
State Terrorism - Can you imagine they spike food and drinks, embedded explosives in your mails and parcels

 The terrorist war has reached a new level. This time it is real and not committed by small Muslim terrorist groups groomed and funded by the Americans. It is State Terrorism, in Lebanon, fully approved and supported by the Americans and the West. No condemnation from the western media. No condemnation from American and western states. Even white supremacist scholar John Mearsheimer talked about it like it was another way of eating lunch.

This reckless and indiscriminate planting of explosives in commercial products has gone too far. It is going to cripple the the lives of people of the world, crash the supply chains, close down manufacturing plants and factories. It is going to create fear and distrust of consumer products.

One more step, if they are to spike food and drinks with poison, to embed explosives in mails and parcels, the world would come to a stand still. The savages that believe in war, thrive on war, profit from war as a business, would not know when to stop.

The world is entering a very dangerous phase. It does not need a hot nuclear war to undermine human activities, security and safety. The world would be in disarray, everyone living in fear, fear of everything they touch and use.

And the warmongering American terrorists and their ruthless mafia gangs are led loose to destroy the world but pointing a finger at China and Russia for being aggressive and a threat to the world. And the dull and unthinking still believing in this American Anglo Saxon mischievous lie. China is not at war with any country! China is not threatening any country. It is the Americans, the Israelis and the Anglo Saxon tribe that is at war with every country, threatening every country. Trump just threatened to raise tariffs by 100% on any country that de dollarised, refused to use the American dollar!

The Americans are peace loving people, protectors of human rights and democracy, the policemen of the world, to maintain peace in the world? To all the silly idiots, please raise your hands. Wake up before it is too late. The devils and demons are running amok.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did the Israelis really think they could get away with genocide of the Palestinians and now mass murder of the Lebanese under the protection of the evil Americans? Or they think they are the chosen race and their God would protect them even when they commit the most heinous crimes against other people?
And they think the Arabs and Muslims would forever fold their arms and let their Muslim brothers and sisters being massacred?
This could be the straw that broke the Arabs and Muslims' back. There is no turning back now.
Hell has just broken loose.