
eleanor wong - a quotation

I like this quote from Eleanor Wong 'Having something to say that might mean something to someone, change how they see things, or at least make them ask different questions.' That's what writers or bloggers should try to do.


Anonymous said...

"I like this quote from Eleanor Wong

'Having something to say that might mean something to someone, change how they see things, or at least make them ask different questions.'

That's what writers or bloggers should try to do."

apparently that's what you have failed to do...

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi anonymous,

if we have failed, you would not be asked to be here. we should thank you guys for your keen interest in this blog : )

Anonymous said...

You have failed because all your blog attracts is either scorn or more even mindless ranting and raving by brainless neanderthals.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

my blog has attracted two kinds of readers. the serious ones who patiently read what are being posted.

and the brainless and scornful ones with their mindless and brainless rantings. that you are very right. which one are you?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the serious ones like you who have trouble stringing a grammatically correct sentence together, and without any spelling errors to boot. Not to mention being able to present points of argument coherently and in elegant prose. Some seriousness.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I mean please man redbean..this blog is like a website for u to talk to yourself. Give it up.

Abao said...

Come on, its up to RedBean whether to stop the blog or continue... After all, this blog belongs to him.

Moreover, communicating with yourself is the first step in understanding people. So if Anon says RedBean should stop blogging because he is talking to himself, then he's doing nothing wrong.

Note: I don't think RedBean is talking to himself though. He's talking with everyone. Just that not everyone replies. :)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

yeah abao,

you are all wisdom!