
Covid19 - Frightening the seniors with statistics

 The seniors are still reluctant to go for Covid19 jabs or at least a large number of them are dragging their feet. The govt is unhappy as they want to open up the economy quickly and needed as many of the population to be vaccinated so that when they put into action the living dangerously strategy of living with the virus, those that could be infected, especially the seniors, the infection would not be fatal.

So a lot of pressure is now being placed on the seniors to get jabbed. They did not want to know the real reasons why the seniors are reluctant to do so. It is not just a matter of the seniors not trusting the mRNA vaccines. It is much simpler than that. It is hurting the pockets of many seniors, many retired, jobless, and have little money left in their pockets. How could the govt ever think of the seniors with empty pockets going to pay $50 for two jabs in the private clinics? And to make the seniors angrier, the rest of the population are getting free jabs of more expensive mRNA vaccines. If the govt is willing to give more expensive vaccines for free, why won't the govt give the cheaper Sinovac vaccines free to the poor, no money seniors and desperately wanting the seniors to get their jabs?

The KTV and Jurong Fishery Port clusters now present a golden opportunity for the govt to frighten the seniors, that they are more vulnerable and using statistics to prove their case. 81 seniors were infected and 12 were unvaccinated. Wow, big numbers.

Really? When using statistics, the statistics must be meaningful and not lying. To date, 519 cases were reported from this group out of which 81 were seniors. This says that only 15.6 % of the infected were seniors and  84.4% were not seniors. Now what is so troubling about the seniors when the majority infected, 84.4% were below 60? Many much fewer seniors were infected.

Also, of the 81 seniors infected, only 12 were unvaccinated, or only 14.8% of the infected were not vaccinated and a huge 85.2% of the seniors infected were vaccinated. Can one come to the conclusion that more vaccinated seniors were infected and thus getting vaccinated did not lower the risk of getting infected, in fact the risk of getting infected were higher than those not vaccinated. Similarly, the risk of younger people getting infected is very much higher than the seniors.

So why keep harping about seniors not getting jabs when the likelihood of them getting infected is much, much lower than the younger people? And why getting jab is so important and urgent when people who were vaccinated have actually a higher chance of getting infected?

Of course there are other factors that have to be taken into consideration, and also getting infected after being jabbed would likely to be less deadly.

The statistics did not show much advantage for the seniors to be vaccinated as the risk of being infected against the young and the vaccinated is actually lower even without being vaccinated. This is what the statistics said.

By the way, when is the govt going to make Sinovac free for the poor seniors so that they can get their jabs quickly? Why keep barking at the wrong tree? CB!


Anonymous said...

Some seniors are not easily frightened as they are staying away from vaccination. I just wonder even if the Government do subsidise Sinovac vaccination the same way as Pfizer and Moderna, will that change the mindset of those unvaccinated seniors? This is doubtful.

As we have seen in the USA and the West, people are now also staying away from being vaccinated. And it is not a question of using Pfizer or waiting for Sinovac, the latter by the way is not allowed. So what is the real reason? Perhaps they don't trust vaccines.

Best is to let people decide for themselves. It is their life to gamble with. But the problem is that without vaccination, those unvaccinated will suffer complications, needing extensive medical care and facilities, which is the main selling point. Of course we can argue that even those fully vaccinated are not spared being infected according to the statistics. In any argument of pros and cons, there are always two sides to a coin.

Anonymous said...

They are sending death threats to WHO.

Anonymous said...

The USA and UK are setting the example of how to live with the virus. Let us wait and see and learn from them.

Why experiment with death defying acts when the USA and UK are giving us very useful, live and real time free lessons in survival in COVID19 times.

Anonymous said...

In medical science they use guinea pigs in experiments to teach. Here in the USA and UK they are using real humans to teach. How generous they are! The whole world is learning.

Anonymous said...

Karma is working in mysterious ways!

Anonymous said...

Did they say Boris Johnson is more dangerous to the UK than Russia or China? Now I understand why.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

There is a wise saying on joining the winning side. Then it was joining the American and the western side as they were on the rise.

Today the winning side is changing and changing very rapidly. The imbeciles still think the Americans and the West will continue to be the winning side and refuse to see the rise of China, the next number one super power.

Failing to read and recognise the winner will end up as the loser. The world can see how stupid the Americans and the West are in handling the pandemic. The world can see how the Americans and the West have been fighting one losing war after another.

The world can see how clueless the Americans and the AngloSaxons are in trying to hold on to their hegemony and world supremacy and everyday fabricating lies to want to bring down China while China is winning from one battle to the next and winning all the friends the Americans have fought and sanctioned as enemies.

Now the imbeciles still want to follow the fading away Brits in living dangerously with the virus and unable to see how foolish and dangerous it is, and the sure way to self destruct.

Anonymous said...

Trump is the number one clown. Boris is the number two clown. Not sure which one is worse.

Anonymous said...

Australian PM, Scott Morrison is number three clown.

Singapore's Pinky is the number four clown.

Anonymous said...

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau is number five clown,
Who allowed Trump to screw him around.

India's PM Modi is number six clown,
Who let USA to play him round and round.

Anonymous said...

How would you rank Trudeau of Canada? Surely he is in the circus as well, as he is one of the Five Eyes.

They all accused China of cyber-espionage. Now what are the Five Eyes created for and what are they doing? Isn't it their motive to spy on China? Don't tell me the Five Eyes are created to sit around, talk cock and sing song.

And what of the QUAD? Not created for spying on China too? Don't tell me it was created for fun and games?

Anonymous said...

Between Trump and Boris, look at the hair and you know who is worse. But then, they suspect that Trump's hair is fake. So hard to tell who is worse.

The Neutral Eyes said...

The Five Eyes, plus India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore, together form Ten Eyes - 5 big eyes and 5 small eyes.

Taiwan has been used by Canada, Japan, Singapore and USA as secondary Spying HQ for many years.

Singapore has been a US and UK Spy HQ for South-East Asia since the Five Nations Defence Pact was signed.

Until recently, HK was also a Spying Base for Australia, Canada, France, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Singapore, UK and USA against China for the last 50 years.

After China's crackdown in the last two years, many of them have moved their Spying Bases to Singapore, leaving only HK traitors staying back to spy for them. All the spies that are Whites, Blacks and Japs who stood out like sore thumbs among the Chinese have left.

Anonymous said...

The beauty about China is that any foreign spy who doesn't look like Chinese stands like a sore thumb amongst the locals. They can't hide or disguise much. That's why they depend on local traitors to spy for them.

Those locals who appear on YouTube to smear and demonize China are traitors who have been spying for the foreign powers.

Anonymous said...

Russia just successfully tested their Tsirkon hypersonic missile. It is said to make aircraft carriers obsolete and the USA is in jitters. It changes the whole balance of power.

Flying at 9 times the speed of sound, it makes detection practically, and not almost, impossible and it reaches it's target so fast that there is no time to prepare counter action. That also makes Israel's Iron Dome defence obsolete.

Anonymous said...

The USA Government is accusing people on Facebook and other tech platforms of spreading misinformation on vaccines. This has lead to the anti vaccination movement which is sabotaging the vaccination effort.

China should ask the USA how it feels to be targeted with misinformation like those they unloaded on China over the decades.

Karma is sweet.

Injustice said...

Under the Law, a person cannot be charged twice for the same offence.

A Singaporean man who had worked for China's intelligence services since 2015 has been detained for two years under the Internal Security Act (ISA) for being a threat to Singapore.

Dickson Yeo, 40, had acted as a paid agent of a foreign state, said the Internal Security Department (ISD) on Tuesday (June 15).

He was arrested by the ISD on Dec 30 last year, after he was deported to Singapore from the United States upon completion of a 14-month jail term for spying for China in the US. Yeo was issued an order of detention under the ISA on Jan 29.

A person cannot be charged twice for the same offence, and also cannot be punished twice for the same offence.

Putting him under ISA detention without trial is against the principle of not punishing a person twice for same offence.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Sleepy Joe blaming social media for slow vaccination in the US?

He really got dementia. Probably he forgot that they is a guy by the name of Trump telling his American supporters not to get vaccinated. All his hillbilly supporters are refusing to get vaccinated.

Can someone tell Sleepy Joe this is the real reason, the real guy that is hampering his vaccination campaign?

Anonymous said...

A good sign for the rest of the world. Divide and rule goes home to roost, like the virus.

Anonymous said...

That clearly shows how the USA works and how obnoxious and ugly their leaders are.

One party sings the high notes and the other party will sing the low notes. Their roles will be reversed depending on who wins the White House, but the swamp will remain, only the inhabitants change their turn to infest. But they are all of the same destructive specie.

It is all a show put up by the Deep State to pull wool over the people's eyes, that purport to show that democracy is working in the USA. Bullshit walks!