
Netizens, hold your horses

The netizens are in flame. Practically every netizen is saying, ‘see, I told you, more pay does not mean no corruption.’ Just because two senior civil servants were arrested by CPIB, it does not mean that they are guilty. It also does not mean that all the civil servants are equally bad. Two swallows do not make a summer.

My view is that there is no such thing as no corruption, Only lesser. And the high pay no corruption policy has worked. That is why after so long, we are only hit by a handful of them. The high pay no corruption policy works.

The task now is how to fine tune it to make it work better. One area to look at is their salary. Maybe they are not paid high enough. If that is so, then it means that their pay was not managed correctly. It is important for their superior to monitor these super talents. If they have hinted that their pay is not enough, or perhaps hinting that they would resign, or that their lifestyle is affected, call them up and ask them how much they need to stay incorruptible. This is a pragmatic way to tackle such problems. They have a price and it is only to meet their expectation. There must be a meeting of minds of what is enough. Everyone’s enough is different. Now I am getting worried if ministerial salary is enough for every minister.

Another area to watch out for is what these super talents are saying. Did they complain that they are sacrificing too much? It can be a dangerous sign of trouble brewing.

Look at it this way. There are thousands of super talents in the civil service. If two failed the test, it could be only 0.1% failure rate, which is pretty good. While everyone is getting emotional about this, do not be hasty and throw out the baby with the water. High pay policy is an uniquely Singaporean solution to prevent corruption in high places. Every state leader is secretly admiring our policy and wish they could also be paid this kind of money to keep their hands from the cookie jar.

Form a committee to review the two cases and come up with a recommendation to improve the high pay policy. If it is not broken, don’t throw it away. It has stood the test of time, so far. All it needs is likely to increase their pay a bit more and things will be fine again.


jjgg said...

Ah..RBI....higher pay to prevent those who are corruptible by money and...what about those who are corruptible by sex?....woman/man in waiting? Paid for by government?..need to reconvene Gerard's comm....original guidelines not wide enough..

jjgg said...

Ah..RBI....higher pay to prevent those who are corruptible by money and...what about those who are corruptible by sex?....woman/man in waiting? Paid for by government?..need to reconvene Gerard's comm....original guidelines not wide enough..

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The answer is...How many you want?

Just ask them. It is like eating. One cannot over eat. When the stomach is full, no more urge to eat.

Anonymous said...

Pray they are both innocent. Then our high pay no corruption policy is vindicated and more pay can be added to make it water tight.

Divali said...

[The Tin Pei Ling Defence]
"The two top uniformed officials, entrusted to protect life and property, have been finger printed and formally arrested, passports impounded. So why are they offered an escape clause? Specifically..."

Anonymous said...

Base on your argument, we need to also provide plenty of sexual services for our Top Guns less they become corrupt or Sin

Hmm...Create more jobs(extra income) for women and hobbyist too

Anonymous said...

Well, RB will probably argue that these big cocks can always buy sexual services discreetly with their heavenly pay checks.

Surely, being men, their big cocks cant resist!? So how many are guilty? Care to poke?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Quench their thirst and they be thirsty no more.

This is the same principle as high pay no corruption. Just make sure that their greed and sexual desires are met.

Anonymous said...

You guys are
not normal!
The more powerful
one is, the more
wants one needs.
Which man and
woman is
tired of money,
woman and fame?

Only fool,
impotent man,
frigid woman
and the mental
retards want

Anonymous said...

I suspect, they fell to sex then money. In that order.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Now folks, this is still the new year period. Let's be more compassionate to those who are born with great sexual desires and greed. It is not their fault.

Have mercy, let them be satisfied.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I think I better hold my horses as well and stop being so merciful: )

Anonymous said...

"Have mercy, let them be satisfied."

In appreciation of their services, we can organize a yearly orgy party for them or several orgy parties depending on their needs.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

You are a bit slow in showing your kindness. Every human bean is a human bean. Every cat is a cat.

Anonymous said...

Who says we are not kind? We gave them a "blank check", didn't we?

TG said...

Why this case is dropped by the prosecutor without having to give its reason for doing so?? Is it because the accused has a certain background that renders him free from punishment for his criminal act??

PLEASE give your comment!

20 Jan 2012
SOURCE: The Straits Times

A businessman who was initially charged for assaulting a woman at Jurong East MRT station was acquitted on Friday.

Bradley Joseph Furness, 47, was charged after he allegedly grabbed 22-year-old student Tan Ching Hong in a headlock and pushed her to the floor in December 2010.

The Australian who is a Singapore permanent resident, also faced two other charges for mischief and causing hurt. He was accused of elbowing a 45-year-old man in the face in March 2011.

He was given a discharge amounting to an acquittal after the prosecution called for a withdrawal of all three charges. No reason was given by the prosecution for the withdrawal.

Anonymous said...

"Surely, being men, their big cocks cant resist!? So how many are guilty? Care to poke?"

Let's not go there or the church will be out of business.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi TG, welcome to the blog.

You are asking a very embarrassing question. I am quite sure it is the fault of the young woman. Don't trifle with foreign talent.

In Saudi Arabia, they would have thrown him in jail and ask question later. That is how they protect their citizens. They believe in citizens first.

Anonymous said...

if the heads of the police department are so horny, despite being so "hard working" and watched, what about the lesser mortal kakis? are they not as horny if not more since they are lesser beans?

trust the police to haul up prostitutes huh?

but then, they have ways to wipe their mouths clean?

Anonymous said...

Moral of the story: the chow chee bye is more powerful than the laws(civil and domestic).

Anonymous said...

Did you see any pig wipe his mouth?

Anonymous said...

What blank cheque? $55k is barely enough to keep a decent lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

55k can get you 55 concubines in china. 55 sucking u u sibeh shiok liao

Anonymous said...

The MIW have ISA to lock up people without the need to prove their guilt and the Public Prosecutor do not need to give reason for dropping charges. Police don't arrest also can. What cock and bull reason anyone wants?



Anonymous said...

Who makes the Law
who can amend it??
Me hopes 2 questions
can answer 1 question.


Anonymous said...

By the way, the Law

does not equal justice.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Patriot, you are full of wisdom this morning. Legally right is not justice.

Moral justice is not the same as legal justice.