
Evil Americans still thinking that war is good business

 Just a few years back, war was still a very lucrative and 'safe' business for the evil Americans. The whole of the American economy is built on wars and the sale of weapons. Selling weapons costing hundreds of millions per piece or billions per system is good business, definitely better than selling mobile phones or soya beans. The whole American economy now depends on the military war complex to generate the revenue and provide jobs for the American middle class. Without wars, the American economy would become irrelevant.  Without wars, there would be no meaning to a 1 trillion dollar military budget, to maintain 1,000 military bases all over the world and 11 nuclear aircraft carriers and hundreds of thousands of highly paid killers in uniform, killing innocent people in the name of democracy, human rights and protecting them.

Today, the business is still very profitable but 'safe' is no longer relevant. The Americans then was able to start wars, control the theatres of wars, limit the size of wars, as it was a one sided affair.  The Americans carrying the stick to knock at everyone with no one able to hit back. Today, the other side, the victims of American wars, can hit back equally hard, equally destructive. The Americans have lost the initiative and edge to manage and control a war. Can anyone imagine what a war would be like between the Americans and the Russians, the Chinese or even with the Iranians? The damage on both sides would be unimaginable.  The destruction is unacceptable on both sides.

But still the American gangsters are stoking for wars. The latest, the so called QUAD alliance of the USA, Japan, India and Australia, is about war against China. Its mission is to contain China, to block China by military means when all China did was to become a rich and successful nation in science and technology, in trade and economic development, in helping and sharing with the lesser developed countries to rebuild their countries. These are unacceptable to the evil warmongering countries now called the QUAD. 

Economic development and trade to prosper, to live a better life, maybe better, but to the QUAD members are acts of wars! China for the moment, the primary target, labelled as the enemy, must not be allowed to prosper and be richer than the Americans or the QUAD members. To do that, to achieve such a dream to better the lives of its people is equivalent to aggression. China must be kept down, be a poor nation of people, to be pushed around, to be dependent on western charity and kindness and generosity. For China and the Chinese people to want to live a better life is unacceptable, forbidden by the Americans, is hostility and must be attacked, even by means of wars.

This is how evil and belligerent the evil Americans and the members of the QUAD are. They want to go to war with China for the mere fact that China is getting richer and more prosperous.  And they want the rest of Asia to come to be part of the gang to go to war with China when the only crime of China is trade and economic development, BRI, scientific development etc etc. And they labelled China as assertive, aggressive, while they sent their warships into China's front yard to threaten China with wars. 

And as expected, many silly and unthinking leaders would take sides with the evil Americans, blaming China for the tension in the region, telling China not to hit back, to turn the other cheek when slapped by the evil Americans. It is the fault of China for becoming rich and prosperous and working very hard to make its people richer and living a life better than the Americans. This is a crime and cannot be allowed, so said the evil Americans.  And silly unthinking leaders would echo, aye aye sir. When the Chinese people become rich they become a threat as they would consume more resources. This is the silliness in this kind of thinking.

China today is in a position to sink every warship in the South China Sea or Yellow Sea when war starts. China is no longer a hapless nation to sit there and get bombed by its enemies, unable to hit back. It would hit back with equal or greater force than the enemies could deliver. Silly little countries like Britain, Australia, France, India and even Japan still think this is the 19th Century era. Then 8 countries could invade China and got away with it.  Today China could turn the table against 8 countries led by the number one terrorist country, the USA.

China must sink the British aircraft carrier in the South China Sea when provoked. The British would not be able to do anything about it. The USA would not dare to start a war with China because of this. Forget about the antique Indian aircraft carrier. It would sink by itself if it did not limp back to India in time.

War is no longer a safe business for the evil Americans. Try it on Iran or Myanmar and see what would happen. The sinking of an American aircraft carrier would be a remarkable spectacle to watch.


Anonymous said...

Fucking white racists, beating and killing people because they are not whites.

Some coloured racists accused Singapore Chinese of racism when they could walk the streets freely and spewing racist comments against the Chinese majority here. Wait till they got beaten or killed by the white racists then they would know what racism is.

Anonymous said...

Now not only the blacks are afraid of the whites, the Asians too are afraid of the whites.

When would the whites be made to be afraid of the blacks and the Asians?

Anonymous said...

How can the USA survive if they cannot compete with China and others just selling consumer goods like telecommunication equipment, phones, computers, cars etc which were their turf few decades ago? The only high value item they are able to sell now is weapons, that today, even Russia and China are competing with them for a bigger slice of the market. How could they not be rattled?

Some people are of the opinion that Russian missile defence system is on par or better than the USA. Russian MIGs at one time were as good as USA F16s and what have they. If the Russian economy follows the route taken by China, which Russia is trying to emulate, and if Russia puts it's heart and soul into developing a more advanced version of the MiG and improve on sales and service quality, the playing field would long be level, not one sided. That is why China and Russia working together is getting on the nerves of either party in Washington.

The paradox of the USA political system is a sham, with the Democrats blaming perenial Russia for all USA ills, while Republicans have resorted to using China as their punching bag. All the USA problems are blamed on these two giants, without looking at themselves in the mirror to find out what is wrong with their system. This is going to be their downfall

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Russian aircraft are as good if not better that the over hyped F22 and F35.

Russians have MiG30 to MiG57 and the Sukhoi series has gone so SU29 to SU35.

China has J10 to J31. J20 and J31 are 5G fighters, as good as F22. Forget about single engine F35.

Anonymous said...

Biden calls Putin a 'killer without a human soul'.

How many people did Putin killed and how many did Biden killed from all the wars he and Obama started when he was the vice President? Make a guess!

Isn't it ironic that Satan is accusing Jesus of doing evil without first looking into the mirror. Biden obviously forgot that he is the one with the horns on his head! Sleepy Joe is not only in slumber, he is also suffering from dementia. He won't last four years!

Anonymous said...

Racism against Asian Americans often goes unrecognized and unchallenged because of stereotypes that depict Asian Americans as people who don’t need protection from abuse — or who don’t deserve it.


Anonymous said...

Li said her mother cannot see at all out of her left eye and hasn’t been able to eat. The hope is time will heal the physical and emotional wounds but this incident is one that has scarred her for life.


Anonymous said...

Many of them were attacked by the empty head blacks.

Anonymous said...

Just watched the vid in RT website the ild lada with bloody face she cried and said in "toisan"pointing to the White bully with a piece of wood and said he beat me. The white bully on stretcher. Kindest Regards JC

Anonymous said...

"China has blocked access to a slew of foreign news websites, apps and TV channels especially those in the English language, including The Straits Times." - Tan Dawn Wei, ST China bureau chief

Anonymous said...

Australia-Singapore travel bubble? - beware hate-crime-infested Australian streets !

Anonymous said...

Elderly Asian Woman Attacked in San Francisco She Defended Herself & Sent Attacker to The Hospital

Anonymous said...

Anon 7.22 pm. One month into his presidexcy he'd already beaten all presidential records by bombing Syria causing tens of deaths.
And he is sending Blinken and Jake Sullivan to meet Yang Jiechi and Wang Yi to tell China how to she should behave.

Anonymous said...

Is Singapore becoming a big sucker to pay more than $200M each for 12 probematic F35s?
The Us Atmy probably use them for target practice now.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"China has blocked access to a slew of foreign news websites, apps and TV channels especially those in the English language, including The Straits Times." - Tan Dawn Wei, ST China bureau chief
March 18, 2021 10:49 pm

Singapore will soon be banned from doing business in China if they continue to let its media to smear China by reprinting all the white lies against China from the West.

Anonymous said...

The whites have been promoting a culture of hate for centuries against Chinese, Asians and the blacks to the point that empty head blacks also hate Chinese without knowing why.

The enemies of the blacks are the whites. They are the victims of white hate with millions lynched and massacred by the whites but they turned to hate Chinese for immersing in a culture that promotes hate Chinese...and also hate blacks.

The only thing to forgive the blacks for this silliness is that they are all deadbeats, nothing inside their heads, cannot think, cannot reason.

Anonymous said...

SINGAPORE — The Ministry for Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) has asked an Indian composer, who claims to have written a song virtually identical to a Singapore national song, to substantiate his claims.

They have already cheated the whole country and taking all the good jobs. What is so big deal about stealing a song when they are going to steal the whole country under the nose of the imbeciles?

Anonymous said...

The imbeciles are so happy to let the West use its media to attack China on a daily basis and think China would not do anything about this anti China act.

Waiting for another Terrex Incident to happen.

Anonymous said...

Did they do it willingly or ordered by the Americans to do it?