
singapore in trouble. foreign talents leaving!

The foreign talents are up in arms The foreign talents are unhappy with the latest Singaporean first policy and are complaining. Yes, foreign talents are complaining. And they are damn right to complain as our country has no talents and needed them badly to survive. Let me quote a Fauq Shadhili, probably a PR or new citizen, 'Thus, to think that we could afford to lose even a single foreign talent to greener pasteurs when it is obvious we do not yet have either the same talent or manpower to achieve our desired level of success - is just silly.' He is, yes, I must admit that he is damn right. Even our govt has acknowledged that we need foreign talents. What with all the whinny useless Singaporeans, we will be doomed. This is a wrong turn of policy. We must embrace foreign talents, welcome them into our house, treat them very well, and pray, if need be, go down on our knees, or else Singapore is finito. Who the shit built Singapore to this day over the last 40 years? Yes foreign talents of course. But those foreign talents are now useless citizens. Finished, kaput. We need to replace them with more clever foreign talents for our future. Singaporeans owe it to the new foreign talents. And once they become Singaporeans, they too will become 'has been.' The tag Singaporean means no talent. It is silly to drive away foreign talents because we did not subsidise their cost of living but subsidise those of Singaporeans. Maybe we can fine tune the word 'subsidise' by saying that everyone will pay the normal fare or fee at market rate. Singaporeans will not be subsidised. That will appease our foreign talents. Then we can issue more ERS or Singapore shares to citizens. Or we can give discounts to citizens. Would that be fair? Foreign talents, please don't complain lah, we appreciate your talents and welcome you here to make your fortune. Be nice to us ok? Please, or we will be doomed.


Anonymous said...

You don't have to be so melodramatic. Those talent who will not or cannot afford to pay a couple of measely bucks more at the polyclinic or for their children's schooling probably aren't talented anyway. Let them leave, a hundred more will be queueing up to take theier place.

Anonymous said...

to the above,are you suggesting that we should just keep our mouth shut.

Anonymous said...

Oh, whining is free, everyone's entitled to let some steam off once in a while but unless you come up with a coherent, alternative policy to the one you're whining about, no one is going to treat it as anything more than hot air. Remember what they say about empty vessels making the msot noise ?

Anonymous said...

ai yah Foreign talent shouldn't complain lah. Talent Mah should give handicapped points to citizen mah. If not why called talent, convert to citizen lah especially those PR for donkey years.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

it is our fault when foreign talents complained. for we are the one who told them that they are here to save us. that we need them for our own good.

if i were a foreign talent, i too will complain like hell knowing that there is no local talent in this land.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry la. GCK say ppl who leave are Quitter. so these FT are quitter and very useless one, if what our gov who are very credible, smart, long foresight say is correct.