
Ariffin Sha is back

Saw this young man speaking at Hong Lim Park’s rallies and read some of his writings and came out impressed by his oratorical and writing skills. He is a young man but very advanced in his mental age. There is a lot of potential in this man, 16 year old, I think.

Then Roy Ngerng and friends were arrested and charged for public nuisance and there were comments that suggested this young man had given evidence detrimental to Roy Ngerng and his friends. They were together but apparently something was wrong. Ariffin also announced his departure from the political scene, taking a sabbatical for a year. The controversy was not favourable to Ariffin.

Surprisingly Ariffin has returned with an article in the TRE/TOC titled, ‘A flyer drop, a political low blow’. Below are extracts from his article..

‘I couldn’t help shaking my head when I read the TODAY Report of how PAP ‘activists’ distributed fliers in the middle of the night which bombarded residents of Aljunied GRC with messages against the Workers’ Party.

I still clearly recall the robust parliamentary debates between the powers that be and Workers’ Party over the definition of “constructive” politics not too long ago. …

Let us not kid ourselves, this is nothing but an appalling political low blow.
Is the kind of “constructive politics” that the secretary-general of the PAP was talking about? Are these the “party values” that PAP Aljunied Branch Chairman Victor Lye boasted about?...

This incident is a potent manifestation of the hypocrisy of the powers that be. Let me be the first to admit that although this is not surprising, it is indeed disappointing….
Make no qualms about it, at the end of the day it is not the PAP or the opposition who define the political culture we develop. Ultimately, that decisions lies in the hands of the voters. Through the ballot box, the residents of Aljunied GRC will make clear whether they want to give a nod to the “values” of Victor Lye and team or continue supporting the Workers’ Party.

And mud-slinging is politically impoverished, because it puts the accuser in a light much worse what he wishes to cast on the accused.’

Ariffin Sha is back in his original self, critical and questioning and with fire in his belly. He has cut short his sabbatical to be in the fray of local politics again, in his former self. Who is the true Ariffin Sha?


Anonymous said...

Ariffin Sha is back in his original self, critical and questioning and with fire in his belly.

But will that help if the Sinkie opposition is still not ready to be govt? Or can Ariffin Sha make the Sinkie opposition ready?

If not, will the 60% dare to vote the PAP out, that's the question. And they did not in worse times for daft Sinkies in 2011, with even Presidential material Hainan Ah Ko also lost to a unpopular Vivian, the PAP minister who overspent by hundreds of millions of dollars hosting the Youth Olympics in Sinkieland in 2010.

Anonymous said...

"...even Presidential material Hainan Ah Ko also lost to a unpopular Vivian, the PAP minister who overspent by hundreds of millions of dollars hosting the Youth Olympics in Sinkieland in 2010."
Anon 9:12 am

Ya hor, if even Hainan Ah Ko also cannot, who else, other than Teochew Ah Hia and gang, can defeat PAP in a GE hah? I say GE hor, not BE because in BE, even Ah Lian could also defeat PAP.

No wonder PAP and Ah Loong are very zhai (cool and calm) about the next GE. And for sure PAP will not have BE anymore.

Anonymous said...

"But will that help if the Sinkie opposition is still not ready to be govt?"
March 18, 2015 9:12 am

What about PAP?
Is PAP ready and willing to hand over power peacefully?
Is PAP ready to let go?
Is LKY ready to let go?
Is this a hard truth?

Anonymous said...

Someone's mother went to flirt with hainan Ah Ko last night so early in the morning so angry oredy.

Anonymous said...

Attract Voters! Attract Voters!

What Singapore will become in the
next 50 years depends on the
definition of “constructive”
politics by the parties involved.

With social media, politics are
not the same, like yesteryears.

No! No! Don't go around and give
out flyers!

Don't waste time and funds!

LISTEN HERE! This is what you
should do.......

Just say what you need to say......

Just do what you need to do........

Say and Do only what is RIGHT!

Don't talk down on other
political parties!

No bullying!

YOU will sure to attract the voters!

Think about it.


Anonymous said...

There are only 2 types of politics in Singapore.
Politics with PAP in power.
Politics with PAP out of power.

theonion said...


AS and yourself are just unhappy that inconvenient facts and truths which are printed in the flyer which have been highlighted.
Nothing but the facts and the relevant questions.

Please do look at the dictionary definitions of so called "poison pen".

In this case, what was sauce for the goose (when Govt faults are debated and highlighted) yet when your favourite side is also being pointed out yet you cry foul.

Cry Hypocrisy (wow) such double entrendres is opined

Anonymous said...

With social media, politics are
not the same, like yesteryears.
Anon 10:06 am

U mean before 2011 got no social media meh? And PAP didn't talk down or bully other political parties meh? And daft Sinkies had better life in 2011 than now meh?

If not,then why PAP could still get 60% votes in GE 2011? And why even better opposition candidates like Hainan Ah Ko and the scholar couple also lost? Because 60% very scared to accidentally vote PAP out?

So if the Sinkie opposition is still not ready to take over as govt, why should next GE outcome be any different, u tell me lah?

Anonymous said...

Politics with PAP out of power.
Anon 10:25 am

Only when the Sinkie opposition is united, strong and ready to be govt.

But are they? Are they even united, let alone strong and ready? Why Ah Ko and Ah Hia not talking? Why Ah Ko want to form his own party? Why the NSP ex lady boss jumped like a frog to even Ah Chiam's "one man show" party?

Like that how to expect the 60% to vote PAP out, u tell me lah?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

When the timing is right, all the factors and forces will come together to do the necessary.

Not to worry. Trust the mandate of heaven.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 10.41am pls note....

your comments is correct.....

but just look around you since 2011 GE.....

pap is very active everywhere....

they organised events and activities nationwide, in grcs, smcs with mass participation.....

they are making everyday a PAP DAY.....

look at the various so-called very generous policies/schemes introduced....

with that kind of energy, how not to recapture 2011 lost votes.....

we shall see................