
Trump's assassination ruse!

 Donald Trump's popularity is waning and is slipping behind Kamala. This is no good. The euphoria of the first 'assassination' attempt is fading away. Nobody remembers or cares about it anymore. More drastic measures must be taken to win back the supporters for Trump. The first assassination ruse came too early and losing steam and effect.

What can be better than another failed 'assassination' attempt? A gun man was hiding in a bush in Trump's Florida golf course, and carrying an AK 47 rifle, not American rifle, to make it more real, with the sly hint that it was likely foreign motivated.

And the fumbling amateurish gun man was easily spotted and fled but then caught shortly on the highway. In both assassination ruses, the gun men were anything but professionals, exposing themselves to be hunted and taken down. In this latter case, the police were so efficient. No chance to fire a shot and quickly apprehended.

Trump's popularity is going to rise again. Poor man, target of assassins. Must give him more support. The polls will swing to favour Trump again.

Would this be the last attempt or ruse against Trump's life? Point to note, the aggressive and violent Americans are the right wing supporters of Trump and all gun carrying brutes. These are the type that are likely to commit violence, like assassination.  Strange that they are not targeting Kamala, and now a second attempt on Trump.

What do you think? Real or Ruse? Hero and macho Trump is safe and sound again.

In American politics, domestic or international, everything can be scripted by Hollywood to gain sensational effect. $1.5 billion for producing fake news and disinformation. This is no small change. Only an Empire of Lies would be willing to spend such money.

The Story of Sun Qicheng, represents the unflinching fight against gross injustice suffered by overseas Chinese in the United States

Every Chinese must know that during the last over two hundred years our great Chinese Civilization of 5000 years was subjected to extreme barbaric Western attack and aggression by the European countries headed by the Anglo-Saxons British, America, Russia and Japan. China was like a life cockroach set upon by myriads of ants and torn to pieces. China was like a living cattle set upon by packs of hyenas, wolves or lions and torn to shreds. China was invaded, trampled and her land partitioned among the invading tribes. 

In a short span of over two hundred years China was caused to lose her dignity, self-respect and honour as well as losing large swathes of Chinese lands to Russia, England, France, Germany and Japan. However, the Chinese have their own proud national honour, dignity and self-respect. Inspite of overbearing odds in this epic struggle and fight against the hordes of barbaric invaders China put up a determined heroic struggle with grit and gumption and finally won back her Civilization on 1st October, 1949 with the establishment of the People's Republic of China by the Commmunist Party of China led by Chairman Mao Tse-Tung. 

Below is another sad story of how the Chinese living overseas in America were bullied, trampled and treated by the Anglo-Saxons Americans with derision, unfairness and great injustice. As usual Chinese dignity, honour and self-respect would never give in to such savage ill treatment without giving a fight. 

This is a story of Mr.Sun Qichen and his fellow Chinese compatriots heroic epic fight and struggle against the unfairness, lawless acts and injustice against the mighty US government in the 1980s. It was a long heroic fight against false and fake make up lawsuits in the courts against Mr Sun Qichen and the Chinese business community. It was Mr. Sun Qichen's stubborn determination and the full support of the Chinese compatriots of their just cause that finally ended up in court victory for Mr Sun and his Chinese compatriots. 

Every Chinese must read this epic story and finish it to the end and there after circulate it to as many people as possible to let the world know how despicable, dishonourable, petty and lawless the Anglo-Saxons Americans are as well as to show their irrational fear, envy and hatred for the intelligent hardworking Chinese diaspora. 

In the midst of the 2008 subprime financial crisis in the United States an inspiring story emerged. A 74 year old man of Chinese descent was arrested in the United States and became scapegoat for the US government, but the outcome was beyond everyone's expectations. The arrest of Meng Wanzhou has shocked the world. Ten years ago there was a similar arrest that also shocked the world. The defendant was just an innocent Chinese old man. He was suddenly arrested and became a scapegoat for the US government. He faced 182 charges and 240 indictments. He never expected the ending which exceeded everyone's expectations. 

He is Sun Qicheng ( English name Thomas Sung ). He was born in Shanghai in 1935. His father Sun Ruilin was a famous entrepreneur and a philanthropist who founded a large orphanage in Nanshan, Chongqing and rescued thousands of children who were displaced by the Japanese invasion of China. Under the influence of his father, the seed of national justice was planted in his young heart until it grew into a towering tree in later years. When he was sixteen years old, his family migrated to the US. At the university, he obtained a master's degree in economics and a doctorate in law. Such excellent results in the education system were rare among Chinese and even Americans at the time. After completing his studies, he could have successfully entered the upper class of the US, but he made a decision that surprised everyone. 

At that time there was no place where more Chinese gathered in the US than in Chinatown in New York. The barber shop, the small Chinese street vendors doing business on the streets, the humble Chinese shoe repair stall and theatrical performances. Everything here made him extremely comfortable. He said, Whenever I walk in Chinatown, I feel that it is like home. I want to be a part of them. 

However, behind the Chinese existence in the US, there is actually endless bitterness and injustice. The Chinese hawkers who set up stalls in Chinatown would be fined if the stalls encroached little bit into the road for a short distance of one meter, they were fined USD1,000. This is the money earned for their hard work for months. The police cars would park in Chinatown at will, occupying the business space of vendors without any restriction. He saw all this with his eyes, so when he graduated in 1964, he gave up high-paying job and the opportunity to enter the upper class, and established a law firm in Chinatown, where there were many shoe repair shops, vegetable stalls and butcher shops. What he did was for only one purpose to provide much needed and timely help for the unfair treatment suffered by his Chinese compatriots. 

After more than ten years to solve their legal woes, he discovered one of their most difficult problems, many small Chinese businesses in Chinatown paid their workers daily or weekly salaries. While several banks in the US had taken in tens of millions of dollars from Chinese deposits and made huge profits, when Chinese people wanted to borrow money from these banks, they faced difficulties as they were unable to come up with a convincing source of income. The result was the Chinese living in Chinatown found it difficult to buy a house, and even harder to invest in expanding their business. 

He tried to help his compatriots by lobbying mainstream American banks, but failed time after time. He found this very unfair. In order to help his compatriots as much as possible he decided to give up his law firm and open a bank himself. He said, "It's time I want to give back to society and the Chinese." "To many Chinese, the abacus is the treasure of China's five thousand years of culture." So he decided to call the bank Abacus Bank ( National Treasure Bank ) to work for the well being of his compatriots. He invested all his wealth and resources and finally in 1980, the Abacus Bank was established. 

The opening of the Abacus bank brought great vitality to the local Chinese community and hope from helplessness and hardship. He helped them overcome all these with low-interest loans from the US government to help thousands of low-income Chinese who had settled in the US to make a living. After twenty years of unremitting efforts, countless Chinese families regained and improved their lives. Whether it is an aunt who sold flowers or an old man who sold vegetables , with his help they could finally afford a house, have their own business and a foothold in the US. Local Chinese often said: If you have difficulty, you can find a national treasure." 

"National Treasure" became famous and became the well-known OCBC Bank among the Americans. Sun said: The unity of Chinese people abroad should be something integrated into the blood. Abacus Bank aims to enable compatriots to live in a foreign country with dignity." He opened the bank in New York and even more in the hearts of overseas Chinese. 

While he succeeded in his career, he always missed the China where he was born and raised. He knew the importance of talent to the motherland. In 2000, he preached the establishment of the "US-China Education Foundation" to contact many universities in the US. China's education department cooperated in running schools and provided China with a steady stream of talents: lawyers, accountants, computer experts, finance, corporate management, etc which deepened the exchanges between China and the US. 

Unanimously praised, he was called "the goodwill ambassador of China and the US" and the architect of the Sino-US friendship bridge." Everything was moving towards a better place but because of a huge storm that came suddenly he instantly fell into a dead end. 

In 2008 a serious subprime mortgage crisis blew up in the US. All mainstream banks panicked. Unemployment, poverty, and bankruptcy became a huge social disaster. In order to save the country's nearly collapsed economy, in October President Bush signed the "Emergency Economic Stability" bill. The bill authorised the use of taxpayers' money of up to USD700 billion in taxes to rescue those financial giants. But the American people who had been badly affected needed a reasonable explanation. To spend taxpayers' money to rescue the Bank of America, who will be responsible for this crisis. 

The government knew that the main outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis was that the financial tycoons of Wall Street had packaged extremely risky loans and sold these to the public as well as to overseas countries . This vicious circle finally triggered the unprecedented financial disaster. But because these people were too big and strong to be offended and prosecuted, the US government targeted Sun and Abacus Bank which unexpectedly became the only financial institution at that time that was sued by the US government for loan fraud. 

The police went to the bank to arrest its employees. The scene was shocking. The staff were chained together and walked out one by one with their heads bent. This method of arrest even caused upset among the local lawyers in the US. "They were herded down the corridor like herding cows. There is no precedent before ... " Someone said: This is very unfair, it is a shame if it were a group of African-American workers, they wouldn't be treated like this!" Just because they are Chinese and living in Chinatown, they had to suffer such discrimination and injustice. 

Sun was 74 years old. He never expected that a financial turmoil caused by the American banks would make him a scapegoat. He did not expect that he would be convicted of 182 charges and 240 fines in court. The face of the big bank is too big to fail, and Abacus Bank is small enough to be prosecuted was staged in the US. His family was exposed to the eyes of the American people by the media, and suddenly became "the sinners of the US", on these absurd charges. 

The average bad debt rate of mortgages in the US was 5% at the time, while only nine people did not service their loans out of Abacus Bank's more than 3,000 loans. The bank's bad debt rate was only 3%, which had the lowest non-fulfilment loan rate in the US. It is unacceptable for such a reputable bank for the US financial crisis. US news reports severely humiliated the Chinese. 

Seeing that their father was wronged so much, his youngest daughter who was serving in the D.A. office resigned from the government. "The U.S. government's action made me fail to see the the justice and fairness preached. On the contrary, I only saw their incompetence. I was so disappointed." She took up her father's case. However, there were hundreds of lawyers on the government's prosecution side who investigated Abacus Bank. It was proposed that as long as Sun Qicheng is willing to pay a fine of USD6 million , the matter could pass. 

But for the dignity of his family and for the dignity of the Chinese, he did not compromise. "We Chinese do things cleanly, and we will never recognize what we have not done. This is a country that exercises power. I can't let the Chinese face be dulled with shame. I also want to restore my own dignity." He decided to fight for fairness and justice no matter what the price was. 

In the face of powerful government agencies, his only strength was that of his four daughters. Three were lawyers and were quite familiar with US politics, economy and law. The government doesn't know that I'm not that easy to bully, but my daughters, they are also strong, wise and capable women. The US Prosecutor's office did not expect that he was so stubborn and tenacious. He had 182 charges. 

The prosecution used hundreds of well-known lawyers to investigate the files of Abacus Bank in full, so that his family would plead guilty. In this most difficult period, he was supported by his closest compatriots in Chinatown. Every day the owner of the noodle shop presented his daughters with hot wonton noodle. They would stay in the shop for a whole day, discussing the case to "restore dad's innocence!" Many Chinese were waiting for the day when he would be cleared of his charges.

He said, "When I was in trouble, my compatriots did not abandon me. They gave me encouragement, support and told me that I would win the lawsuit." The lawsuit lasted five full years and involved more than 600,000 files. In this power disparity contest, he finally won justice with extraordinary courage. In the end none of his 182 counts and 240 counts were proven. 

After learning of the victory of the lawsuit, many Chinese came forward, "You fought for us and let us believe that we still have a chance for justice." This was not his victory alone, but a victory to defend the dignity of all overseas Chinese. 

Later, the story of Sun Qicheng's family against the US government was filmed as a documentary depicting the Chinese resisting injustice. "Abacus Bank, small enough to jail" was nominated for for best feature documentary for the 90th Oscar Award and won other film awards. This is the legacy of the elderly Sun Qicheng, and the spirit of all Chinese people who strive for and value peace. 

The backbone of the Chinese people will never be broken and the faith of the Chinese people will never be torn apart. An unyielding China will eventually win. Watch the documentary, "Abacus: Small enough to jail" (2017) - How a Chinese family fought against the US government for 5 years. https://youtu.be/75SLTTgFGTc8 https://youtu.be/JkscvUEUnJA.

Circulate this story to as many people as possible to let the world know how racist and anti-Chinese the Anglo-Saxon Americans are and how they trampled on the human rights of other ethnic races. 

 Southernglory1 Monday, 16th September, 2024 

PS. As of today, thousands of Chinese scholars, professors, scientists and academics have been forcefully, wrongfully charged by the Americans with fabricated crimes. Many committed suicide, many were killed under suspicious circumstances. These are fine young men and women in the prime of their career, the best in their respective fields. The American rogue regimes committed atrocious, merciless and racist crimes against the Chinese people even today in the fake and terrorist so called Democracy. 

Many Chinese scholars and experts have returned to China, their Motherland. Many would follow suit in a reversed brain drain to empty the top talents in America. Hopefully they could return safely before they are murdered or wrongly put in jail by the American terrorists.

2 Asian Mickey Mouse are not whites or Jews...Mickey Mouse will always be Mickey Mouse

 The two hot wars in Europe and Middle East are steaming along fine. The Americans, Brits and Europeans are fully behind the two protagonists, the Ukrainians and the Jews. The Ukrainians are seen as whites or look like whites, blond hair and blue eyes. The Jews are quite close, especially the European Jews. And they have the added advantage of being in full control of the American Administration in Washington. All the American politicians are paid by the Jews and will take orders from the Jews.

Ukraine and Israel can count on unlimited support from the Americans and the Europeans. And the two wars would not stop until they won or would be forever wars with the full support and finances to defeat the Russians and the Arabs.

As for the two Mickey Mouse in Asia, ie Taiwan and the Philippines, both 100% dependent on the Americans to back up their hostilities and provocations against China. Without the Americans behind their backs, they would be blown away when China coughs. But they are still deluded to think that the Americans would support them fully like supporting Ukraine and Israel. Their stupidity and dullness are written on their faces.

Both are not whites, and both are not Jews. The stakes are not worthy for the Americans to die for in Taiwan and the South China Sea. And China is not only a formidable opponent, the geography is all for China. There is no Europe and a massive land mass to facilitate the logistics for a war with China. It is a done case. The Americans knew it but the two Mickey Mouse are still in Disneyland, thinking the script can be written in Hollywood and they can write their own success story.

China also has finance and technology behind it, and with a huge population, a huge armed forces to fall back own, the Americans would not be foolish to take on China in a hot war thousands of miles across the Pacific Ocean.

When would the two Mickey Mouse wake up and realise that cartoons are just cartoons and meant for cartoonists and Mickey Mouse? They are not worthy to die for, to sacrifice the lives of American boys and girls. Who did the Taiwanese and Pinoys think they are for Americans to sacrifice their lives for?

How many nukes China has? How many nukes Iran has? Who knows?

 The USA and its allies are just speculating about how many nukes China have today. But it is still meager compared to the USA or Russia. China needs to keep this a secret close to its chest. Small in quantity does not mean small in damage if used correctly and strategically.

North Korea has even fewer nukes by comparison, but they are useful deterrents. No one seems to threaten North Korea now. It does not matter whether that button is bigger or smaller as long as it fires.

The only way forward for China is keep increasing its nukes and close the gap fast. That it is keeping the USA and West guessing is a good strategy.

We do not know to what extent is the military alliance between China and Russia and whether direct intervention is ensconced in their agreement when either is attacked and will they help each other directly. That is perhaps also a good strategy as it keeps the enemy guessing. If Iran goes nuclear and together with North Korea, the odds ought to balance out against the European nuclear powers. 


CIA terrorists and NGOs are protected by the evil American Empire

 Any move against the CIA or NGOs and the USA may well threaten those making such moves.

We already saw what happened with the ICC threats to issue arrest warrants against George W. Bush and his whole gang for the illegal war in Iraq. They are clear cut war criminals, through and through, starting an illegal war based on fabricated evidence. But under the threat of the USA, the ICC was cowed, paralyzed and unable to do anything, losing its credibility thereafter. A crime is a crime however they may interpret it or wash it away.

We will never see USA supported terrorist be taken to task. Not when the USA is the sole arbiter of what is right and what is wrong. What do you think they invented their 'Rules Based Order' for?

They make the rules, you do as they ordered. 


Ukraine War - Setting up the Ukraine Slavs to kill Russian Slavs and vice versa

 The West is ensuring Kiev’s demise on purpose https://www.rt.com/news/603986-ukraine-russia-missiles-nato/

Excellent evaluation of the most recent strategy of the west in Ukraine. I must add that it's not a poison pill given to Ukraine but a suicide pill!!

And the moron Zelensky is going to swallow it with glee.

But Russia should take advantage of this situation and quickly deploy nuclear weapons to Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Iran and friendly EU countries. This will greatly consolidate its military position for the future and ensure no more threats and starting wars from the west. And just for show, donate some nuclear warheads to China too. 

Everyone knows Russia has the most nuclear weapons on earth and that's its trump card against the west, hell bent on destroying it for decades. So it can afford to spare some to toughen other friendly countries. Nobody knows how big China's nuclear arsenal is. By donating some to China will further discourage the sickest country on earth to attack it. 

And China, being the factory of the world, can offer to manufacture Russia's nuclear weapons as a sign of gratitude. Imagine China now manufacturing nuclear weapons on a large scale and possibly for friendly countries as well. If this doesn't make China the strongest country on earth, I don't know what will.😁😁😁



Taj Mahal - Would China build such a monument in India for the Indians?

 Obviously no. The Chinese would have many things to build in Africa, often for free, for the Africans. But this is just an analogy. Would the Chinese put in several hundred billions into India to build a banking empire spreading across the Indian continent, and hiring only Indians to run the banking empire? 

When successful, the Chinese could have the bragging right of telling the world they own the banking empire, providing hundreds of thousands of employment for the Indians. Unfortunately, the bragging rights stop just there. How are the Chinese going to control the finances of the beautiful banking empire when all the employees, from the CEO to the peons are Indians? Not even the CFO is a Chinese. With such a set up, the Chinese can only believe everything the Indians said about the performance of the banking empire. It is up to the Indians to say profit or loss and the Chinese would be none the wiser. Trust the Indians. They would not lie, they would not cheat.

Also, can the Chinese take out any profits from the Indian banking empire? If not, the Indians are really the de facto owner of the banking empire, providing hundreds of thousands of jobs to the Indians using hundreds of billions of Chinese money. On paper it looks good, but the money invested in India is as good as belonging to the Indians. And who knows, one day, when the Indians are generous, they may offer to buy over the banking empire for $1 as there will be no other takers. The Indian govt will make sure no one else can buy the banking empire except the Indian govt or an Indian company approved by the Indian govt.

Would the Chinese be so trusting or gullible to be duped to pump in hundreds of billions of dollars on the great opportunities offered by the future success story of India....to build a Taj Mahal for India for free, using Chinese money? Who knows what would happen tomorrow, who knows what is the future?

One thing is certain. In the future, the people making the decision would all be dead.

PS. Do not bring a snake home. And the top most don'ts...Do not move into a snake nest.

BRICS must not take chances on admitting pro American spies

 Any country unable to take a stand as to which side it favors cannot be allowed to join BRICS. The risk is too great. The chance of sabotage is not to be underestimated.

If the USA can be seen funding NGOs in countries around the world to destabilize them, what guarantee can such tactics not be employed in dealing with BRICS. If the USA had been caught spying even on leaders of close allies like Germany and France, what guarantee can such tactics not be employed against leaders of countries in BRICS from the inside. If the USA, in the past, had been caught spying on allies by selling them decoding machines with backdoors that allowed the USA to spy on messages they were sending, how can any country within NATO itself be allowed in BRICS when they are totally controlled by the USA?

For all we know, the USA probably is still spying on Olaf Scholz and having a hold on him to make him comply with every dictate, such as taking out the Nord Stream pipeline. Scholz is a lame duck, clearly not having the same guts to confront the USA like Angela Merkel. Having a pair of testicles is no better than one without them. 


Trade war or hot war are only easy to win in Hollywood fantasy movies

 If trade wars are easy to win, China would have been decimated by all the tariffs and its manufacturing base curtailed. In the end, who paid for all those tariffs? Not the manufacturers in China, but the end consumers in the USA. And did China's exports suffer? In fact, China's exports still flourished.

Hot wars are not easy to win either. Otherwise, they would not have fled Vietnam with just their pants on and boarding helicopters from rooftops in a mad rush to get out. It was a defeat that can never be covered up by just using the word 'withdrawal' as in Afghanistan. And the USA also fled from Afghanistan after twenty long years and US$2 trillion thrown against the Taliban, just fighting farmers bearing small arms, and they could not overcome them. Was that easy to win as they thought? Of course, Afghanistan is the 'Graveyard of Empires' and even the superpower USA cannot win with all their firepower, air support and hype up military capabilities. Worse still was leaving behind all the weapons for the Taliban to form a credible army now. Afghanistan will be more than the 'Graveyard of Empires' for those thinking of swallowing it up.

Now in Ukraine, it is the same story. 32 NATO countries supporting Ukraine, with all the sanctions imposed, and they still cannot win the war. NATO is really trapped in Ukraine. We do not know the outcome yet, with Europe down on its knees and already totally defeated economically, all thanks to their following the dictates of the USA blindly. Will it be a full-fledged defeat like in Vietnam or to put it more unrealistically as a 'withdrawal' as they put it in the context of Afghanistan. We know 'withdrawal' was just a face-saving attempt to put it bluntly. It was a defeat in a war that was never easy to win as they thought.


EU buying more Russian oil through other countries and paying market price...brilliant!

 According to reports, the EU is now buying more gas from Russia than from the USA. That must be a surprise to many. After all the talk about using sanctions to stop helping Russia to fund the war, why are they doing just the exact opposite of what they set out to do? Desperation is the answer. Do they really have any moral authority to accuse China of helping Russia in their trade and accusing China of helping Russia to fund its war with Ukraine?

The EU was and is in fact also buying Russian oil despite all the talk of keeping out Russian oil exports to stifle the Russians and collapse its economy. It is an open secret that the EU is buying lots of Russian oil, mixed with other sources and sold to the EU at huge profits. China, India and even Saudi Arabia are doing this very lucrative business and the USA, and the EU can do nothing about it. What happened to the US$60 price cap on oil masterminded by non-other than Janet Yellen? Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

The most ironic situation is that Saudi Arabia is keeping its own oil extraction for domestic and sale to other countries, while buying Russian oil to be sold to the EU.

How stupid are the Europeans has been laid bare for all to see. Instead of settling for cheap Russian oil and gas without those sanctions, they are now paying for the same stuff at several times the price they were paying just before the Ukraine War. Does stupidity have no cure ring a bell?



Can you magine,... the US, UK, Nato and Israel were to attack Iran?

 Israel has been planning to destroy Iran for a long time, especially Iran's nuclear facilities. The time has come and the Americans are fully behind the Israelis to wipe out Iran for good. The UK is also on board and so is Nato. Can you imagine, what would happen to Iran when these white terrorist states ganged up against Iran and Iran is alone to defend itself?

Can you imagine, what if China and Russia choose not to get involved? When the two most powerful opposition to the western camp stay out, the fate of Iran is going to be pathetic, a cruel ending to a civilisation with millions of Iranians disappearing from mother earth. There will be no mercy.  Iran will suffer a fate worse than what happened to North Korea, or Iraq, the Iranian landscape would be beyond recognition.

Can you imagine, what would be the response of the Arab and Muslim states in the region? Turkey as a member of Nato would likely be part of the attacking Nato forces, or at best provide a supporting role. When the Arab and Muslim states see this, many would cower in fear, hide under the bed, not to be seen or heard. Some may volunteer to join the American terrorists to attack Iran as well, to be on the good book of the white men.

Can you imagine, after Iran is totally wiped out, what would the white terrorists do next? With their success, and the the inaction of China, and Russia, they would be so embolden of their invincibility and would continue to attack Russia and then China. The white supremacy and the American Empire would rule the whole world till eternity. The rest of the world, Latin America, Africa, Asia and South East Asia would just capitulate. Long live the American Empire, they will all chant together.

Can you imagine, this could be the future of civilisation and would last for a long long time? Can you imagine, if this comes true?

If the rest of the world does not stop the white savages from decimating Iran, does not stop the white savages from destroying Russia, the white men will re colonise the whole world again. Can you imagine, what would be the life of coloured people under an enraged white savage regime?

CIA and NGO operators are terrorists and must be arrested

 In any country that the USA has an axe to grind with, you can be sure that the CIA and USA funded NGOs are working the ground and cultivating stooges to get them ready to assume power.

Rest assured the USA is still doing stooge cultivation in Xinjiang and Hong Kong. It is not over as long as China is seen as an enemy. Likewise in Iran, Venezuela, Russia (wife of Navalny is the chosen one) and even in lesser close countries with it like Mexico, Brazil, and countries in ASEAN like Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia which are closer to China. Their regime changing work in progress now is targeted at others like Indonesia, Vietnam and Malaysia.

Pakistan and Bangladesh have gone over to the dark side, with Thailand almost a done deal if the Thai Military loses power completely.


American Presidential Election is about China and Russia, not about 'for the people'

 Russian gate is again on the election agenda of the Democrats. This indicates Trump is perhaps having the upper hand. If China gate surfaces, it probably indicates that Harris is leading. But now, they are said to be equally balanced.

Therefore, renewing Russian gate is thought to remind voters the danger of Russian influence in US election. Have they not had enough of the wild goose chase during Trump's four-year Presidency? As I always say, US election can never do without the two perennial bogeymen, Russia and China.

What is happening within the US is not important for the voters. The homelessness, drug problem, gun problem, debts, and economy in serious trouble. Of course, they can deny as denying is their modus operandi when no solution is found. Just kick the can further down the road and it vanishes from sight. 


The West is asking the obvious - What is Africa doing in China?

 And the West is asking the obvious question - What is Africa doing in China?

African leaders were in Washington in 2022, treated like slaves meeting their master. All they did in Washington meeting Biden was a photoshoot for them to take home to show that they met Biden. They were accorded little time to talk about their problems. What were they doing in Washington must be the question on everyone's mind. They were at first given US$350 billion (bribe) said to be for development, but later shrank, after post-ejaculation, to just 10% of that or US$350 million instead. How shameful was that! Shared among the 50 odd countries, each gets US$7 million for development. It was an insult to even the poor Africans. Even less than the US$150 million for ASEAN countries to buy sampans for fighting piracy.

African leaders meeting Xi during the China-Africa Summit were accorded red carpet treatment and promised US$60 billion for aid for a start. Rest assured this will not be shrank to a pittance like the US$350 million from the original US$350 billion. Shame is not a word in the dictionary of the USA.


American and western atrocities exposed by social media...they are losing the propaganda war

 By the same argument, it is clear that Ukraine cannot be allowed to join NATO, which is very important for Russia. That is why Russia is not letting this 'Red Line' be crossed. Ukraine joining NATO will result in nukes being sited there and will never be removed as time goes by. If Ukraine ever joins NATO, Russia will just destroy Ukraine completely and turn it into a waste land, where agriculture cannot exist. It will be a new the stone age in the making.

Just look at Gaza, with children studying under makeshift tents in open ground after their school turned into dust by the Israelis. The children were shown sitting on the bare ground. It was shocking that schools, refugee centers, hospitals and even UN aid centers could be targeted and destroyed. Ukraine will suffer the same fate if it joins NATO.

With all these atrocities being reported and totally avoided by the MSM, little wonder they knew they have lost the social media war and are resorting to banning apps uncovering the reality. Australia is passing a new law to prevent those in the younger age group from access to information on social media. This will be the same modus operandi to be taken up by other Anglo-Saxo white countries using this test balloon. When they lost the ability to compete or counter, they resort to dirty tactics like banning apps such as Tik Tok.



Huawei's latest 3 fold high end Mate XT versus Apples' offer of skin deep colour schemes

Huawei Mate XT

TOKYO: If there is one thing that the late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs is remembered for, it’s that he knew how to put on a show. Long before Apple became the world’s most valuable company, it was an underdog that masterfully stole spotlights and invigorated rebel consumers.

Huawei seems to have taken a leaf from this playbook in scheduling its own flashy product event on Tuesday (Sep 10) just hours after Apple’s annual iPhone keynote. The Chinese company unveiled the Mate XT, the world’s first triple-screen smartphone that folds like the letter Z.

Visuals of the never-before-seen triptych design made a splash online, especially in contrast to the new iPhone 16’s modest hardware upgrades, the most noticeable being a new button.

It didn’t help that Apple’s biggest selling point for the latest device is built-in artificial intelligence capabilities that won’t launch in the Chinese language until next year, and are subject to strict regulatory approval before hitting the lucrative market. The absence of this key feature in China drew widespread derision on domestic social media; one viral Weibo post mocked that the iPhone 16 should be half price without it. CNA Bloomberg Opinion’s Catherine Thorbecke.


This dumb Bloomberg writer called Huawei's Mate XT a flashy product but then admitted that it was the first triple screen smartphone against iPhone 16's modest hardware upgrades which offers 5 colour choices to push sales for a high end priced phone. What a joke! Would users buy iPhone because of a change in colour of the phone?

The other problem of iPhone 16 is supposed to be a built in artificial intelligence but won't be launched in the Chinese language until next year. Without this artificial intelligence app, the only thing new is the offer of 5 colours which would appeal to children that need such gimmicks, not serious users of high end phones.

So, which phone is just a flashy product and which is a serious gadget with advanced features? 

By the way, pre orders for the Mate XT has reached more than 5m pieces.

Ukraine War - Europe sinking in a quicksand they never expected and regretting

 Trump said trade war was easy to win. The Washington clowns think every war is easy to win, without knowing the enemy. So, with their brilliant stupid plan, they held Biden's hand to sign it and went to war with Russia. The key architect of this plan was none other than Victoria Neuland. She thought every country was like Iraq or Libya. And the Washington clowns fully agreed with her great stupid plan.

To the Washington clowns, it was an all out economic and financial war against Russia and the Russian economy would crumble and bite the dust within months. Thousands and thousands of sanctions were thrown at Russia. And the clowns in the European capitals also bought this stupid plan wholesale. After the retirement of Angela Merkel, probably forced out by the Americans, Olaf Scholz was anything but a midget in international politics, and ended up in the pocket of the Americans.

The other European leaders were no better than Scholz, another bunch of clowns across the Atlantic Ocean. They believed everything the Washington clowns told them or afraid to go against their colonial master. It would be a quick war, an easy war against the Russians if the whole of Europe were to gang up with the American terrorists against Russia.

It was all fantasy, like a Hollywood production, with the producer dictating every move, every word and every action and writing their own ending. The American heroes would win, must win. The enemies are nuts, unable to think, cannot think, and would sit there to be devoured and not knowing what to do. The realities said otherwise. The Russians are not duds or unthinking beans. They are as smart if not much smarter than the clowns on both sides of the Atlantic, and militarily more capable.

The Russians took the bull by the horns, and with full support from its people and allies, threw everything back at the Washington and European clowns. The Ukraine War is not over in a few months, and is now more than two and a half years and the Russians are winning. The only option left to the Washington and European clowns is to double down, and probably leading to a point of no return, all in.

This is not what the European clowns expected. They were hoping for a blitzkrieg as promised by the Washington clowns. If they know it would take so long, they would not have accepted the plan. Their economies cannot afford a long war. Their economies are at the brink of a recession. And they needed cheap Russian gas and oil and food to survive. Now all these have gone up in smokes.

The European economies are crumbling, not the Russians. And everyday the war goes on, the financial and economic burden would get heavier to bring down the European economies. Unfortunately there is no way out of this quicksand. Sink is the only way forward.

The Washington clowns have successfully brought down the whole of Europe instead of Russia. Who is to be blamed for this fiasco? China, the convenient scapegoat of the Washington clowns? The clowns would never blame themselves. It is always other people's fault, blame someone else, blame China, thousands of miles away from Europe.

While the Europeans are fumbling and wondering what to do next, how to exit from this mess, a big collapse is awaiting every one of the combatant in the Ukraine War. Europe is doomed, finito!

God works in his own mysterious way to destroy the devils in their own plans. Amen.

PS. And the little devils in London are pushing to strike at Moscow to invite Russia to nuke Europe for a quicker end to the European civilisation. Great friends.

Virgo's rumbling or morning bread

 Good morning All

Many FOOLS are living in this delusional and make believe World not accepting their true worth.

Still thought that they are the BEST whereas theu are NOT.

Especially their Leaders who only marked time as they knew only when to strike whilst the iron is HOT.

M.O.T. in their so called Democratic Free a World they are only churning their self interests of scouping the Wealth before their time is OUT.

Sinkeland, Sinkies still in deep slumber that their times are good forever.

India with their Indians still had the illusion that they are going to be Number One soon to ursurp China.

China is leaps and bounds ahead of every one including the damn illusionary still in their Americunts Dreams Land.

PRCs don't dream!

They worked for it.

Long long decades ago, if the Sinking Land Leaders are Smart enough to take the same route as the PRCs with their industrialisations and drives, today we shall have our own having one of the highest standard of livings and no one mostly platform workers struggling for a living.

Only a few of their lackeys and cronies are enjoying their present stage of luxurious lifes.

Now debating the protection of our platform workers.


Whilst so many highly paid jobs and professions are been channelled to their so called foreign talents.

This is a just their facade and vengeance to punish the Sinkies who wanted more Opposition Wards and MPs that hurt their egos.

Anyway, foolish Sinkies are still in their illusionary dream land and shall wake up in horrors soon to find most of them RTS, i.e. Roam The Streets.

No eyes see.


Turkey a Trojan Horse wanting to join BRICS?

 BRICS may be admitting a Trojan Turkey into its fold, after having a Trojan Horse already playing havoc.

A nuclear device may be placed inside a Christmas Turkey for celebrating but which will sabotage BRICS, LOL.

Turkey is in NATO but not in EU tells us something very important and sinister. Turks are never accepted as Whites and can never co-exist as Whites with the Anglo-Saxon White clique. Turkey can only become cannon fodder for the Whites but cannot hope to share in the benefits of EU when the EU was strutting its economic feathers for the world to see. That is why nukes are placed inside Turkey and not in any other European state of NATO.


De dollarisation - Threat and bullying by the Americans are useless

 The USA now realize that de-dollarization is picking up traction and now openly threatening countries in BRICS attempting de-dollarize. It will be an exercise in futility.

BRICS countries can always trade among themselves using their own currency or the Yuan, like Russia in energy and two-way trade. What can the USA do? BRICS had already set up energy and grain exchanges and conducting trade in energy and agricultural products outside the US$. What can the USA do? These are all done outside the ability of the USA to monitor in value, to tell who did the trade and no Western Banks involved. The effect is just too enormous to ignore, especially in the energy and agricultural sectors.


India is everything the Indians want to believe in but not in reality

 But on social media, India is touted as the next China. India is already a self-anointed superpower, a self-declared next factory of the world, even bigger than China. The self-declared importance has lately been deflated by the news that Apple is moving some production back to China and Foxconn is building another facility in China to provide service to Apple.

India denied BYD's intention to build a EV plant in India, which in my opinion is a blessing in disguise for BYD. Now BYD is building that plant in Pakistan instead. Pakistan is delighted with the BYD investment.

Countries should not think that opportunities for building factories cannot succeed without them, as the world is so big, and countries elsewhere are extending open arms to invite such investments to grow their economy.

The frenzy to invest elsewhere by China is evident, as China has accumulated so much trade surplus to do exactly that. China has to find alternatives to recycle those surplus rather than investing them in risky USA assets like Treasuries. The confiscation of US$300 billion by the West is a very important lesson for China to divest its US$ holdings. More so now that the USA is instigating all the confrontation against China. 



Israel's economy on free fall...the Gaza Genocide hitting back


Good News: Israel's Economy is Collapsing...7 min. 

Israel, once the high-flying 'Start-Up Nation,' is now struggling to keep its economic boat from sinking. With funds drying up faster than the Negev desert and an economy that's hitting more bumps than a Tel Aviv street, many are asking: what on earth happened?

Israel may think it is winning, but the financial cost must be paid and every day the war continues, the Israelis economy will keep evaporating. Israel may be killing the Palestinians, but it is also killing its own economy.  Israel's stock market has crashed. Israel cannot last another 6 months, the toll is heavy with able men drafted to commit genocide in Gaza and an imminent regional war about to flare up.

China, India and Singapore...which is the most advanced technology state?

 China is the biggest manufacturing state in the world, second only to the US in nominal GDP term. India is the next number one super power in the world, over taking China and the US in the future. Singapore is the richest country in South East Asia and among the top 5 in per capita income in the world.

Who among the three is the most advanced technology state? China came to Singapore in the late 1970s and continued to the 80s and 90s to learn from Singapore. They were great students and learnt very fast, learnt everything they could from Singapore. They were modest and even today, China still talks about learning from Singapore and Singapore still talks about teaching China about how to build smart and clean cities, except building space station.

One thing is certain. China never talk about learning from India. Singapore also never talk about teaching India how to build smart and clean cities. Maybe Singapore knows it is not up to it when India is concerned, a great country with abundant great talents. More often than not it is India that is coming to Singapore to teach Singapore about high tech, how to run the train system which India has vast experience, how to tackle flood problems, how to be a financial centre, about IT/AI, about making chips. India also offers its top talents to help Singapore to become a modern and advanced city state, in finance, in education and in technology. And Singapore is very grateful to India. Singapore knows that it is inferior to India in many ways when talents are concerned and learning from India, depending on India is second nature. Given a chance, Singapore would want all the Indian talents to replace no talent Singaporeans.

From the above relationships it is very clear that India is the most advanced technology state. India can teach and offer a lot to Singapore. And Singapore can teach and offer China a lot too. Some still believe in the American and western narrative that Chinamen are stupid, no talent, no skills, only good enough to be cooks and laundry men. Thus it can be safely concluded that Singapore ranks number two and China is the least advanced technology state of the three. One exception, India would not dare to go to China to want to teach China about advanced technology. Wondering why is that so?

With CECA, Singapore is very fortunate to have India helping it to become a modern city state, a financial centre and a smart IT city state props up by Indian IT talents. Without the Indian IT talents, Singapore would still be struggling to become a smart city with its limited or no talent population. Modi has just been here to show Singapore the way going forward, to teach Singapore to progress. Only the Indians have the audacity to say so to Singapore and Singaporeans.

China still has a lot to learn from Singapore...but not from India unless it wants to become another India.

What do you think?

West want to keep Africa poor! Africa looking to China for help

 Africans are pragmatic. China was no richer than Africa more than three decades ago. Within that space of time, China lifted 850 million Chinese out of poverty. If that is not a testimonial of China's humanity, what else is to be taken as the hallmark of China's capability?

And China is helping Africa in the same way, with no bias against the stigma of being poor and should be left to fester. What is wrong with China providing aid to Africa to be paid back in resources extracted by joint ventures formulated to ensure a win-win situation? Like China today, progress in Africa is an affront to the West's intention to keep Africa poor and dependent on their colonization and pilfering of resources. All the wars that the colonial powers created benefited the Anglo-Saxon Whites and brought sufferings to the Africans. Is that what African's want going forward?


EU is collapsing! Russia and BRICS rising!

 Whatever happened to the narrative that Russia is isolated and have no friends? Whatever happened to the narrative that the Russian Ruble is becoming rubble, and Russia will collapse with all the sanctions? Oh, no, Russia is doing even better than the EU countries and will become great again. BRICS is expanding, which means Russia is having more friends in its fold. What a slap on the face of Biden, Johnson, Scholz, Macron, Von de Leyen and Stoltenberg.

The biggest irony is that the EU is collapsing instead of Russia. Germany is sliding down into the sewers, never mind Olaf Scholz still strutting his stuff about providing more aid to Ukraine at all costs for Germany.

Ukraine itself is even auctioning national assets to pay for the war, which indicates aid is hard to come by. Who is buying those sitting duck assets in Ukraine? Maybe Zelensky knows it is all over, selling everything, and taking all the money and running to his private island to live in luxury. That is provided the Russians are willing to let bygones be bygones.

Despite all the game changing moves with fresh weapons, everything looks gloomy for Ukraine. Russia is advancing by gaining more territory while the Kursk invasion by Ukraine is being taken care of by other Russian troops moved from the Eastern region. It was a miscalculation by Zelensky hoping to lure Russian troops on the Ukrainian front to be diverted to Kursk and hoping to use Kursk as a bargaining chip to talk peace. 


Coups and social unrests engineered by CIA, NED and NGOs are failing everywhere

 This is to be expected, as those are stooges cultivated by the USA to take over the country targeted for regime change when they are successful. Ukraine is a perfect example and Pakistan and Bangladesh are indications of their encroachment success using the same tactic. The CIA and USA funded NGOs will work the ground, instigating chaos, underwriting the cost of protest. Everything is worth it when they succeed. That was what happened in Hong Kong.

But then, they failed in Russia with Alexei Navalny's death, wiping out all the years of cultivation and cost of working the ground. Russians in general failed to support Navalny and he was looked upon as a traitor.

And they also failed in Myanmar, with Aung San Suu Kyi's cultivation about to bear fruit and take over the country, using her father's legacy to garner all the support. That was also an expensive foray for the USA. But they are not content and still wants to bring chaos to Myanmar today by funding the rebels.

Another big failure was in Venezuela, even using mercenaries trained by the CIA to take down the Government of legally elected Nicolas Maduro. The USA is still at it, as the oil reserves of Venezuela is such a tantalizing target for seizure.

There were other failures, notably in Kazakhstan, which with Russian help was able to put down the attempt at regime change.

The USA cultivated Muslim radicalized elements in Xinjiang were used to create chaos at the same time as events in Hong Kong were unfolding, trying to destabilize China. These radicalized elements were later arrested and sent to re-education camps, which the West spun into concentration camps to demonize China. The cat is now out of the bag as foreign vloggers are helping to counter the lies and present a true picture of the state of affairs in Xinjiang. But backfiring is never a shame for the West by being exposed naked. They have no moral sense to feel any shame.



De dollarisation - 159 countries confirmed to adopt BRICS financial system

 There are 195 in the world today. Given that 159 countries are joining BRICS new financial system, it means only 36 countries are not in, about all the American and European countries. There are 28 countries in EU and 3 Anglo Saxon countries in US, Australia and New Zealand, and Israel, and a few die hard American colonies like Japan and South Korea and a handful of crony states that would be left out.

With the new BRICS system, the world would be clearly divided between the American SWIFT system and the new system. Many countries may still be using both systems but if the American terrorists would to sanction those joining the BRICS system, then likely many would leave the SWIFT system altogether.

Did the rogue American propaganda jeered at China and Russia for having very few friends? For 159 countries willing to make the move to join the BRICS financial system, the writing is on the wall. These countries have had enough of the bullying and threats of the American terrorists and want a new and fairer system, to be free from the aggressive and atrocious Americans. 

The American hegemony and ability to oppress and threaten the world are over! It would be good if Trump is re elected and impose sanctions on the 159 countries. Then the Americans would be left to play with the balance 36 countries in the world. By sanctioning others, the Americans would be isolating themselves from the rest of the world. Now that would be nice.

The BRICS meeting in Kazan would welcome a new world order without the Americans and their colonies and cronies. This is truly a world shattering event of the century. The final nail on the coffin of the American Empire. 

Adios Americano!

PS.  Russian state-funded news outlet RT retracted a report that incorrectly said 159 countries had adopted a "new BRICS payment system" but not before the false claim spread across social media. RT misquoted a Russian official who said that 159 "participants" – not 159 countries -- had adopted Moscow's SPFS system for bank transfers, which sanctions-hit Russia uses as an alternative to the global SWIFT system.

Anyway, this is only a matter of time.

The USA/West toxic Psychiatric mindset and its endless ramifications for China and all countries of the South in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

The white Western countries headed by the Anglo-Saxon United States have a hereditary toxic psychiatric mindset that always post a great danger to China and all countries of the South in Africa, Asia, South East Asia, Middle East, South America, Central America and the Caribbean Island countries. In the past in the 13th Century they were astounded by Marco Polo's description of the great wonders of Chinese civilization and how Chinese people were living a glorious life in grandeur and prosperity. Then they learnt indirectly from the Mongols and the Arab travellers and merchants on the wonders of Chinese inventions, science and technology. All this kick start the European renaissance and their urge to go to China to see, observe and learn from the Chinese. 

However, after learning and copying the ability to make gunpowder, guns and cannons they made use of these new found inventions for evil purposes because of their hereditary aggressive warlike nature. The Chinese made use of guns and cannons to frighten away evil spirits during vibrant celebrations of national festivals. But the Western barbaric nations used it for mass killings and destruction in warfare against others. 

Soon with the improved version of their guns and cannons the European countries especially Spain, Portugal, France, England and Russia went on a wild spree of rampage of aggression and invasions against other peoples and countries both in the old hemisphere in Asia and Africa and in the new hemisphere in North America and South America. Even China the inventor of guns and cannons was caught unaware of this incoming menacing storm of great proportions. 

Every country that was visited by these Western hordes of barbaric tribes was attacked, invaded and conquered and the people slaughtered and killed without any mercy. And that was how people and countries of both the old and new hemisphere were colonized by the Europeans, trampled and enslaved by them. The first peoples and countries to succumb to Western barbaric invasions were the people and countries of North and South America. This was followed by countries of the Middle East, Africa, India and Central Asia. 

England, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland Belgium, Italy and Germany partitioned Africa among themselves. India was fully invaded and conquered by England after a hot contest with France. Russia invaded and took all the countries in Central Asia and all Chinese territories from Lake Baikal region to the Maritime Province fronting the Pacific Ocean and the Sakhalin Islands. 

Later they turned their attention to jointly attack China and to partition China among themselves. England, France, America and Japan occupied the Chinese ports and cities of Shanghai, Nanking, Ningpo, Xiamen and Canton. England detached Southern Tibet from China and incorporated it as part of British ruled India. In 1885 France took away Indo-China from China. 

While from 1850s to 1885 Russia invaded and occupied large swathes of Chinese lands in the north of the Heilong Jiang river inclusive of the Lake Baikal region and the Ussuri maritime province fronting the Pacific Ocean where the Chinese main city of Hai Hsien Wei was and in which Russia changed its name to Vladivostok meaning Russian Fort of the East. In all Russia occupied a Chinese territory of about three million square miles. 

The barbaric West especially the Anglo-Saxon British and the Americans used opium to destroy China but used proceeds of opium money to construct and develop England and America. It was the Opium Wars (1839 to 1842) and (1856 to 1860) that England imposed on China that unravelled China's way of life in peace, prosperity, grandiosity and public vibrant social life in festivals and festivities. England had for decades been importing large quantities of Chinese tea, silk and porcelains and then resold them to other European and Arab countries for huge profits. But through greed British imports of these Chinese products increased by many folds and England soon faced the inability to pay for these products. Then the Anglo-Saxon British and the surreptitious British Jew David Sassoon hit on the idea of the illicit opium trade and opium smuggling into China. 

Thus through illicit opium trade and smuggling England and all Western nations were able to make huge quantum profits though at the same time it impoverished China tremendously and weaken the country and people to no end. It is an open secret that many of the great buildings and edifice in England, France and America were built with Chinese opium money. The Americans also proudly boasted that opium money from illicit opium trade and smuggling in China contributed to the building of many prominent American universities like Princeton University, Yale University, Columbia University, New York University and California High Tech University. Moreover American infrastructures like railways, roads, ports, cities and hospitals were also built with Chinese opium money. 

Throughout this Western aggression China was reduced to a semi-colony of Western nations. From a country of grandeur and great prosperity China was plundered without end and impoverished tremendously to poverty of great dimensions. All this humiliation by the West on China lasted over a hundred years from 1800 to 1948. 

Yet during this period of great humiliation the Westerners and Japan dared to hate China and despise China and the Chinese people for being weak and poor. They labelled China as 'Sick Man of Asia" and said that Chinese people are incapable of innovation or any scientific and technological advancement. It is not until the founding and establishment of the People's Republic of China on 1st October, 1949 by the CPC of Chairman Mao Tse-tung that China and the Chinese people are able to restore its pride, self-respect and dignity. 

Now they not only hate China but also are very angry and fearful and envious of China because China is surpassing them in many fields of endeavour and Chinese people are living a good life again in the midst of vibrant social societies in the towns and cities all over China compare with the crappy lives in morbid Western societies. Thus the rise of modern China under the CPC to great economic, military, political, scientific and technological power and strength put paid to Western/American arrogant and egoistic claim that China was a 'Sick Man of Asia." 

Now they are ganging up again and trying all ways and means to destroy China again. Well, this time they can be sure to meet their nemesis and self-destruction if they dare to take on China for they must know the present China is not the same as the old decadent China and must not be trivialised with. The rise of a rich and powerful China has given hope to many countries of the South in Africa, South America, Central America, the Caribbean island countries and the Pacific Ocean island countries. China has been able to help these countries of the South to rise up with dignity economically and politically and thus thrown away the yoke of Western colonialism and imperialism. All these countries of the South are looking forward to follow the model of China's rise to power and riches and they hope they will soon be able to leave the curse of poverty and colonialism in the dustbin forever. 

Southernglory1 Wednesday, 11th September, 2024.

Depopulation of the world in progress - Thank you Pfizer, thank you America


 NWO: Pfizer admits vaccinated men are being chemically castrated for globalist depopulation agenda

View the above link, 12 min, on how the spike protein from mRNA vaccine is working and doing its bit to depopulate the world. mRNA men's sperm are being chemically altered to cause still birth. mRNA vaccinated women are also having deformed eggs. Women who are not mRNA vaccinated are not safe from these men as the spike protein can infect the women during copulation.   

This development is being presented by professionals that are continuing with followup on people being vaccinated by mRNA vaccines. The official media and govt organisations are not reporting this development and even put a lid on this information. 

If the finding is conclusive, it would take more time, the depopulation programme of the Americans and illuminati is going according to plans. In a generation or two, the population of the world would see a drastic collapse which would have huge adverse and perverse consequences. To the mastermind of this perverse depopulation programme, it is good news! Lesser demand and stress on the resources on planet earth.

The two regions that would be least affected would be China and Africa. They did not inject themselves with mRNA spike protein. Japan is in panic mood over mRNA vaccines effect on its people.

PS. The reckless decision to use an experimental vaccine without going through the whole process of validation to sieve out all the adverse and deadly side effects will take a heavy toll on the lives of the people of the world. Who will be responsible for this abominable disaster, the voluntary or compulsory self termination of the human race?

The white warmongers will continue to kill and kill without conscience

 With war mongers running the USA, and maggots in the swamp supporting their agenda, the spilling of blood is only going to get worse. But all that is not important, and just brushed aside as collateral damage, just like the children and women killed in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. It never gets inside their conscience.

All the wars have the same element of being started by the White war mongers or instigated by them (as in South China Sea) or created by them (as In Ukraine). The wars in Vietnam (about containing communism), Afghanistan (about countering terrorism), Iraq (about preventing WMD when the communism and terrorism threat narrative failed to fit), Ukraine (about upholding NATO's right to expand NATO closer to Moscow).

Next will be China and the narrative is not about communism triumphing over democracy, which will be self-admittance of defeat, but all about containing China's rise to overtake the USA and the White Imperialist, and the rising Chinese influence globally, especially in Africa. Oh, de-dollarization issue is inconsequential for the USA, on the surface, and they are not rattled today and are treating de-dollarization as a non-event, but beneath that they are nervous and paranoid. They can keep on denying, but de-dollarization is going to be the main catalyst leading to their own downfall. 


American Clown Election - Russia and China bogeymen in spotlight as usual

 For a short time, I was under the impression that using bogeymen Russia and China had faded away from the USA election spotlight. I was wrong. Russia and China are like the sauce to complement the taste of a dish and always needed during USA election season. Nothing meanders from their playbook which both parties follow.

After the fiasco of Biden's incapacity taking center stage faded away, the new
or should I say, the old playbook of using bogeymen Russia and China is dusted and put to good use again. The fuse has been ignited and the MSM is taking up the task of adding fuel to the fire.

Congress will take up the demonizing of Russia and China, with Iran as well, on the election interference issue. Nothing is beyond them to fabricate by just providing the narrative to fit the agenda which they have horned into an art. Just like the Iraq War with the whole UN falling for it.

That is why keeping the swamp intact has its privileges and advantage in times of need for both parties. The oddballs in the swamp are still needed to sing the chorus to serenade the voters. Why would Trump want to drain the swamp is a no brainer.


PS. Fact-checkers brace for lie-filled debate as Trump faces Harri. An AFP article saying the obvious. The debate is all about lies and lying from the two clowns.

Believe the pro-USA shrills on Youtube, you must be as dumb as a lamppost.

 If you ever believe the pro-USA shrills on Youtube, you must be as dumb as a lamppost.

Their fabrication is so frivolous, all twilight zone stuff. Train stations are deserted, bridges collapsing, hospitals unable to cope, EVs on fire all over China, Three Gorges dam broke and millions killed.

Soon, they will make videos of the sky collapsing over China, the mountains moving into the sea, the sun does not shine over China and everywhere is dark.

Is all this really going to make China collapse? Does Biden gloating about turning the Russia Ruble into rubble and the collapse of Russia did anything worse to Russia other than making Russia great again? It will do the same to China.



Barbaric western civilisation that refused to be civilised



20 minutes of the true western barbaric culture by a westerner. The cruel and savage western history was hidden from the westerners and never told as it is, leaving all the westerners dumbly believing in a distorted civilisation that was uncivilised and still uncivilised till today.

The western civilisation is a lie. It is built on killing, plunder, pillage, robbing and stealing from others and oppressing others from developing and progress on their own to be better than the West.


Only as an adult I started educating myself about the horrors of the British empire in India. I am first generation British Indian. At school we learnt all the good the so called empire did in India but now I know that they destroyed India which was the 3rd richest country at the time. They murdered 165 million indians and starved them. Left a whole nation in poverty and illiterate.
I have been listening to you for years. You uplift my confidence as a muslim and clear off my mind off the stagnating poisonous effect of the rotten so call western civilization. Thank you brother shahid, may Allah reward you and your family with Jannatul firdaus.

Israel's arrogance and aloofness underestimate the feelings of the Arab and Muslim world

Is this statement true, that the Americans and the Jews underestimate the feelings and probable reactions of the Arab and the Muslim world? If this is true, then a bigger regional war is and will happen, with the Arab and Muslim world uniting to fight for their right to exist in the land they called home.  If this is true, then the Arab and Muslim world must be smart enough to know what their fate would be if they do nothing, thinking that the decimation of the Palestinians and the lost of their land would end a chapter of genocide and land grab by the Americans and the Jews, and they will be safe, by not doing anything to protect themselves from the massacre and destruction.

If this is not true, if the Americans and the Jews read the Arab and Muslim world correctly, that for selfish self preservation, they would not do anything, would not lift a finger to help and save the Palestinians, then Palestine and the Palestinians would be history very soon. 

And if this is not true, then the existence of the Arab and Muslim in the Middle East would follow the way of the Palestinians, one by one, terminated and driven out of their land. It would be an easy job to deal with the Arab and Muslim states one by one, with the rest either collaborating with the Americans and the Jews and thinking that this would buy them safety and their land would be protected, or folding their arms watching lamely from a distance, or hunkering in fear and praying everyday that the supernatural force would protect them and save them from the fate of the Palestinians.

Are the Americans and Jews that arrogant and aloof to believe they can do what they want in the Middle East against the Arab and Muslim world and get away with it Scot free, without having to pay a price for it? Are the Americans and Jews really believe that the Arab and Muslim world is a piece of cake to be gotten and eat as well?

What do you think the Arab and Muslim world would do or would not do with regards to the genocide and land grab in Gaza in particular and the Palestine in general?

Turkey is important to the USA...the nukes are still in Turkey

 Turkey is important to the USA. The USA still have nukes stationed in Turkey since 1962 and have never been removed. Turkey is also an important gateway into the Black Sea vis the Bosphorus Straits, which on the surface is controlled by Turkey, but in reality, and insidiously, is still under the control of the USA and NATO. Just like the Panama Canal and Suez Canal. Do not be blinded by the propaganda machine.

Turkey is more important to the Anglo-Saxon Whites than India due to its geographical position and geopolitical importance. Those nukes still in Turkey tells us the obvious. The USA will not remove them and neither can Turkey want them out or turn against NATO. Once you join the Dark Side, you cannot extricate yourself and have to die for the Dark Side. Just like joining the Mafia, where getting out only means certain death.

India's importance to the USA is just to counter China, and its consumer market that they are eyeing will take decades to develop, knowing how things move in India. The world will probably change in terms of consumer habits and choices that the USA and the West cannot hope to compete in India by then. Just take EVs as an example that even giants like German Volkswagen have been beaten to a pulp and closing factories in Germany resulting in job losses of hundreds of thousands.


Social media site infamous for putting up unrealistic news about China

 One particular social media site is famous for putting up unrealistic news about China. So unrealistic that it boggles the mind. Too many cars parked in a hospital compound was being hyped up as patients queuing in Chinese hospitals during COVID when there was actually a conference being held inside the hospital.

A car catching fire was reported as Chinese EVs on fire throughout China. 30 million EVs are sold worldwide by Chinese automakers. Cars catching fire are a commonplace event anywhere in the world. Even cars like a Lamborghini catches fire here in Singapore. How many Lamborghinis are there in Singapore?

A flood due to heavy rain in China was hyped up as China being destroyed by floods. Sensational news but just clickbait. China floods happen every year and battling floods happens everywhere around the world. China rivers, the Huang He floods every year and is known as 'The River of Sorrow' for its devastation over the centuries. Yet China still stands after each and every flooding. Did China go underwater?

Hainan is now being touted as being destroyed by Typhoon Yagi sweeping across the Island. Sensational news indeed! Crying wolf too many times makes it unrealistic. Only the stupid and foolish will believe in them.


Turkey is a pariah in NATO, not allowed to join EU, now wants to join BRICS

 Turkey is a member of NATO and already part of the war mongering alliance. Unless Turkey leaves NATO, allowing Turkey to join BRICS is going to be a very serious mistake.

Russia ought to include this ruling that those who join in any alliance with the USA involved in their midst, must not be allowed to join BRICS, just like telling would be interested countries that those who joined in sanctioning, either against Russia or other BRICS members are not allowed to join BRICS. Clear and simple.

Turkey had already been used by the USA, under the umbrella of NATO in 1962, to host nukes, all with the intention of targeting Russia. This was the same objective of surrounding Russia with nukes as what they are attempting to do against China. Had Russia been on their side today, Mongolia would be under their control and may be used to harbor nukes to confront China. This is no idle conjecture or conspiracy theory.

In the South, the USA is eyeing Vietnam to be lured into their corner to go against China, with a new leader taking over. Myanmar is also in their sight. The Myanmar Military's taking over the rule of Myanmar from all their expensive effort in cultivating and installing Aung Saan Suu Kyi was all in vain and an expensive loss for them. Likewise expensive losses suffered with the death of Alexei Navalny, another Russian asset that they were cultivating and propping up for decades to go against Putin. If Vietnam or Myanmar falls to the dark side, that will be a real National Security issue for China to contend with.


PS. China would only use nuclear weapons on countries housing nuclear weapons. The Pinoys inviting to be nuked with American nuclear weapons in the islands.


African real debt trap is caused by western institutions and private banks....NOT China


7 min clip exposing the horrendous debt African states owed to western institutions and private banks and charging interest rates at twice what China is charging. The real debt African states owed to China is about 10 to 12% on the average while the rest, 80 to 90%, the bulk of the debt was owed to the West. 

The western institutions and private banks are plunging Africa into huge debt but fabricating lies that China is the cause of the African debt trap. 

White men lie and lie and lie!

This is the sweet and kind White Colonialism in Africa.


Venezuela - American terrorists rogue behaviour in recognising the loser in election as President

 Only a rogue Empire can behave so badly, refusing to recognise a popularly elected President but the loser as the President. This is a very bad example of what the American terrorists expect the world to accept... its notorious Rules Based Order. In this case, the American terrorists would act and behave against all legal and accepted norms. This is the second time the American terrorists have acted in this shameful and lawless way. 

The previous Guaido was American terrorists chosen President for Venezuela, a loser in the Presidential Election against Maduro.  The American terrorists even allowed the loser Guaido to gain access to Venezuela's deposits in American banks as if he was the President of Venezuela. Washington also supported Guaido in a coup against Maduro but failed as he had very little support from the Venzuelans. This American puppet with little ground support had been dumped by the Americans and had disappeared, probably hiding in some little towns in the USA.

Washington did not stop at Guaido. In the latest election in July, Washington again recognised the loser, Edmundo Gonzalez as President against the will of the people of Venezuela. This is how atrocious and lawless the American terrorists are, in defiance of the whole war, disrespecting all rules and laws, believing in their lawless Rules Based Order. Another coup was planned but nipped in the bud and Gonzalez has fled to Spain.

The world should learn from the lawless American terrorists and recognise the loser in the coming American Election as the President of USA. If Kamala wins, countries of the world should recognise Trump as the POTUS. If Trump wins, then countries of the world should recognise Kamala. This is like putting American Rules Based Order into practice for real.

BRICS can take the lead on this and proclaim the loser in the American Presidential Election as the POTUS. Would that be nice? Surely Putin would love to make the announcement. So would Maduro.

Africa is the next China! The choice is obvious

 The choice for Africa is obvious, despite the accusation of debt traps.

A fair exchange of aid for resources, with infrastructures to show, is better than getting little aid, with exploitation of resources and no infrastructures to show.

Africa has its right to progress. Just for being poor and therefore denied opportunities to progress does not mean aid should not be extended. Even if it is unsustainable, as propagandized, China did what is necessary. After all, lifting people out of poverty is what China does best, with more than 850 million of its own citizens now lifted out of poverty, it is already a glowing testimonial that cannot be denied. China is now extending that poverty eradication globally. Not in rich USA and Europe by the way, LOL.


PS. In maany ways Africa is like China, a huge land mass, more than 1 billion population, an agrarian economy, lacking in infrastructure. And a people with little education, unskilled workers, lack of technical expertise and skilled labour, and lack of funds. 

This was how China started in 1949 and the modernisation expedited after 1978 to what it is today. China has the perfect blue print for Africa. Caveat, China was one country and one system.

Global South choosing to be with China

 Not just Africa choosing China. South American countries, with some exceptions like Argentina, are choosing China as well. Same as the Middle East countries. Same as the Central Asian countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan and a few others. They have eyes and can see clearly the winds of change blowing across the world.

With all the rhetoric about climate change in their narratives, the USA and the West are targeting Chinese EVs. This runs counter to their narrative of supporting renewable energy stance and departing from fossil fuel that is contributing to climate change. It is all hypocrisy and nothing more. 

Forget about the claims of subsidies by the Chinese Government for Chinese EV makers. It is no more than the same modus operandi employed by the USA Government in their Inflation Reductions Act and Chips Alliances, which are all linked to massive subsidies thrown in to lure manufacturers to set up shop in the USA. The subsidies the USA Government throws at them puts the Chinese subsidies in the shade.

 So, it is a moot point to argue about unfair trade practices which the USA Government employed itself and blaming the Chinese Government for doing the same. Chinese EV manufacturers are able to compete so well because of the availability of cheap energy and well-oiled supply chains that they could leveraged on, plus cheaper labor cost, which the USA will spin as 'slave labor' if they have no other grounds to argue against. 


Killing is in the blood of the Anglo Saxon tribe... North America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya now Gaza and Ukraine etc etc

 Killing is in their blood is already evident in the genocides committed in North America, Australia and some Pacific Islands.

Their hands are also stained with blood by starting an illegal war in Iraq based on fabricated evidence. How many innocent women and children were killed? 500,000 children being sacrificed was touted to be worth it. It is now stained with blood in Gaza. More than 40,000 is still worth it right? How many more tens of thousands is still going to be worth it?

With all the blood on their hands, how much further are they prepared to go in Lebanon against Hezbollah. After that there is Yemen and the Houthis to add on. With Iran firmly in their sights and demonizing building up, more blood is going to be on their dirty hands.

There is now the spinning of the narrative about Iran supplying arms to Russia, which will allow them to include Iran in their calculations. They have to invent the narrative to fit the crime, and they are going about it.

And as we get closer to November, they are trying to tell the world that Russia, China and Iran are interfering in the elections. Four years of chasing after a Russian wild goose interfering in the 2016 elections yielded nothing convincing, just hot air and wasted millions.



China's Ah Q era is over! 中国的 Ah Q 时代 过了! 不能在做 Ah Q了!

China had been living like Ah Q for a long time. When China was weak and poor, behaving like Ah Q is a forced act. The pride and dignity of a 5000 year Civilisation would not allow China to act and behave like Ah Q forever. But circumstances were such that not behaving like Ah Q would bring more harm to China. So China went about heads bowed, minding its own business and let the world went by, not heard, not seen, as if China did not exist.

The China today does not need to bow its head anymore. The days of being Ah Q is over. But why is there a need for China to keep telling the Americans to treat China as an equal? Why is there a need for China to make appeasing comments like the world is big enough for China and the USA, that China is not going to challenge or replace the USA. The USA can continue to be the hegemon of the world, that China is a friend, not an enemy?

On the other hand the Americans are openly, and secretly, telling the world, telling China, that China is their enemy number one. And the Americans are going all out to bring down China, opposing China, attacking China, undermining and demonising China, and sanctioning Chinese companies, raising tariffs at every instance and opportunity. And China could only look dumb and take the walloping as a price to pay to be number two.

The Americans are treating the Chinese not as an equal, as a secondary power, as an enemy! Get it? And China has to take all the blame for it. When China keeps behaving like a toothless power, as inferior to the Americans, the Americans will treat China as such. China must grow up, know its proper place in the equation and stand up to be equal or better than the Americans. But every action of China now is that of a smaller power, an unequal power. And the Americans know it and will not deal with China as an equal.

It is pointless and futile to keep telling the Americans to treat China as an equal. This is exactly the behaviour of an unequal partnership. The only time when the Americans saw China as an equal was in Alaska. But it was a brief moment, a flash in the pan, and the Chinese have forgotten how and why and have gone back to behave like an unequal partner.

The Americans are still calling the shot, setting the agenda, dictating how the Chinese should behave, and the Chinese obliged, behaving exactly the way the Americans want them to behave, a small power under the might of the American Empire. The Americans can do what they want, slap the Chinese, kick the Chinese, and the Chinese smile or turn and offer the other cheek. How can China expect the Americans to treat them as equal when they cannot behave like an equal? 

The Americans can tell the Chinese, we are coming to China to talk to you. The Chinese said yes and let the Americans set the agenda. Most of the time the Americans would be in China to lecture the Chinese on human rights, chiding the Chinese on fabricated charges and lies, bullying and threatening the Chinese to do this or that or else. And this is supposed to be a talk between two equal powers.

The sad thing, the Chinese never learn to say no and keep allowing the Americans to dictate to them, to set the agenda on what to talk about. How can China be equal to the Americans when they are afraid to say no to the Americans, afraid to show the middle finger to the Americans, afraid to close the door to the Americans?

To be treated equally, as an equal to the Americans, the Chinese must act and behave like an equal, to set the agenda, to say no when they have to. Do not let the Americans push China around. There are times when China has to stand up like a man and throw a few punches or a few slaps if needed.

For starters, China must decide when they will let the Americans to visit or call on Chinese leaders. China must not welcome any unfriendly visitors coming to China to talk about fake human rights or meddle in China's internal affairs, or be shown the door immediately, no more talks.

China must sanction all unfriendly political leaders that meddle in China's internal affairs, visiting Taiwan. Banned them from visiting China and Greater China. This is an important message that China must make or every little clown or girl will think it is ok to attack China or visit Taiwan. This is the least a superpower of equal status must do and behave, to be respected if not feared.

If China is afraid even to deal with a puny little Mickey Mouse in the South China Sea, how can it be respected as an equal to the American gangsters? China should stop begging to be treated as an equal. This would come only if China acts and behaves like an equal to the USA. Period.

The Chinese have been appeasing the Americans for years, begging and pleading to the Americans to be treated as an equal. Did the Americans care or start treating the Chinese as an equal? If they do, the Chinese have no need to beg for it anymore. Get smart and be real. When you are weak, the Americans would treat you as such. If China chooses to behave like a sick cat, why would the Americans want to treat China as an equal?

China must stop behaving like an Ah Q now! Stand up to be seen and recognised as an equal by your acts and behaviour. No one, not the Americans or the Global South nation states would respect China as an equal if it continues to behave meekly when provoked or challenged.

PS. I have to repeat this message until it sinks into the heads of the Chinese leaders. 

There is a Chinese saying, 面子是别人给的,脸是自己丢的. Why would China allow gangsters and rogues to come to China, like letting them into the house, to scold their father and mother and wife? And to make matter worse, the gangsters and rogues told China beforehand that they are coming to scold their father, mother and wife, and China agreed! And when they started scolding, China stood there smiling. How to gain respect from the Americans, to be treated as equal when you behaved as inferior to the Americans, got bullied and cheated all the time by the Americans and do nothing about it? You cannot expect the Americans to treat you differently if you keep behaving the same meek way all the time.

Derivative bubble will burst, must burst. It is a matter of when

 Nobody talks about the quadrillions of derivatives hanging in the books of big banks. No one, not the MSM, not the big banks, not the Fed, not Trump, Biden or Harris. The problem does not exist at all. It is all misinformation created by doomsayers. You see, kicking the can further down the road solves the problem. Or not talking about it solves the problem as well. Or denying there is a problem solves the problem.

There is actually a big balloon fueling all the perception of wealth. The banks alone created so much fictional wealth with their fractional lending system. A hundred dollars deposited by someone can generate almost a thousand dollars to lend to customers. And where does all this go to? Banks lend all this out to fund buyers of properties, cars and stock market speculators, presenting a very prosperous world, a big balloon that keeps growing beyond imagination and unstoppable but hiding behind it is the mountains of debts hidden among the signs of prosperity in the books of the banks.

Thinking of it, just unbelievable. 


PS. The problem of the stock market was also kick down further with no one wanting to know why for 20 years. Now they pretend not to know and asking the public why? What a joke!