Ukraine War is a good confirmation that the brain of a Mickey Mouse is as big as a pea brain. The Americans made so many promises to Mickey Zelensky and he believed everything. His little pea brain could not process what is true what is false and the consequences if all the promises were simply lies. His pea brain wanted to believe that all the promises would be true and would be honoured, and he would win the war. Now Mickey Zelensky is walking around like a Mickey Mouse when everyone can see that he was sold by the Americans, and the Americans is expecting him and Ukraine to pay up. America is tearing Ukraine apart for its resources. Mickey Zelensky did not see this coming, now having no choice but to sign away his country to the Americans.
What did the Americans promise him? Admission to NATO and America would support him with a blank cheque for as long as it takes. Biden has gone to sleep, did not want to know what he and Blinken promised the Mickey Mouse. And the fat clown from Britain that duped Mickey Zelensky to walk away from a peace deal is nowhere to be seen. And Trump told him in his face, no NATO for Ukraine. What? What?
For three years, Mickey Zelensky really believed he was given a blank cheque to defeat Russia. He strutted around ordering and demanding the Americans and Europeans for all the weapons and money he needed without asking if it was all for free. He simply assumed that he did not have to pay back, free aid! In the White House he was too ashamed to ask Trump that it was meant for free. It would only expose his stupidity to think it was for free.
There is no free lunch. All the Mickey Mouse better open their eyes wide wide. Free missiles for the Pinoys? The Americans have yet to send in the bills.
Asking for more and more aid and weapons was so good for Zelenskyy every time he opened his mouth carrying his begging bowl into Congress. Now the shit has hit the fan. Trump is asking for payment for all the aid that the USA has given, not really clear how much, but certainly much less than US$500 billion that Trump plucked from the air. This issue had been raised many a time about how Ukraine is going to pay back for all the aid and weapons. Now, we are seeing how that question is being answered. What about the Europeans going after Zelenskyy, following the USA.
The irony is that all that gloating about the rich rare earth and other essential minerals that Ukraine has on its soil is being exposed as a scam, floated to keep NATO and the USA stuck in helping Ukraine to keep out Russia. Most of the, albeit minor mineral deposits, are said to be in Eastern Ukraine, all under the control of Russia. The sad truth is that even if Zelenskyy signs the mineral agreement with the USA, the latter is going to find out that the loot is not going to be as lucrative as being worth US$500 billion to be seized. What is going to happen then? Zelenskyy will have a bleeding arsehole if the USA finds out it has been scammed.
We also have micky mouse in sinkieland, even without asking, our micky mouse will just follow what the master do. We had been programed to increase our military budget yearly just to divert some of it to the master. We don't even dare to say who are we leasing all those expensive military toys to fight against who.
War is very big business in the US. There are many possibilities to how Trump got his US$500 billion figure. This could be what was recorded in the American book. Zelensky is not so stupid not to record what he received.
Wo what happened to the difference? A lot of people on the take, both the Americans and Ukrainians. A few hundred billion are missing. Whose pockets did they gone to? Go figure why the American terrorists in Washington are crazy about fighting wars.
That is another of his art - His Art of the Steal.
That in itself is a Big reason to VTO!
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