crime but when they kill your kind and love ones by the hundreds of thousands it is heroic. Stop their killings and genocide by giving them their own medicine.

Lim Say Yeow: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Lim Say Yeow, KL Malaysia, Kali Ibrahim, UAE and Anti White terrorism, Hong Kong.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately many people in the Global South, especially Malaysia and Singapore, cannot see the killings. To these unthinking people, there is no killings by the white men. White men are angels, maybe they killed for God. So it is ok.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I hesitated posting Lim Say Yeow's comment as a main article. But it would risk the blog being deleted for promoting killing. So I have to leave it just as a comment.