
Singapore land scarce? What a load of rubbish?


Martin Abbugao

Thousands of panels glinting in the sun stretch into the sea off Singapore, part of the land-scarce city-state's push to build floating solar farms to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

It may be one of the world's smallest countries, but the prosperous financial hub is among the biggest per capita carbon dioxide emitters in Asia....

So the tropical country turned to solar power -- however, with little land space in a place half the size of Los Angeles, it has resorted to setting up energy plants off its coasts and on reservoirs.

"After exhausting the rooftops and the available land, which is very scarce, the next big potential is actually our water area," said Jen Tan, senior vice president and head of solar in Southeast Asia at conglomerate Sembcorp Industries, which is building a project....

The government last month unveiled a wide-ranging "green plan" that included steps such as planting more trees, reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills and building more charging points to encourage the use of electric cars.


The above appeared in an article in Yahoo News and it really tickled my funny bones. Singapore is land scarce? This point was repeated several times to make sure the readers understood.  But it reminded me of the notion that Singapore is still pushing for more population growth, with figures like 10m or 20m on the lips of people that count. So, how could Singapore be land scarce when it could put in another 5m or more people in this piece of rock? If it is really land scarce, resources scarce, would it still be crazy to want to increase its population to such a big number?  Would it not be talking about Stop at Two? Who is the crazy one, the one shouting Singapore is land scarce or the people continuously shouting for economic growth by adding more people into the island?

And there was a big 'green plan' to be eco friendly, to be sustainable? How could it be eco friendly when it produced the most carbon dioxide, ie farting, in Asia? And it is still clamouring for more heads to produce more farts, oops, I mean carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide? 

How can it be eco friendly when they are cutting down every little piece of vegetation to turn into concrete flats to fill in more bodies while killing the animals, birds, insects and all kinds of life living in them, robbing them of the few pieces of habitat left for them to survive?  Might as well fumigate and cull all the wildlife so that 10m or 20m human beans can live in this piece of barren rock and call it eco friendly, going green by painting the concrete buildings green?

There is something silly going on, not sure it is the argument or reality, or delusion. Singapore has unlimited land!

PS. In today's CNA, they are now looking at how to cut down the number of car parks to convert the additional space for  better use, like what, another 10m people to bring in? Everyday these crazy people are thinking of creating more space to build more flats for more people. When are they going to stop their stupidity and start to think of stopping this crazy and destructive idea of more population for more economic growth? When are they going to stop growing the population to destroy this island?


Queen of Hearts said...

Good for land scarce Singapore to have land no-scared leaders to think big big. Increase population to 20 million.

Bring in 10 million 3rd world village Indians from South India and 5 million cannot-make-it-to-USA North Indians (the typical caste-conscious type) to hold CEO positions and also Ministerial positions. That will be the ultimate.

Anonymous said...

They want to cut down parking spaces on the roads to create more space for recreational cycling by angmoh FT kings, while Singaporeans driving in their daily routine to earn a living are increasingly squeezed on the roads.

Anonymous said...

People who talked about 10 million population got fired and some ministers said no plans for 10 million. But what we are seeing, reading and hearing is that spaces are being catered for more residential buildings.

Why the pretense? Another TracdTogether "deception"?

Anonymous said...

Rb if u look at the Google map, u wil notice that no many spaces left. The only way is to build higher and below the surface. So it's true

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Queen of Hearts, you have just provided the perfect idea that they could not think of.

Anonymous said...

They said no plan, but actually it is all planned long ago. They will not say something or diverge some ideas that they did not plan behind closed doors.

Letting up 'test balloons' to gauge the reaction is the favourite practice of Sinkie leaders. If the response is negative, they will use propaganda to sell their plans until they have bought over enough supporters to go ahead.

Any thing can be expected, even if our dear leader say 'only over my dead body', and then went on to support it further down the road.

The lesson is there. Need I say more?

Anonymous said...

In fact two words is enough to support the plan - 'circumstances change' so change is necessary. Very useful words!

Clear eyed said...

Whether the population here is 10 million or 50 million does not affect. They live in good class bungalows in Bt Timah where even the trees are protected from being cut down and own holiday homes all over the world. So make make hay while the sun shines and squeeze every drop of blood possible from this little piece of rock. The peasants can suffocate for all they care.

Anonymous said...

What's good for Singapore is usually NOT good for S'poreans.

Remember that.

Things like NS, study hard, work hard, keep your head down, don't make trouble, don't complain, work until 70, keep on re-skilling, buy the biggest HDB in the best neighbourhoods, keep on working hard to upgrade to condo, etc etc ---- these are all REALLY good for Singapore.

But are mostly BAD for individuals.

Develop critical thinking & think for yourself.

If you don't want to become part of the plan for the goodness of Singapore...

If instead you want things to be good for YOURSELF first, and S'pore second...

You need to be prepared to go against the govt & do the opposite of what the govt says. That challenge is to do it legally by the book, on paper. Or at least without getting caught.

It will be tough for the first 10 to 20 years. After that you'll reap the rewards & be in a position to escape the system, if you want. In fact, you'll also be in a position to take advantage of and play the system, like what the elites are doing now.

If you don't want to do this, or you are unable to take the pain to do this .... then don't complain.

Be happy that you're part of the plan for a wonderful Singapore.

Queen of Hearts said...

Ride the system and stay alive.
Come what may, we shall survive.
Bite the bullet, loss or pain.
Come what may, we'll always gain.

Queen of Hearts said...

Even God Can Deceive You!

A 25 year old woman in Eastern China just found out that she is a Man, not a woman, after she went to the hospital to have her sprained ankle x-rayed.

Her external organs are female but her internal organs are male. She has two boobz and a vagina that allows her to enjoy sex with her husband. But no matter how hard they tried, "she" simply cannot get pregnant.

"She" does not ovulate and she has no periods (menses).

Anonymous said...

If God also can deceive people, then it is natural that all powerful and all mighty people also deceive their own people without qualms. Follow in the footsteps of their God Almighty.

SSO said...

Astra-Zeneca vaccine, which is mainly produced in India, with Oxford joint venture, is alleged to be causing blood clot and strokes in some people.

Many countries have stopped using the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, including Thailand.

Is the Singapore government allowing the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine to be used on our people?

Why no news? No government statement in this regard? What is the COVID-19 Task Force doing about this issue? Is it aware of the matter or not, ir is it simply following the World Health Organisation's blind-man-leading-blind-men so-called "advice"?

Anonymous said...

Sso Astra zeneca is not one of the vaccine that the govt has signed contract to be used. Hence there is no comment needed lar. Hope this clear your confusion and anxiety

Anonymous said...

Stop more FTs from coming into Singapore. Let there be no more imported COVID-19 cases, then the pandemic would have ended, and then no more need for Singaporeans to be vaccinated with potential adverse side effects.

These FTs only benefit the narrow interests of business groups at the expense of society at large.

Anonymous said...

Australia and Singapore plan for travel bubble and quarantine hub by July

The Morrison government is working on an ambitious plan that would establish Singapore as a quarantine gateway, holiday destination and potential vaccination hub for returning Australians, international students and business travellers.

The deal would help clear the log jam of approximately 40,000 Australians stranded overseas, boost tourism to Australia from Singaporean nationals – and third countries down the track – and kick-start the multibillion-dollar market for international students at Australian universities, which has been smashed by border closures.

Multiple Morrison government sources, who asked not to be named so they could discuss details of the proposal, told The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age Trade Minister Dan Tehan and Government Services Minister Stuart Robert were driving the plan and leading behind-the-scenes policy work.

Mr Tehan confirmed he had held discussions with his Singaporean counterpart Chan Chun Sing about the plan.


Anonymous said...

March 14, 2021 10:25 am

Singapore will do anything for money. If not how to pay the millionaires?

Anonymous said...

Red Dot is fast becoming a 'Oh Yew Tang'! But for money, all are welcome!

Anonymous said...

Not to worry. Like the travel bubble with Hong Kong, when they see the shit approaching the fan, they will 'siam'. It is all a 'Kulit Wayang' which they are working on, with a NATO touch.

Anonymous said...

Too used to opening legs wide wide habit. Cannot close them now. 'Hong Sip' or muscle pain in legs after opening them wide wide for too long and exposure to cold conditions.

Anonymous said...


...it is all a 'Wayang Kulit' which they are working on....

My apologies

Anon 12.01

Anonymous said...

KNN, hard-up until like that. Now open up Singapore as a Quarantine Centre for Covid-19 for Australia.

Next, will be for the Region.

Exposing own citizens to probable dangers of the spread of the disease.

What kind of stupid scholars making such decisions? Must be bookworm technocrats, who are only good as administrators, masquerading as leaders.

With this kind of money-minded technos as leaders, no wonder Singapore is slipping further and further down the rabbit hole.

Time to wake up.

SSO said...

Italy is going for an Easter lockdown as Covid-19 cases are increasing exponentially by the day.

Half of Italy's 20 regions, which include the cities of Rome, Milan and Venice, will be entering new coronavirus restrictions from Monday, March 15.

The measures will be effective through April 6, according to a decree passed by Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi's cabinet on Friday.

In regions demarcated as "red zones", people will be unable to leave their houses except for work or health reasons, with all non-essential shops closed.

In "orange zones," people will also be banned from leaving their town and their region -- except for work or health reasons -- and bars and restaurants will only be able to do delivery and take-away service.

Affected regions will be labelled red or orange, depending on the level of contagion. Regions that report weekly Covid-19 cases of more than 250 per 100,000 residents will also automatically go into lockdown, meaning that other regions could also be affected during this time period.

Italy's health ministry said that the aim of the measures is to get the R rate -- the number of people that one infected person will pass the virus onto -- down to 1.

Additionally, over the Easter weekend, the entire country will be considered a "red zone," and will be subject to a national lockdown from April 3 to 5.

The Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi said new coronavirus measures are "necessary" because "we are unfortunately facing a new wave of infections" one year after the start of the pandemic.

The country's R rate is now at 1.6 with coronavirus variants increasing the spread of the virus, according to Italy's health ministry.

The variant B.1.1.7, which was first identified in the United Kingdom, is also now prevalent in Italy, according to the health ministry, who also said that they are worried about the presence of small clusters of the Brazilian variant.

The UK variant was originally found to be more easily transmissible -- and new data have found that it is also more deadly.

Anonymous said...

Technocrats? Don't make me laugh. Mostly half past six material.