
Congratulations to the Chinese Communist Party - CCP on its Centenary - 1st July, 2021


    Southernglory1 and all overseas Chinese  and friends are proud to congratulate the People's Republic of China as the Chinese Communist Party - CCP also known as CPC - Communist Party of China, as China celebrates the CCP's Centenary - 100 Years Anniversary on1st of July, 2021.

The CCP is synonymous to the PRC as without the Chineses Communist Party there will never the People's Republic of China. The CCP has liberated the Chinese people's mind, soul, spirit, economy, industry, politics and the military. With this liberation China and the Chinese people have thrown away forever the shackles of Western and Japanese aggression, invasion, colonialism and imperialism.

The fight and struggle of the CCP is the mirror of the historical epic fight and struggle of  China and the Chinese people against Western and Japanese brutal wars of aggression and invasion of China from the 1830s to 1949. The fight and struggle was long and arduous and demanded the great stoic self sacrificial spirit of every Chinese patriot.  It was the national ethos that the Chinese Dragon's  5,000 years civilization, the Chinese dignity, pride and self-respect were under threat and all foreign aggressions and invasions must be resisted fiercely and persistently without end  with the solidarity and unity of the national spirit of one people, one mind and one heart at all cost so as to liberate China and preserve the glorious Chinese Dragon Civilization. 

The 5,000 years Chinese Civilization has survived whereas all other ancient civilizations have been destroyed by wars and mismanagement. But during the last over 100 years from 1839 to 1948 China faced the greatest danger to her survival due to internal upheavals and constant Western and Japanese wars of aggression against China. 

In the 1850s to 1870s some Chinese patriots organized the Tai Ping organisation to topple the decadent Ching Dynasty and to get rid of the British and French invaders. The leader of the Tai Ping was an eccentric Chinese Christian by the name of Hung Hsiu Chuan. But the British and the French joined the Ching Dynasty to suppress the Tai Ping because they did not want to lose  all their priviledges under the  Ching Dynasty. In the meantime more Western powers including the United States, Russia and Japan joined in to attack China and carved away Chinese sovereign territories. 

The British took away South-western Xinjiang - the Aksai Chin plateau and South-eastern Tibet , the Russians took away the Lake Baikal region including Tannu Tuva and all the lands north of the Heilongjiang River and the Maritime Province up to the Pacific coast including the Sakhalin Island, France took away Cochin China, Cambodia, Tonking and Annam, while Japan took away the Liu Chiu Dao or Ryukyu Islands and Taiwan.

In 1911 Dr. Sun Yat-Sen toppled the Ching Dynasty. But his hold on China was precarious because all the Western powers including US and Japan did not want to see a strong united China. From 1911 to 1925 China faced all kinds of dangerous intrigues from the West and Japan. Thus amidst the choas and danger to Chinese survival the Chinese Communist Party was formed to address the survival of China. The CCP was founded by Professor Li Da-Zhoa, Professor Chen Tu-Hsiu, Mao Tse-Tung , Zhou En Lai and 25 others. It was officially launched in Shanghai on 1st July, 1921 in a secret meeting in a boat in the middle of the Nanhu Lake in Southeastern China's Jiaxing City. 

From the very beginning the CCP faced great dangers and obstacles both from Western powers and from internal enemies like the warlords and the highly corrupted Nationalist Party - the Kuomintang (KMT) of brainless Chiang Kai-Shek. In 1927 Chiang Kai-Shek hunted down the communists and slaughtered tens of thousands of its members in Shanghai and in other towns and cities. However, under the great leadership of MaoTse-Tung and his comrades the CCP survived and was soon destined to lead China in the momentous fight against the Japanese aggression and invasion.

After defeating the Japanese invaders in 1945,  the CCP had to face a civil war against the imbecile and useless Chiang Kai-Shek who was greatly supported by the British and the  Americans who were bent on destroying the Chinese communists. On April 21st 1949, the British sent a warship 'The Amethyst' to the Huangpu River in Shanghai to intimidate the CCP's People's Liberation Army (The PLA). Gun battles ensued and in  an exchange of  fire with the PLA's shore batteries the Amethyst was destroyed. England sent another two warships including the heavy cruiser 'London" the largest warship in the Far East to rescue the Amythyst. The PLA  shore batteries routed the heavy cruiser 'London' and the other warship. For over a hundred years British and other foreign warships were able to sail up and down the Huangpu and the Yangtze Rivers with impunity. The world especially the Western powers were greatly stunned by the PLA's destruction of the three British naval ships. Soon all the Western powers moved their warships out of Chinese rivers. The PLA was able to clear the Huangpu and the Yangtze rivers from foreign warships as well as from other Chinese rivers and Chinese coast line. 

For over a hundred years Western powers and Japan were able to kick China around with impunity. Now the PLA was able to give the foreign powers their own medicine.

In the meantime the Chinese civil war continued. Chiang Kai Shek's KMT was heavily supported by the Americans with military hardware and airforce. Nevertheless, in the end the CCP led by Chairman Mao and his comrades were able to win the civil war and on October 1st, 1949, Chairman Mao was able to proclaim the establishment of the People's Republic of China in Tiananmen Square. 

At the time of his defeat Chiang Kai-Shek and his clique of Chinese traitors were ferried to Taiwan by American war planes. The United States then stationed its Seventh Fleet in the Taiwan Strait to prevent the PLA from capturing Taiwan to complete the unification of Taiwan with the Chinese mainland. The Americans clearly have not learnt a lesson from PLA's destruction of the British naval ships in the Huangpu River on April 21st, 1949. If the US continues to interfere in the as yet unfinished Chinese civil war it will  one day surely face total disgraceful defeat and destruction from the CCP's glorious People's Liberation Army, navy and airforce.

In 1950 the Americans started the Korean War hoping to make use of Korea as a spring board to help Chiang Kai-Shek to retake mainland China. When they bombed Chinese territory across the Yalu River, China was forced to intervene in the Korean War. The Korean War lasted from 1950 to 1953. Against all odds facing superior American armory and airforce the CCP's People's Liberation Army of volunteers won great victories against the mighty American armed forces.

After the Korean War the CCP leadership realized the importance and urgency of the multiple needs of expediting the development of Chinese science and technology, industry, agriculture, the economy and the military simultaneously. This great foresight of the CCP leadership  and its resolve and  ability to galvanize solid support from the people enable China to build up to what it is today, a strong, rich and powerful country and nation that commands respect from both friends and enemies and that no one should try to trifle with.

The heroic deeds of the CCP in taming internal upheavals and  defeating foreign brutal invaders and in subsequently building up a strong and powerful China will forever and eternally be ingrained in Chinese minds and souls as the saving stars of China and all Chinese people.

let's drink, rejoice and salute to the glorious Chinese Communist Party with three toasts. The First Toast is to the glorious CCP which will continue to rule and guide the Chinese nation to ever more greater success and achievements in the next millenium. The Second Toast is to the great resolve and iron fighting spirit of the People's Liberation Army which is the powerful guardian of the Chinese nation. The Third Toast is to all Chinese people who are the indomitable souls and spirits of the glorious Chinese Dragon Civilization.

Long live the CCP  -----  Toast

Long live the PLA  -----   Toast

Long live the great Chinese Civilization.  -----   Toast

This article is dedicated to the eternal memory of Professor Li Ta-Zhao, Professor Chen Tu-Hsiu, Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, Premier Zhou En-Lai, Paramount Leader Deng Xiaoping,Liu Shaoqi, Marshall Zhu De, Marshall Peng Dehuai, Marshall Liu Bo Cheng, Marshall Nie Rong-Zhen, Marshall Chen Yi, Marshall Ye  Jianying, Marshall Ho Long, Marshall Lin Piao, Marshall Yang Shangkun, Marshall Luo Ronghuan and Marshall Xu Xiangqian as well as to the great Chinese rocket and nuclear scientists, the peasants, the industrial workers and technocrats and the intellectuals and the millions of patriots whose sacrifice and contributions to the founding of the establishment of the People's Republic of China are  also of paramount importance.


Thursday, 1st July, 2021.




SSO said...

Congratulations to the Chinese Communist Party of China, the most democratic party in the World today!

Long Live the Chinese Civilisation!

Anonymous said...

New mission for China, to help Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean islanders to reclaim their islands seized by the white colonialists eg, Guam, Diego Garcia, Bermuda, Hawaii. Falklands, Costa Rica, Marshalls, etc etc.

Anonymous said...

China and the Chinese people are at the cross roads under serious threat from the Anglo-Saxons US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other Western powers. The white people headed by the Anglo-Saxons the US and UK cannot stand to see a rising China which is rich and powerful and are determined to take China and the Chinese people down. Overseas Chinese everywhere are threatened and assaulted every day especially in the US, Canada, Australia, England and other European towns and cities. Therefore we the Chinese people everywhere feel safer to have the competent Chinese Communist Party leading China in the struggle to protect China and the Chinese people wherever they may be.All overseas Chinese must feel proud and rejoice in celebration of the Chinese Communist Party Centenary today - Thursday, 1st July 2021.

Chen Chong Kuo

Anonymous said...

In the 1960s the evil American CIA secret agents infiltrated into Chinese society and recruited Chinese traitors to sabotage China and the CCP. The CCP under the leadership of Chairman Mao, Zhu DE and Zhou En Lai were then forced to organize the Cultural Revolution to flush out the traitors. Undoubtedly and unfortunately many of the innocent citizens were affected by the cultural revolution and suffered badly.

Anti-Anglo-Saxon Americans.

Eagles Eyes

SSO said...

The Right To Be Chinese

Even the Chinese Majority in Singapore are now being attacked by people who are in cahoots with the Western and Anglo-Saxon cliques, by people who have a hidden agenda and by people who have an axe to grind

Therefore, the Chinese People everywhere must unite and rise up to face all the challenges being hurled at us from any corner of the Earth.

We have the right to exist. We have the right to progress. We have the right to defend our way of life, our culture, our language and our possessions. We have the right to make the Chinese Civilisation a brilliant shinning sun for others to aspire and follow.

We have the right to be Chinese!

Being Chinese and protecting Chinese interests in Singapore or anywhere in the Free World is not Racist or Racism. They are the basic human rights which any race, creed or ethnic group naturally possess. These rights cannot and must not be allowed to be taken away from us, or be trampled upon by others who wish us ill and downtrodden.

We, the Chinese People, must stand up to defend our basic right to be Chinese!

SSO - 1st July 2021.

Anonymous said...

The Cultural Revolution was a very significant event. It managed to flush out and get rid of Chinese traitors and internal enemies who were mixing and swimming in the seas of Chinese society. The CIA recruited Chinese traitors and saboteurs were trying to destroy the CCP and China from within. Had the Cultural Revolution failed to get rid of the traitors and internal enemies the CCP and China would have been destroyed and China and the Chinese would have gone back to square one - a poor and weak country to be trampled by the Western powers and Japan again.

The Cultural Revolution was indeed a blessing in disguise. It laid the solid foundation for genuine patriotic Chinese leaders and people to build up the rich, strong and powerful China of today.

Thursday, 1st Jully, 2021

Anonymous said...

The CCP's Cultural Revolution indeed laid a strong foundation for China to develop peacefully into a wealthy, strong and powerful nation. The CCP and the Peoples'Republic of China (PRC) are indeed the pride and envy of not only the Chinese people but also the pride and envy of all Third World socialist countries in which China has been helping them to riise up and develop.

Geoplitical observer

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The developing countries that have been exploited, bullied and oppressed by the western powers now have China to stand up for them. The recent attack on the Palestinians was a good example. China stood up for the Palestinians to prevent another genocide and kept Israel and the AngloSaxon savages in check.

The AngloSaxon and the West can no longer bully the rest of the world with impunity. The West used to talk as if they represent the world, the international community. Actually whenever they used these phrases, they are referring to the western world of USA, Europe and Japan. But they are misleading the listeners that they are the world, the international community.

The Americans and Europeans are a minority in the world community. Our media should stop being the lackeys of the West to repeat these phrases to belittle the rest of the world.

Europe want to shut out the rest of the world, but did not realise that the rest of the world can shut them out.

Year 2021 is the year of a paradigm shift with the west and America in decline and increasingly isolating themselves. When China and the developing countries can produce all the world's needs, there is no need to pay for expensive western products. There is no need for the rest of the world to feed the West with steaks and meat every meal.

Anonymous said...

China is a true democracy, govt from the people, by the people, for the people.

America is a fake democracy, govt from the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%. There free election is a lie. Biden has just been caught for cheating in the last election.

Anonymous said...

Singaporeans' View of China Mostly Positive - Pew

Singaporeans, especially ethnic Chinese, have more positive views on China than most people in other advanced economies, who continue to view China in a broadly negative light, according to the Pew Research Centre's Spring 2021 Global Attitudes Survey published on Wednesday (June 30).

The Singaporeans also give China top marks for its handling of the pandemic and express high confidence in Chinese President Xi Jinping, a departure from how Mr Xi is panned elsewhere in the West.

In all, 1,124 Singaporean adults were interviewed over the phone in Malay, English or Mandarin in March and April this year.

Singaporeans are largely outliers in the survey. Negative views of China hit or remain near historic highs in most advanced economies, especially Anglo-Saxon, compared with last year, and a median of only 27 per cent across the 17 mostly Western populations have a favourable opinion of China.

In contrast, 64 per cent of Singaporeans have a favourable view of China.

This also stands out from the rest of the Asia-Pacific region, where a median of 73 per cent see China in a negative light. Japan, China's perennial enemy, has the most negative views, with roughly nine in 10 seeing China negatively. And two-thirds or more in white racist Australia, South Korea, secessionist DPP-ruled Taiwan and New Zealand have mostly negative views of China.

A median of 77 per cent had no confidence in Mr Xi, although 70 per cent of Singaporeans surveyed expressed confidence in him.

Older adults tend to be more critical of China and to prefer economic ties with America than younger adults, except in Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea, where the trend is reversed. There, older adults evaluate China more positively in general, and prefer close economic ties to China.

Ethnic and national identities were also found to play a role in attitudes in Taiwan and Singapore.

The report noted that in Taiwan, people who identify as Chinese and Taiwanese - rather than as only Taiwanese - tend to prioritise economic relations with China over the US and have more favourable views of China.

In Singapore, there were similar differences of opinion between the ethnic groups of Chinese, Malays and Indians, the report noted.

About 72 per cent of Chinese Singaporeans have favourable views of China, compared with 45 per cent of Malay Singaporeans and 52 per cent of Indian Singaporeans.

"One of the factors that certainly stand out in Singapore is the high percentage of people who identify as ethnically Chinese, and we also see that ethnic Chinese tend to be more positive toward China than ethnic Malays or Indians,"said the report's lead author Laura Silver.

However, the political bias in Singapore tend to be more negative toward China, and more positive especially toward India and the United States, an observer noted.

Anonymous said...

This also stands out from the rest of the Asia-Pacific region, where a median of 73 per cent see China in a negative light. Japan, China's perennial enemy, has the most negative views, with roughly nine in 10 seeing China negatively. And two-thirds or more in white racist Australia, South Korea, secessionist DPP-ruled Taiwan and New Zealand have mostly negative views of China.

The inherent bias in this statement is that these countries are anti China either because they are AngloSaxon or semi colonies of the West. Japan is an exception. Its fear of China after its failed attempt to conquer China and its knowledge of the crimes against the Chinese would forever be in their psyche, that one day, yes one day, China would avenge the atrocities, pain and sufferings caused by the Japanese.

SSO said...

Whether the Japanese people are 90% or 100% Anti-China is of no consequences. The Japanese had, from its early history, been an Arch-enemy of China and the Chinese People because of their own inferiority complex and jealousy of the Chinese People.

The atrocities, extreme sufferings and bloodbaths that the Japanese people had deliberately and intentionally inflicted upon the Chinese people prior to and during the 2nd World War cannot be forgotten nor forgiven.

The Japanese people will have to pay back to the Chinese people what they owed. There is no escape. The longer this blood debt prolongs, the higher will be the interest rate.

No matter what, no matter how long it takes and no matter who the leaderships are, ultimately the score has to be settled,

Anonymous said...

The Koreans are also waiting for this day, to avenge the cruel and brutal colonisation of the Korean people.

Anonymous said...

WARNING !!!!!! To United States of America, the Western Countries and to all US puppets around the world, especially in S. E. Asia, if you bully China again you will get a bloody nose. Be very careful. Well said President Xi. It is time China stands up to the western bullies.

Anonymous said...

".. the Chinese people will never allow any outside forces to bully, oppress or enslave us. Anyone who tries to do so will be crushed to death before the Great Wall of steel built with the flesh and blood of over 1.4 billion Chinese people ," Xi warned. "No one should underestimate the strong determination, firm will and strong ability of the Chinese people to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity."

SSO said...

The Neutrality Of Singapore Is Vital For Her Long-term Survival

If Singapore had truly wanted to be neutral, not choosing any side between China and USA, as repeatedly spoken by many Singapore diplomats, past and present foreign ministers and the three prime ministers, then Singapore leaders shouldn't have journeyed all the way to the USA and Japan to publicly and purposely thrash China and the Chinese People in front of the leaders of USA and the leaders of Japan, in order to carry favour and score points. Unfortunately such events did take place, not once but a few times.

Such behaviour was totally uncalled for, unnecessarily antagonistic, lack of statesmanship, diplomatically unacceptable and plain stupid,

Singapore leaders would do well to remember that 75% of Singapore citizens are of Chinese origin. Most of them take their Chinese heritage with pride and dignity. Most of them still have ties and relatives in China. Most of them are doing business in and with China and the Chinese People. Almost all of them, except the few Bananas, still respect China as their fathers' and/or mothers' original Homeland.

Singapore leaders should always be grateful to the Chinese Majority who have voted them into power to enjoy the status, wealth, position and prestige they now have. Without the Chinese votes, Singapore leaders past and present would not be where they are today.

Singapore leaders shouldn't take for granted that the Chinese voters will always continue to support and vote for the present ruling political party to enable them to continue to do what they are doing and enjoying. The wind of change is blowing very strongly. If they were to continue with their Anti-China and Anti-Chinese stance, they may be in for a rude shock in time to come, both internally and externally.

The neutrality of Singapore is vital for Singapore's long-term survival. There is no two ways about it. Siding with the USA on the one hand, while belittling, condemning, demonizing or thrashing China on the other, is not neutrality. It is obviously outright taking sides. Vice versa is also outright taking sides. Even primary school pupils know this.

Therefore, if Singapore leaders have already taken side with Western Powers, especially USA, and especially also with Japan (the perennial Arch-enemy of China), then it is time to mend their ways - attitude, behaviour and actions. This can take a very long time but it has to start now.

Remember, the long-term survival of Singapore depends on her ability to maintain her neutrality.

ASEAN was formed on the basis of Neutrality. As an active member of ASEAN, Singapore must remember and actively uphold the principle of neutrality at all times. Just paying lip service is hypocritical and deceptive, to say the least.

SSO - 1st July, 2021.

Anonymous said...

RB, 12:18am a above is a deliberate evil falsehood to smear China. It looks like MATILAH's footprints. Delete it so as to frustrate that bastard from spreading falsehood and mischieves.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Yep. Deleted.

Anonymous said...

The results of the Pew Survey June 30 has a message for the ruling elites - majority Singaporean ground sentiment is not in sync with the ruling team's anti-China stance.

Anonymous said...

China does have a lot of friends.

But the ST is so biased and smeared China when it headlined "Global views of China remain negative" on Pew report when that report only surveyed 17 countries, mainly Western, out of 195 countries in the world.

Anonymous said...

ST is now controlled by pro-India and pro-USA elements who are on the payroll of the US$300 Million per year budget of the US Government deliberately budgeted to demonize and smear China.

ST, CNA and TODAY are all clearly Anti-China mouthpiece of Singapore. Singapore leaders are now stooges of India and USA.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

China today has more friends in Latin America, Africa and Asia than the Americans.

When the Americans used the term global views, the international community, they are lying, as these terms refer to the US, Europe and Japan and a handful of American cronies and lackeys.

Today, the rest of the world, especially the Arab and Muslim world, the Africans, have seen enough of the evil Americans and the West.

No need to talk about Latin American countries. They hated the Americans.

Do not be deceived by American lies and propaganda. They are now increasingly being isolated from the rest of the world. They are living in their tiny world of AngloSaxons, western Europe and North America which has two countries, USA and Canada.

The rest of the world are now against the white men's hegemony and bullying.

Anonymous said...

The PEW thought S'pore is anti-China after hearing frequently from ruling elites and ST biased news, so included S'pore in the survey for the first time, thot can get 100% anti-China results to embarrass China, but never thot the ground sentiment in Singapore is actually pro-China !