
Native American genocide by white European invaders - China should raise issue in the UN


WASHINGTON: The United States on Thursday (Mar 11) condemned Chinese moves to change Hong Kong's electoral system and forecast "difficult" talks with Beijing's top diplomats next week, when the genocide Washington says China is committing against minority Muslims will be an issue the US side plans to raise.

White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Secretary of State Antony Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan would not hold back when they meet with the Chinese diplomats in Alaska on Mar 18 and 19, "whether it's on Taiwan, or ... efforts to push back democracy in Hong Kong, or on concerns we have about the economic relationship."


Trouble maker and warmongering USA and its 5 eyes countries, actually 6 countries, have been attacking China based on this fabricated allegation, just like the many fabricated and false flag incidents the Americans had done in the past. Why is China just replying and defending such obnoxious and baseless accusation when it could bring up the genocide of the native Americans in USA and Canada, and also the genocide of aborigines in Australia, to the UN? These are historical facts with plenty of evidence and with still a few descendants of the dead natives surviving today to tell the sordid and horrific tales of mass massacres of their forefathers.

The poor victims of European and British invaders did not have a good hearing of their plight under the might of the white lawless world system for the last few centuries.  It is high time that China and the rest of the world take up their cause to demand justice and compensation for the loss of millions of lives and sufferings and the loss of their land to the white men in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

The UN cannot forever be controlled and oppressed by the white men and refused to take this sad issue of the native Americans and Australians to the fore to redress the injustice befallen on these people, brought upon them by the vicious and murderous white men in their land and now became the land of the white men. These stolen land must be returned to the original natives and the white men must be punished for their crimes against humanity and genocide of the natives and aborigines.

Instead, we are hearing the descendants of these murderers making wild accusation and allegation about fake and non existence genocide in Xinjiang. The hypocrisy of these white men is so ludicrous that no one would believe them but their main media and media of their crony countries keep reporting them daily to attack China, to make it appear to be true.

God should condemn these evil men and women to eternity. The Covid19 is God's army sent to destroy these evil and wicked and murderous white race. They cannot lie and con the world forever and the truth must be told.

China and Russia and the rest of the world must stand together to bring the genocide of native Americans and Australian aborigines to the UN for an airing and for judgement. There must be justice for the victims of white racism and genocides, even if they were committed centuries ago. The injustice is still hanging there, the land are still occupied by the white men and the survivals of the genocides are still breathing but kept in poverty, in reservations, not to be talked about.


Anonymous said...

Well, someone from the descendants of the Native Americans that survive the genocide must take the lead. The problem is that the Native Americans have been so decimated that they are unable to see the light of day.

No Native Americans in high enough standing or well respected position can start the ball rolling. This must be by design to keep them in 'reservations' so they do not take part in national politics and rise to power.

Rightly, the UN or human rights watch should raise the issue first. But who controls the UN and human rights group to keep them silent so that the genocides in North America and Australia can be kept from resurfacing. China's lone voice will be drown out before it gets moving at the UN.

On a separate note, George Yeo is of the opinion that the military regime in Myanmar should be left alone, otherwise we will see another Iraq or Libya. He is so right. But who is fermenting the protest. Your guess is as good as mine.

The evil empire is itching to start another regime change to lay their hands on Myanmar to move closer to Myanmar's border with China, using the coup and the protest as an excuse. By inciting the protestors that China is behind the Military Regime in Myanmar shows that the perpetrators intends to use them against Chinese interest in Myanmar.

As I said earlier, Biden is worse than Trump in war mongering. This was already evident during his days as vice President in Obama's administration. The habit is resurfacing in just the first hundred days of his administration.

Anonymous said...

Look at it from the positive side, the Americans could not produce a president that has some elements of intelligence since Ronald Reagan. Each one got stupider than the other. Biden is not smarter than Trump and Trump is not smarter than George Bush Junior.

The result is that they would keep fumbling and messing up their economies until there is no return. They will self destruct first before they could destroy China. China would dig in in Myanmar just like the Russians and Iranians in Syria. Not going to give an inch to the evil Americans.

Anonymous said...

American Presidents are chosen not on intelligence and merit, but on popularity and wealth. How could their system produce any outstanding President? They can't and they keep fumbling and sliding backwards.

Anonymous said...

The most evil Empire still thinks the whole world is stupid and would believe in their white lies. They forgot that people that live in glass houses must not throw stones.

Now they are forcing the world to dig out their evil past and their crimes against humanity, especially against the Arabs and Muslims, stealing their oil, killing their people and condemning their economies to a mess forever and be poor and controlled by them forever.

There will be more self radicalised Muslims that would want to kill white men for killing Arabs and Muslims. They can see what the Americans and their white cronies are doing in the Middle East, in cahoot with Israel to oppress the Arabs and Muslims, to keep them fighting and fighting and never allowed to live in peace and to live a better life.

Anonymous said...

Breaking News!

"Singapore" taken over by "India" !

Anonymous said...

What is a song? They are stealing the whole island under the nose of the imbeciles.
How much of Singapore is already in their hands and control?

Anonymous said...

It is all planned and quietly and systematically being executed.
Who is the planner?

Anonymous said...

The next song they will steal, 'This is my country, this is my home'.

Anonymous said...

The song is the tiptoe to complete takeover!

Anonymous said...

While the brain-washed Singaporeans sing "Count On Me, Singapore", our leaders are singing very loud and very clear: "Count On Me, India!"

MAS has been taken over control by India.

DBS has been taken over control by India.

The Presidency has been taken over control by an Indian.

The Judiciary has been taken over control by an Indian.

The Law Ministry has been taken over control by two Indians.

The Home Affairs Ministry has been taken over control by an Indian.

The Foreign Ministry has been taken over control by an Indian.

The Academics have been taken over control by Indians.

The main media have been infected by foreigners and foreign agendas.

Soon, Temasek Holdings will be taken over control by another Indian.

And the Indians are actively and aggressively fighting for the Prime Minister to be replaced by an Indian.

So, it is only a matter of time when Singapore will be fully taken over control by the Indians and India.

Anonymous said...

RB's blog has been taken over by Indians!

The wonder of it all is that with fake qualifications they are able to pull this off is in itself amazing.

Never underestimate the usefulness of a 'fork tongue'.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Anon 6:56pm, I think all those positions that are headed by Indians is due to meritocracy. The Indians are better and no other Chinese or Malays are good enough to fill those positions. Shanmugam even has to helm two important ministries because he is so good, or the others are so bad, so no choice, the best man is picked to do two jobs.

The policy of PAP in picking whoever to run a ministry or key position is based on MERITOCRACY. So cannot anyhow say the Indians are taking over because they are Indians but because they are the best men to fill those positions.

In Singapore race does not matter, even foreigners also can take over key positions or ministry. Just convert the person to Singaporean and that's it. QED.

Now who is still accusing Singapore Chinese of racism and racial discrimination? See all the above appointments and they will know the best man, regardless of race will be chosen.

Anonymous said...

What is the real motive of their accusations huh ?

Anonymous said...

“The United States and other countries should permanently withhold payments on debts owed to the People’s Republic of China in amounts equal to the public costs incurred by such countries relating to COVID-19,” his proposal said.

Mast said the U.S. has been forced to bear costs for fighting the disease that have their root in China’s unwillingness to be open about the pandemic.

“China’s total lack of transparency and mishandling of the coronavirus outbreak has cost hundreds of thousands of lives, millions of jobs, and left untold economic destruction in the United States,” the congressman said.

“Congress must put America first and hold China accountable for their cover-up by forcing them to pay back the taxpayer dollars that have been spent as a result,” he said.


Anonymous said...

Knowing that Communist China needs to live up to its agreements, the U.S. must lead the world in demanding the full enforcement of all U.S. and international trade laws. Organizations like the World Trade Organization (WTO) can no longer sit in the pocket of Communist China and the Biden administration must insist that the WTO enforce trade practices fairly.

This will require a coalition-style approach and the U.S. is well positioned to lead this important work to create increased accountability and real consequences for the abusive trade practices Communist China has relied on for too long.

Finally, the freedom-loving nations of the world must band together to say that Communist China’s egregious human rights violations won’t be accepted.


Anonymous said...

A work pass holder IT engineer from India who works at Deutsche Bank was the sole Covid-19 community case announced on Friday (March 12).

He developed a runny nose on March 1 and sought medical treatment at a GP on the same day but declined to be tested for Covid-19.

He was subsequently detected on Thursday (March 11) when he took a Covid-19 pre-departure test in preparation for his trip to India.

How many others locally he had infected between March 01 to March 11 is unknown, as also the question why Deutsche cannot hire a Singaporean IT engineer instead of an Indian National IT engineer.

Anonymous said...

" he question why Deutsche cannot hire a Singaporean IT engineer instead of an Indian National IT engineer. "

Because Indian technicians are cheaper, better worker and more obedient???

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The above posts about the Americans accusing China of Covid19 mishandling and wanting to claim compensation. This is a premise set by the Americans.

What if eventually it is proven that the Covid19 virus was manufactured in Fort Detrick and planted in China, and also mismanaged and escaped from Fort Detrick, killing Americans and infecting hundreds of millions of people around the world, including death, would the Americans accept the same reason and pay compensation to the rest of the world?

This is like accusing China of genocide when the Americans committed the most heinous genocide against the native Americans, and the 5 eyes members also committed similar genocides against the natives of their respective countries. All these debts committed by the Anglo Saxon tribes, ie the 5 eyes, would have to be paid, including letting loose and planting the Covid19 virus in Wuhan, China.

The verdict is out there and would surface when the evidence are gathered eventually. Now the Americans are thiefs screaming thiefs, to protect their own hides. The truth would be found out when investigations are conducted by WHO in Fort Detrick.

Anonymous said...

The world should claim against the US for the damage from the US subprime crisis that caused the 2007–2008 global financial crisis.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The above two posts by the cunning and racist Fox News are reminders of how evil the Americans are, created the Covid19 pandemic and blaming China and wanting China to pay for it. They think it is like the Opium War in the 19 Century, spreading opium in China, started a war and made China pay compensation for the war and destruction of opium.

All the facts today are pointing at Fort Detrick as the origin of this virus,

Anonymous said...

With so many adverse incidents related to Astrazeneca, they keep saying there is no link to the vaccine and still want people to use it while the smarter countries are stopping the use of this vaccine.

Can you imagine what the western media would say if the same incidents happened to a Chinese vaccine?

Anonymous said...

This will not be the first time that the evil empire is trying to commit genocide against the Chinese by planting the COVID19 virus in Wuhan. There will be other attempts along the way.

The fact that so much effort has been expended to tinker with the DNA of viruses is surely not for the sake of learning more about viruses but their potential use as weapons which is their real purpose.

That is why China is now very careful dealing with diplomats with diplomatic immunity as testing them seems impossible. They are a potential threat. Any new virus could also be introduced into China through many channels, even using non whites of not so 'friendly' countries to do the dirty work, in stealth, to evade suspicion.

Anonymous said...

China with other countries in joint statement condemns Australia at UN Human Rights Council for human rights violations

China on behalf of a number of countries condemned Australia at the UN Human Rights Council on Friday over its serious human rights violations, urging the Australian government to close offshore detention centers and launch a comprehensive and impartial investigation into the killing of civilians and other serious crimes the Australian troops have committed overseas.

In a joint statement to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on Friday, a number of countries, including China, Russia, Belarus, Egypt and Venezuela, condemned the unlawful killings and abuse of civilians including children committed by Australian overseas military personnel.

At the same time, the statement expressed deep concern over Australia's practice of setting up offshore detention centers in other countries. The statement noted that these detention centers fall short of adequate medical conditions. A large number of immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers have been detained over a long period of time, some indefinitely, and their human rights have been violated.

China and other countries urged Australia to immediately close all offshore detention centers and take concrete steps to safeguard the rights of vulnerable immigrant groups, especially children. They called upon the Human Rights Council, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and relevant special mechanisms to monitor the Australian government in the judicial process to ensure that those responsible are brought to justice and that the victims receive reparations.

The joint statement also expressed concern over the growing phenomenon of racial discrimination in Australia, the increase in violence and rape against women and the unprotected rights of indigenous people in the country, calling on Australia to effectively protect human rights.

Anonymous said...

China is now pushing back on Australia while previously steadfast in not commenting or interfering in other countries' business. China has just complained to the UN telling the body to act on Australia detention camps in PNG and Pacific island of Nauro for asylum seekers. China claimed the conditions in those camps were abysmal and without medical facilities. Tit or tat response on Australia's comments on HK, Taiwan and Xinjiang.

Btw, I flipped thru The Australian newspaper and came across an article with the headline "China waters down UN resolution on Myanmar" on the recent coup in the country. On further reading the article, there were actually 3 other countries that voted the same as China- Vietnam, India and Russia, without direct condemnation on the Burmese military.

If one had not bothered to read the full article, one got the impression China was only nation going against the majority . This is one example of how western media, especially Australian, play up China as a negative factor in everything.

For info , we can access to most local and intl newspapers and magazines FOC on the national library NLB Resources website.

Anonymous said...

The evil 5 eyes countries have distanced themselves from the rest of the world and standing up as a bunch of aggressive thugs still thinking they could dictate to the world and rule the world. The European countries have also broken off from these 5 devils and would not want to be seen to continue to interfere with other countries and inciting wars.

The rest of the world must unite to take down the 5 eyes countries, one by one, starting with Australia, Britain and Canada, to make them pay for their crimes of colonisation and genocides against the natives of countries they invaded and occupied.

There is enough military might to chase these Anglo Saxon rogues back to where they come from and return the lands they stole to the natives of the land.

Anonymous said...

To return the land to the Natives they will never do so. In reality it is not possible for the Natives to be able to administer a modern country after centuries of being kept in isolation.

That said, the genocide against the Native Americans served the purpose of vastly reducing their numbers, isolating the remainder in Concentration Camps' called sweetly as 'Reservations' so that they are unable to learn and return to administer the country themselves. It is all a plan carried out to perfection that has pulled wool over the eyes of the global community at large.

The same thing happened in Canada, with Native Americans sent to special schools to be indoctrinated on the pretext of religious conversion that left many ending up losing their lives. At least the Canadian Government admitted to such atrocities and made efforts to heal the rift between the church and Native Community moving forward. But it was scant comfort for those that lost their land and loved ones to the atrocities committed.