
A new kid in the blog - MIKOspace

This is a new blog, MIKOspace from a good friend. The url is www.miko-wisdom.blogspot.sg.
Have fun reading.


Veritas said...
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Veritas said...
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Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Small world.

Veritas said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi veritas

Such bad opinion about your own university. maybe partly true but I suspect he failed you. So you have a bone to pick with this guy.

Veritas said...
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Anonymous said...

This is what Spore has become. Everyone fucking everyone and loving foreigners. The sickness starts from the top. If not, they are simply encouraging it. Now encouraging our children not to take degrees.

What kind of sick joke is that? what kind of sick leaders are we having?


Veritas said...
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Anonymous said...

Does he needs sympathy in the first place.
he does have to sympathise You?
As lecturers at National Tertiary Institutions, they are paid handsomely leh.

Veritas said...
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Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Veritas, seems that you and the students had a tough time at NTU. Good that you are getting them off your chest.

Would there be anymore sheep that felt the same way and like to baa a bit to tell their stories?

Veritas said...
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Veritas said...
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Anonymous said...

Using Singaporean money to feed the world again. I think we are employed by the whole world to educate their people and to give them jobs.

What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Find it gard to believe.

Other than One at My Singapore News Blogsite; has not came across anyone else described or related any misgivings of NUS/NTU.
in fact, most Sinkie Graduates and their Parents are extremely proud that they, their children study or graduated from NUS/NTU even if it is a General Degree

Veritas said...
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Anonymous said...

How was Cherian George as a lecturer?

Veritas said...

Never taught me.

Anonymous said...

How about AP Khong P W?

Veritas said...
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Anonymous said...

They said Cherian George a good lecturer but got fired no student come out to protest and he also gone.

Veritas said...
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Veritas said...
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Mikospace said...

Wah, such deep angst and anger! What's your beef, really? A "B" in HRM meant you were in fact one of my better students. Nearly 80% students earned "A's" and "B's" because all have learnt much through their 'Reality-Learning" Projects. If you thought that you did not deserve the "B", I can always review it. Come on, ranting against everything NUS, NTU and Singapore ... seriously? And what's your point using Yingluck's foto as you ... kidding, man?

Mikospace said...

Maybe, you did not graduate with the 1st Class Honours degree that you thought you rightfully deserved. What did you get? Many here (RB, me, others) can help your anger management, seriously. But to call yourself Veritas (Latin for "Truth") and than misuse a beautiful girl's foto as yourself is simply untruthful ... like a cross-dresser. Know that Putin's Communist Party has a Newspaper call Pravda (Russian for "Truth") which just celebrated its 104th birthday. How's that for credibility branding.

Veritas said...

Take it easy teacher.

Please come out and say the truth about EEE FT in post graduate enrollment. Even though I am not going back, I still hope by kpkb, we set the stage to make NTU a better institution.

Veritas said...

I have made myself heard and I target is achieve. So I removed all my previous offensive post. Just want to get my former teacher out and have a nice chat with him.

I hope all NTU Alumni will have the courage to do the right things.

Cher you are insider and you know lots of stuff. Dont let me down.

Mikospace said...

Please DO NOT run away by removing your previous postings. That's cowardice, man! U should know that no number of horses can erase their Blogprints. You still have not explained why your "Truth (Veritas)" should involve anonymity and abusing a pretty girl's reputation. I did not teach you to do that, for sure. How indeed can you say that you had "made yourself heard" when no one knows who you are other than a Yingluck cross-dresser ... ?! You lied again when alleging that you wanted to "get my former teacher out" when you can jolly well find me on Google Search and LinkedIn. Now, let's come out "for a chat" if you are indeed truthful about it ... what say you? One condition: YOU MUST dress as Yingluck when we meet please. Other Blog members are also invited to our meet. A photo of you with Yingluck's face and uniform can be posted on this Blog too. You may not like how you look, I can understand - having low esteem from not getting that dream 1st class degree. But, how ugly are you really? I cannot recall having any UGLY students, eh?

Veritas said...


I repeated the same "fuck NTU" in RB blog long before this thread and I never remove a single such postings.