I have no doubt in my mind that digitalisation of our economy is the right thing to pursue. However, my main concern about this whole digital efforts centres on jobs creation. Minister Iswaran talked about the estimated 10,000 new jobs within the technology industry being created but he fell far short of saying whether those 10,000 new and better paying jobs will largely benefit Singaporeans (or not).
I ask what is so great about this scheme if those thousands and thousands of new jobs being created once again go to foreigners from overseas because of a mismatch of skills, education, training and/or experience of our own Singaporean job seekers, resulting in more and more Singaporeans ending up as Grab drivers even when our job seekers are not uneducated or IT illiterate....
Simon Lim
The above is posted by Simon Lim in TRE. I share his concern that most of the jobs may go to foreigners especially to Indians from India under CECA.
What do you think, 10% goes to Singaporeans and 90% to foreigners?
Below are two comments posted in TRE in this article showing how the people are anticipating what would gonna be the outcome. These Singaporeans are reading such initiatives with a lot of fear, scepticism and distrust of the govt. Can the got blame the people for their misgivings? Would the govt want to prove otherwise? Or would the govt care how it would impact the Singaporeans or how the Singaporeans feel about this?
Meanwhile,their savings are being consumed by the HIGH COL here.
Becos many cannot qualify for social assistance due to the TYPE OF HOUSING they live in,many become impoverished.
To make things worse,the GREEDY N INCONSIDERATE SQUANDERING LEE AH LONG N HIS MONKEYS suck our CPF by scheming like CPF LIFE etc while allowing GENERAL COST OF LIVING to escalate.
This govt is UNFIT FOR DUTY N they know it.
Thus,besides having existing advantages like GRC N A CIVIL SERVICE READY TO DO ITS BIDDING,they come out with FAKE NEWS LAW to *POW CHIAK* any sg who criticises them especially aimed at good oppo sgs.
Sgs must wake up or be the cause of their own *desperation* by and by.
10,000 is a number that does not exist for local born 70% sheep.
remember the 2 casinos and the same pap Lj who said thousands of jobs? today June 2019 no a single pap Lj or pap Cb dare to tell 70% sheep how many local born 70% sheep are employed by the 2 casinos versus total number employed by the 2 casinos.
because 94.7% are aliens FTs PRs, and 5.3% are local born 70% sheep.