
Instant counter strike force

The speed in which the terrorists struck and the killings that followed demands the response of an instant strike force to be always ready to counter attack in 10 minutes or less. Once the terrorists are in and open fire, the only thing to do is to take them down as quickly as possible with a ready trained force. Any delay will only cause more lives and destruction. The privilege of intelligence gathering and border checks, coast guards etc is only a first line of defence. Once broken, it is all decided on the ground, the battle field. Do we have the capability of mounting special counter strike forces at the press of a button and be at the scene in less than 10 minutes?


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The simplest solution is to allow and encourage ordinary people to carry firearms.

That may not prevent terrorit attacks - let's be real, thee folks are insane - but allowing peaceful law abiding people to arm themselves would sure change the odds. The commandos would only be necessary to "clean up the loose ends".

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

matilah, owning small arms is one thing and trained to use them is another.

hoping that the people in the street will pull out their pistols to shoot at well trained terrorists with heavy weapons is like hoping that every citizen is a rambo.

i am laughing mate.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

If you can take the trouble to put aside your preconceptions, you'll find that the statistical evidence proves otherwise: An Armed Society IS A Polite Society.

They issue licenses for driving — i.e. you have to pass a test, and also be physically able to operate a vehicle — eyesight, for example. The same compact can be applied to firearms. Just like driving — road abuse attracts a ban form driving at the extreme... same for guns — if you are irresponsible, no guns for you. (But everyone else has guns, so don't try to be funny)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

a gun totting society is pitting one citizen against another.

here, the lone cowboy is no match for a group of trained terrorists with disproportional firepower. unless the cowboys are all equipped with heavy weapons.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

a gun totting society is pitting one citizen against another.

Prove that ridiculous claim, if you can.

Anonymous said...

There's always the potential for abuse. Psychopaths, people gone deranged - and with life, once you lose it it's gone for good.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

a gun totting society is a polite one because any citizen thinking of hitting another must also know that the other can hit back. so better be very careful.

this has not much significance to ward off a terroist attack. for they came just to kill and be killed. no politeness, no fear.

Anonymous said...

> a gun totting society is a polite
> one because any citizen thinking of
> hitting another must also know that
> the other can hit back

If he's a good shot, the other party won't have a chance to hit back =)

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

This is the point: there is NOTHING which can prevent a terrorist attack. Not even govt "intelligence". The "intelligence" agencies in this instance all screwed up. The rescue efforts -- what a joke. Even govts with their police and commandos and their generals CANNOT (repeat CANNOT) prevent terrorist attacks.

Govts are all to quick to TAKE AWAY the freedoms and liberties of ORDINARY PEACEFUL law-abiding, TAX PAYING people, but the all-powerful, all-knowing govts still can't (repeat CANNOT) stop terrorists hell-bent on killing people from carrying out their “missions”. In short THE GOVERNMENT CANNOT PROTECT YOU FROM BEING KILLED BY TERRORISTS anymore than they ca prevent you from dying in a road accident.
Therefore, it comes down to the individual level to protect themselves and each other. If those people were ARMED, they would have a better chance in survival. No guarantees of course, but you can bet people would fight to the death to defend themselves and their loved ones.
The terrorists in Mumbai tortured some of their victims. Jews were singled out, as were Briton and Americans. It seems that the terrorists are doing some “racial profiling” of their own.
It is about time the people were empowered again. Govts have disempowered their citizens, to the point where even the electoral processes in many so-called free countries are suspect to tampering, vote rigging, vote buying, gerrymandering etc etc.
If you trust the govt to save you, you're signing your own death certificate.