
Wildlife outlive their welcome

 Wildlife were well received when they first appeared on the island. The novelty was welcome as their rarity became a centre for attention. Wildlife are so cute, so cuddly, could have carried them up for a hug or a kiss. 

But wildlife are wildlife and would behave in their normal wildlife ways. You cannot take the wildness of wildlife away. Not many wildlife can be domesticated.  When few in numbers, they behaved well, afraid of human beans.  When their number grows, they gained confidence, and when hungry, would attack human beans.

This is exactly what is happening in Singapore. The love affair with wildlife is now being tested. When they are far away or when they behaved timidly, they were adored. But once they turned wild, once the human beans are bitten or attacked by the wildlife, the reaction would be the same. For those who have yet to be hurt by the wildlife, the affection would still be there and would like want to share their space with wildlife. Only when they are seriously bitten would they wake up from their foolish idea, wildlife would always be wildlife and when you least expect it, they would turn on you, repay your loving kindness with pain and hurt.

Beware, daft Singaporeans, wildlife is not your familiar chicken or pets. Under the docile facade of timidness lies a wildness beyond your imagination.

It is only a matter of time before the daft will start to ask to cull the wildlife. But when their numbers are too big, the problem of culling or getting rid of them would similarly be just as big.

For those yet to be bitten by wildlife, they can continue their love affairs with wildlife. But you have been warned. At the very least, be selective and be careful and not to embrace all wildlife like cuddly little harmless pets.


Anonymous said...

Papies' millionaire scholar generals said wildlife provide jobs for Sinkies. But they never say which Sinkies. Actually, they are talking about themselves. Wildlife provide jobs for them. Without wildlife, they cannot keep creating more lucrative jobs for themselves, such as the redundant second ministers, the minister of status, the senior ministers, the mayors, the town councils, etc.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Uncle RB for the reminder - Wildlife r wildlife they r not r Teddy Bears & u r not Mr Bean so wake up & be cautious don't be scam or hurt by them. Best is to put them in the zoo or some place out of reach by the 'timid-poreans'

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Wildlife with two or four legs share a lot of similar characteristics. The most important part is both would turn wild as and when they like it.

Anonymous said...

The worst wildlife are the black panthers and black cobras. They operate by stealth and enter your habitat to strike you dead before you even realise it.

Sinkieland has been infiltrated by many black panthers and black cobras already, far too many. Some more they are perching high up the food chain, devouring the biggest chunks of meat and sinews.

Sinkieland's dafts and idiots, being led by ruthless self-serving traitors are bound to be eaten and swallowed alive.

Anonymous said...

All snakes are dangerous, whether no legged or two legged. Two legged ones are more dangerous, as they are allowed freely everywhere and bound to destroy the habitat of local citizens.

No legged ones will be hundred down and sent to the zoo or put to sleep. Wonder whether they still sell snake meat in Sinkieland. I guess not, since the powers that be are 'snake lovers'.

Anonymous said...

Singapore’s Manpower Ministry announced on February 17 that it was investigating 15 work pass holders who had said in their visa applications that their degrees were from MBU – further fuelling allegations that Indian nationals had been allowed into the city state to take jobs that locals could have done
, despite the government maintaining that this is not true.
A This Week In Asia analysis found that some of the Indian nationals who had previously been identified by social media
users in Singapore as MBU graduates have since removed any mention of the university from their profiles on professional networking site LinkedIn.

They are so clever, always one step ahead. Now with their MBU association removed, they know they are safe. Other than the unlucky 15 that were caught, no one would bother to check for more. And other than this university being highlighted, no one would bother to check if other Indian universities are also selling fake degrees.

Case closed. Everyone is happy. All is fine. No degree can work ok oredy. Got fake degrees sure better than no degrees. Let's move on.

Anonymous said...

Now we know how so many Indians can sit at the top of so many entities. Mostly fakes. Fake CEOs, fake engineers, fake computer graduates. And MBU is not the only Indian culprit churning out fake degrees.

And to think that Red Dot MRT problems probably has something to do with those fakes. The earlier North South Line had few breakdowns and problems for years, compared to today. The authorities checked the logistics, but did they check whether the people who do the maintenance work are qualified or were employed using fake qualifications?

And little wonder Boeing is in such a big mess. Were these fakes involved in writing the software that did the 737Max in?

Anonymous said...

When the fakes are in charge...