
Where does the US obtain the power to lecture China about what it should do over Xinjiang governance?

Where does the US obtain the power to lecture China about what it should do over Xinjiang governance?

The EU, US, UK and Canada on Monday banded together to announce sanctions on Chinese officials over alleged human rights violations in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, a concerted move directed at China by the West. It is an attempt to force China to accept interference from outsiders. This was a crude assertion of their dominance in world affairs.

The US and its main allies are defining human rights and democracy in terms of a set of values that can be used as leverage to consolidate Western hegemony with the US as its center. They know that it will impact the governance of big developing countries like China and Russia and bring chaos to these countries, but they insisted in doing so as a way of playing strategic games.

This is unacceptable. The essence of this "struggle" for human rights is a struggle between hegemony and anti-hegemony. It is a struggle between pursuing the development of human rights and playing with human rights for geopolitical purposes, between respecting the sovereignty of all countries with no interference in each other's internal affairs or a few countries dominating the majority.

Double standards in recent times have been running rampant. Who is responsible for the development of human rights and democracy in each country? Should it be the country's sovereign government or external countries and forces? Under international law, all sovereign countries are equal regardless of size. This is the basis of the international law and the UN Charter. Should a few countries out of the 193 members of the UN have the right to make policies for the majority of countries?

The US strictly prohibits the infiltration of other countries into its own affairs, including its election, but the US and its allies have infringed upon the political affairs of quite a number of countries, destabilized these countries, and led to many tragedies. If all the countries believe they have the right to lecture others and rally support for such aggression, does the world still have order?

Should China raise a serious demand that guns should be banned throughout the US after the recent shootings in Atlanta and Colorado? If Washington thinks China has no right to do so, where does the US obtain the power to lecture China about what it should do over Xinjiang governance?

There is no basis for China, Russia and many other developing countries to discuss human rights issues with the West, because what the West really cares about is not human rights, but the right to define human rights one-sidedly. This is an expression of hegemony in which only the Western countries can set the rules for the world.

China and Russia will never allow the West to be this rude and insolent, nor will they succumb to the ambitions of the West.


March 24, 2021 10:51 am


Anonymous said...

Anon //Where does the US obtain the power to lecture China about what it should do over Xinjiang governance?//

It's a very good and pertinent question indeed. Yah ..where do these Yankees got this power to teach the Chinese how to do in Xinjiang ? Most probably, they got this kind of a KPKB or Kabo powder or big mouth only. China got many talents but they aren't going to keep quiet anymore, China going to bulldoze them with their diplomatic Fire and Fiery first off.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The waning American Empire can be seen everywhere. They used to garner majority votes in the UN against their enemies. Today many voting issues they ended up being the minority, defeated by the rest of the world.

Anonymous said...

The meeting held at Alaska, marked the end of USA hegemony of control over planet earth. China showed the world how to slap USA properly. Like fashion trend, many countries now would be devicing ways to slap USA face. Very interesting, Russian and North Korea had acted already. Slap America face again.

Anonymous said...

The USA thinks this is still the mid 19th century and they can still push China around. Just like Whites expecting to be treated in more special ways than Asians. Those days are gone.

The USA thinks it can continue to lecture and talk down to China and China will take all the insults and do nothing. Those days are gone as well.

As one analyst commented, China is no more a subservient nation pandering to the USA. The USA has to treat China as it's Peers, not it's perpetual underling. Those high ground days are gone too.

Anonymous said...

Beijing warns Five Eyes that an ‘irritated’ China would be ‘difficult to handle’ ‘You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry’

The Chinese foreign ministry has called on the nations of the Five Eyes alliance to enter the 21st century and stop viewing Beijing as the Qing Dynasty, after the allied countries successively accused China of human rights abuses.

Speaking at a regular news conference on Wednesday, foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying warned the nations of the Five Eyes alliance (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and the US) to stop interfering in China’s internal affairs.

Hua said the Five Eyes nations needed to move into the 21st century and realize the China of today is very different to the Qing Dynasty. She said the five-nation grouping is reminiscent of the Eight-Nations alliance (Germany, Japan, Russia, Britain, France, the United States, Italy and Austria-Hungary) which invaded and plundered northern China in 1900.

Questioning the legitimacy of these nations to call out China for alleged human rights abuses, the spokeswoman stated “the United Nations has more than 190 member states. Several allies such as the “Five Eyes Alliance” cannot represent the international community.” She added that there was “scant” support for their criticism of China.

On Tuesday, Australia and New Zealand, in a joint statement, welcomed the decision of the US, EU, Canada and Britain to impose sanctions on senior Chinese officials.

“Just look at the world map and you will know that China has friends all over the world," she said.

"The China now is not the China of 120 years ago. The era when a few cannons can open the door to China is gone! The Chinese people are not irritable, but if they are irritated, they will be difficult to handle,” she added

Anonymous said...

A New World Order can only come with the demise of the US$ Hegemony. That is the primary target to aim for, in order to stop the madness.

Then, no more unlimited money printing to sustain the military establishment of a thousand military bases all over the world, not to mention maintaining also those battle ships and submarines. With that gone, what remains may just be empty threats without substance to back up, like what remains of the UK.

With the threat gone, smaller countries may then be willing to alter alliances for a saner global community.

Apart from that scenario, I see only human extinction. The mental illness of the USA is incurable.

Anonymous said...

A nuclear war seems quite unlikely. The USA nuke Japan in WW2 knowing Japan had no nukes or means to retaliate, and by then Japan was already on the verge of collapse due to overstretching their troops and logistics, apart from controlling territory seized.

Actually, the nuclear option was also considered in Korea and Vietnam, but the USA knew China and Russia would not tolerate that option. Retaliation from them was therefore under paramount consideration.

A nuclear war means no holds barred and there will unlikely be any winners. Even the viruses will end up as collateral damage material.

Anonymous said...

The self-declared champion of human rights reintroduced torture - Kishore Mahbubani

Queen of Hearts said...

Why does Shanmugam now, after 50 years, then see good reason for nurses to wear tudung?

Is it because of political pressure, or is it because of legal requirement / law enforcement problems, or is it because of trying to open up the Pandora box?

Or,is it because of something broader/deeper?

What do you think?