
You don't have to agree!

Make 2009 a different year. For a start, tell yourself that you don't have to agree with everything other people say, especially politicians. When the politicians say it is good for you, double check, triple check, to see if it really is. If the politicians say it is fair, do the same, many times over. And if they say this is the best solution or policy, don't simply take their words for it. And don't just disagree, say it out, make it loud and clear. And if the politicians is talking cock, make sure he is reminded of it. Let him or her knows. This is what all the world class education that you are getting should mean. It should make every educated one a thinking person with a mind of his own. Not sheeples without a brain. Make a difference in 2009!


Anonymous said...

The problem is that the Singapore-style world-class education is what's causing the citizens to become sheple. For the guys, there's an additional two years of brain washing and conditioning to ensure that when they leave NS, the notion of insubordination will always be ingrained in their minds. What you espouse will never work, Red bean, not unless the whole system is overhauled and turned on its head. Sheple will never stand up to be counted and claim what's theirs. They have been conditioned to be such.

Anonymous said...

Hi Redbean, in this post of yours you sound like you are inciting people to rebel. Be very careful, please tone down a little. This is uniquely Singapore where you can be hauled to jail for wearing T-shirts with animal prints. You can be charged for hinting or insinuating someone to be corrupt. Anything can happen at the whim and fancy of you know who. We do not want to lose you, so be careful and have a Happy New Year.

Sylvester Lim said...

Anon 3.30pm, reminding Singaporeans to truthfully speak out is inciting people to rebel??? How ahh?? Should we continue to keep our mouths shut and be happy with the crap the PAP is dishing out to the citizens. Should we also tone down when giving feedback and claim everything is fine? THINGS ARE NOT FINE IN SINGAPORE.

Anonymous said...

If speaking the truth means trying to incite people to rebel, then what is the point of trying to garner feedback? If praise is all they want to hear, that is not feedback. That kind of feedback is well taken care of by the toadies, the applepolishers, the enuchs etc, like in North Korea.

Anonymous said...

Hi xNSman, you HAVE been accepting all the crap (as you put it) that have been dished out. If not, what have you done about it in the past? I have not read about your objections in any media neither have I heard about your speeches at Hong Lim Park. That is the problem with you lot, all talk and zero action. Baaaaa sheeples.

Anonymous said...


WHY? HOW? and What is Behind?


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi xNSman and all,

even the govt is encouraging the people to think, to read the media carefully. if our people can't read, fear to question the truth, then we have wasted our lives as a human bean.

question the truth is the beginning of wisdom.