
Nu Piang Ngaih Don - Can you imagine how she suffered, alone, in the home of strangers


Some S$206,000 raised for family of late Myanmar domestic worker abused to death in S'pore

Public moved to give as the case is resumed before the courts.

People in Singapore and beyond have donated S$206,565.40 to the family of the late 24-year-old Myanmar domestic worker who was abused to death by her employers here in 2016. Posted in the mothership.sg.

A young innocent girl from Myanmar, probably first time left her home and country, to work as a domestic maid in Singapore. Alone, she was left in the home of her employers, total strangers to her, just like any other maids. Many were luckier to have decent and some very warm employers that welcomed them in their homes to work, and share their lives. 

In the case of Nu Piang Ngaih Don, she was beaten, chained to the window grill next to the toilet and slept there for about a year. She was starved and lost about half her weight, from about 40kg to about 20kg when she died from her injury. Can you imagine a year of daily beating, pain and suffering, fear, loneliness, hungry, cold, without anyone to turn to, to talk to? And this cruelty was dealt to her in a home in Singapore, a couple and their mother were the devils that ill treated this poor child. 

I cannot imagine the deep pain and despair this hapless girl had to go through, day and night, for a year. This is how cruel human beans can be. The perpetrators of her tragic life are now charged and waiting for judgement and punishment by the courts. I still cannot accept that this could happen for so long and the poor soul had to suffer for so long, alone, crying silently in the corner of the kitchen floor. There was no one to turn to, no one there for her, to help her.  May the devils be made to pay heavily for her suffering and tragic premature death. The cruelty was so sickening.


Anonymous said...

Money cannot and will not buy back a life that is lost. This episode will etched in the minds of all Myammar people what this tiny red dot has done to its own citizens ranging from maid abuse to the recent Kapo about Myammar internal affairs. Already Sinkies being whacked in Briton for a mistaken 'Chinese virus' incident, Sinkies may need to fear once they r there they might be hit unexpectedly with no warnings given, remember what goes around comes around, don't do unto others lest other do unto thou.

SSO said...

The husband of the wife who tortured her until she died was a policeman. He and his wife and his mother, the three of them tormented, tortured and murdered this helpless innocent young girl. They should be charged for their heinous crimes of:

1. Prolonged cruelty.
2. Extreme terrorism.
3. Despicable sadism

4. Deliberate, premeditated 1st degree murder.

Yet they are given lighter charges, just because they are claiming insanity.

Law Minister, Shanmugam has said that the full force of the law must apply. But it looks like a slap on the wrist to me.

Is it because they are Indians, subtly protected by the Indians in power?

Is it because the husband is a policeman?

If not, why the full force of the law has not been applied?

Anonymous said...

Why full force of law has not been applied?

Ans: kakilang lah. Lu jiao ku guah gua jiao gu li ho say boh.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

You people don't anyhow hantam lah. Singapore is as perfect a country as you can find on earth or more likely like in heaven, run by immortals, free of all blemishes. There is no discrimination, or biases, all transparent, all play by the rule of law. Even our policies, domestic and foreign, are never compromised by coercion or taking orders from big powers.

We are a rule by law country. Everything is by the law, swee swee. No monkey business. Do not undermine the independence of the court. Respect.

Anonymous said...

Immortals are called 'sien' in Hokien.

SSO said...

Only the daft and mesmerized believe in a perfect world, a perfect country.

No country is perfect.
No human is perfect.
No policeman is perfect.
No Ministers are perfect.
No courts are perfect.
No judges are perfect.
No laws are perfect.
No such thing as rule of law. There is only rule by law existing in this imperfect world run by imperfect politicians and corrupted, power-hungry dictators.

UG said...


Next time print some words on baby clothes, carry the baby around. Later the baby kena handcuff.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Thank you SSO for stating the truth.

Anonymous said...

Whether rule of law or rule by law or rule with law or watever one call it, the truth is these laws can be changed anytime to suit a particular purpose. ..the song calls 'God changes changes changes everything...'. The flipping of pratas or changing of goalposts can be done anytime BUT jus about prior to erection some carrots will be hanging out to entice the masses.

1984 George Orwell said...

When a home affairs minister talks about installing more and more surveillance cameras all over the country, either something must be seriously wrong with the country or something is not right with the law minister.

Anonymous said...

Somboli rules by Changes ..boh suka, ai su liao, kia su liao, beh song lio, huan siong lio, tio Change mah, ai yah Yee Kong Yee eh wey, lu beh song ka lu liah kee giam maciam eng Isa liah kee guee an chuah kuan..

Anonymous said...

Probably a sick mind, a very very very sick mind that is suspicious of the ppl.

Anonymous said...

Red Bean can you please advise where and how I can donate to her family?
I dun have facebook or tweeter accounts. Please help. Thanks.
I can pay via Visa or PayPal direct via banks account US drawn bank in US $$.


Kindness Regards JC

SSO said...

UPDATE: To people who have donated but did not indicate “PND” in the reference section, please email deshi.gill@home.org.sg on this matter and we will sort it out on our end. Thank you!


HOME has been receiving numerous messages and calls on whether we are doing a dedicated fundraiser for Phiang Ngaih Don. We are truly moved to see the community’s desire to help and support Phiang’s family in the wake of her abuse. While we are not doing a fundraising drive, HOME will be assisting in making a transfer of funds from members of the public who wish to donate to her family.

If you wish to donate to Phiang’s family, you can donate to HOME via Paynow (UEN T04SS0193H) and in the reference section, please indicate “PND”. HOME will ensure that these funds go directly to Phiang’s family.

Thank you to everyone who has reached out to express your sadness at the news of Phiang's abuse. We all grieve her death. Let us remember her and ensure that no other domestic worker faces her predicament.

Please note we will stop collecting donations to Phiang’s family on 31st March. We can provide an update on the total funds collected closer to this date.

SSO said...

My heart aches on hearing and reading of the inhuman and atrocious cruelty inflected upon Ms Piang for the past two days.

No amount of words can express my sadness, despair and anger.

Sadness for the passing of such an innocent young woman prematurely at the hands of extreme evils.

Despair for not being able to prevent her from such cruelty and inability to help save her life.

Anger to the presence of such evils in our midst, amongst us, that went undetected for one solid long year in our so-called world-best system.

May true justice be done!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Thanks SSO for the info on donation to the poor Myanmese girl.

I felt so much pain writing that piece. The cruelty inflicted on this girl is so unbearable. And it is so frustrating that no one did anything to relieve her of her pain and suffering earlier. There was absolutely no follow up from any party to check on the welfare of these poor village girls.

The ministry must come up with some procedures to ensure that either the agent or MOM officers would conduct regular checks on abuses against the poor girls from little villages that are unable to defend or protect themselves in a strange, and in this case hostile environment. They would be so frighten about losing their jobs and no money to pay back the loans they took from the agents and would only suffer in silence.

The agents that brought them here must play a part in looking after their welfare and safety.

This is worse than black slavery in the USA during the cotton field days.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry still unable to donate dunno which button or where to click.
was in pages below where to donate? I'm from the USA an ex-Singaporeans.
I have only bank drawn from a US bank. I have Paypal or Visa accounts.
Anyone can help?



Kindest Regards JC

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi JC,

I am not sure if the UEN number is used internationally. Try your bank if it has an equivalent of PayNow facility. If not, try to email deshi.gill@home.org.sg for assistance.

Anonymous said...

They probably have to work half a year to earn enough to pay their agents who brought them here. Must be heartbreaking for her family back in Myanmar. A sad sad case that should never have been allowed to happen.

The wild lives who inflicted the torture that resulted in her death probably still thinks they are practising the caste system here.

SSO said...

From TODAY Online News:

SINGAPORE — In just six days, Singaporeans have donated more than S$200,000 to the family of a Myanmar domestic worker who died as a result of abuse by her employers that was described in court as “heinous”.

On Feb 25, non-governmental organisation the Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (Home) offered on Facebook to assist in transferring funds from members of the public who wished to donate to Piang Ngaih Don’s family.

On Wednesday (March 3), Home said on Facebook that it had received S$206,565.40 from 2,551 donors.

Piang was a domestic helper who was repeatedly abused by her 40-year old employer Gaiyathiri Murugayan and other family members from 2015 to 2016 over nine months.

The 24-year-old was deprived of food and water, losing 15kg in the process and weighing only 24kg when she died in July 2016. The case is still before the courts.

Piang leaves behind a young son in Myanmar.

“The entire funds received since the start of collection will be 100 per cent transferred to Ms Piang’s family,” said Home in the post.

While it had said in the earlier post that it would stop collecting donations to Piang’s family on March 31, its latest post said that it would stop collections with immediate effect.

“As highlighted by our internal compliance and governance, we are required to stop receiving any further donations on behalf of Ms Piang’s family with immediate effect… We regret to inform you that we will not be able to receive any further donations.”

Home added that it would be working closely with Myanmar Club, an organisation that promotes the welfare of Myanmar nationals here, and the Myanmar embassy, to ensure the full amount reaches the family.

Anonymous said...

Hi bro Chua,

Million’s thanks RB and others (Virgo49) helping donate to Piang Ngaih Don family. I dun have accounts in Facebook, Tweeter, Amazon or whatever social media, NOT even Gmail. Not sure donations still open, after reading a counter advice that "..We regret to inform you that we can receive any further donations.”

RB here the deal if the donation still open, I'll buy X number (you decide) of books - you keep the books, give or donates to whoever pleases you. I'll email you genuine paid email and phone number, and I’ll pay PayPal US$500. The intended donations amount in US$400. You donate US$400 or equivalent in SIN$ in your name keeping the tax deductible receipt for your benefits. I'm genuine. I trust you. In China everyone Win-Win!

I have no interest except a meaningful genuinely helping hand anyone in needs..

Kindest Regards JC

Anonymous said...

Millions Rejoice to JC.
If every Singaporeans r as kind hearted as you, then there is still great hope. Donations to charity organizations have been on a down trend since the Covid-19 pandemic, with this saga it will help everyone to stay United as one united nation. Once again Millions Rejoice to your virtuous deeds, May God or Allah or Buddha or Supreme Beings of the Heavenly Realm blesses u & your family always.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Thanks JC. I think the donation has closed. It is ok. What counts is the heart and intent. Your kindness well appreciated. If anyone can find another way to donate will let you know.


Anonymous said...

Bless all the kind souls!

Anonymous said...

Re: Nu Piang Ngaih Don donation

Bro Chua,

Check yr email I'm still wanna donate to the family if possible. I prefer not to TT or bank transfer. I'm sick and tired of banks charges etc..

Kindest Regards JC

1984 George Orwell said...

Downnload the PayNow App and register yourself for an account. Use this account to transfer your money to anyone. You must know the other person's PayNow account code number.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Can also use Paylah which is easier, if the other person also has a Paylah account. Just transfer using his mobile number.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi everyone, JC is still interested in donating to the Myanmese girl's family. I have agreed to assist him. I will try to use the UEN number again to send the money over. If this UEN account is closed, then I would need to send direct to their bank account.

Virgo has told me DBS has a remit facility to do so but would need their bank account number.

Anyone can help to get this bank account number for me would be greatly appreciated.



Anonymous said...


Done! not exactly US$400 but $467.75 USD or S$600. Hope her family get closure from someone who really care about life.

Anonymous said...

OH! Almost forgot BTW, RB Thanks and sorrier to push. I'm really serious and not play, play...

Kindest Regards JC

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi JC,
I have received $600 in my Paypal from a different person. The exact amount is $573.10, less fees.
Please confirm it is from you. Wrote you an email on this.


Anonymous said...

Hi RB, It's from the same person with different AKA. PayPal too send me a email...
Sorrie for the trouble Thanks a million and hope it bring closure to the family.
Kindest Regards JC

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

OK, the full amount of $573.10, after less fees from Paypal, has been sent to the Myanmese maid using the UEN account.

God bless you for your kindness.


Anonymous said...


Thanks again!!
Kindest Regards JC