
Trump knocking the door of China hoping to be let in

 According to one report, Trump is going to China to 'confront' Xi over the Chinese stance of being 'ready to fight any war' with the USA. Notice the use of the threatening word 'confront' being used against China, as if China is now shivering in its pants. Moreover, all the talk of Trump going to Beijing is just a one-sided narrative from the USA's side, with Beijing not saying a word.

China must not give Trump any special welcome if that happens, just the minimum protocol called for, just like the Saudi's giving Biden the cold shoulder when he visited in August 2022, to beg Mohammed in Salman to pump more oil. It failed miserably. Compare that with the ceremonial welcome accorded to Xi, with much aplomb and pageantry, when Xi visited Saudi Arabia in December of that year. There was a jet fly-past and a guard of honor that truly makes Biden's visit look trivial.

If Trump goes to Beijing on his own accord without being invited, it will be to China's benefit by being seen as behaving in a position of strength. It is no longer the trend of countries hoping for an invitation by the USA to visit and thinking that as an honor. More often than not, countries are being forced to fly to Washington to pay respect to the emperor in the White House. All 49 (or 50) African countries were being summoned to Washington in 2022 for a summit of listening to the emperor's edict. In October 2023, eleven South American countries were also summoned to Washington, with some opting out, to attend another Biden lecture or face threats. That is changing.


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