When one refers to an American court, it is a court runs by the American state. When one calls a court a Singaporean court, it is a court runs by Singaporean govt. Similarly, when a court is called the International Criminal Court, it is a court owns by international criminals. This is as true as it can get. And who are the international criminals? The American terrorists in Washington.
Duterte is a former president of the Philippines, a sovereign nation state. How he runs his country is his prerogative as a president. When he implemented tough laws against the drug dealers and peddlers, it was necessary at a time when the drug problems were rampant in the Philippines. The drug dealers and peddlers were operating in a country as if they were above the law. They were ruthless and murderers and the Philippines authority were afraid to deal with them. They killed the drug enforcers, the policemen, with backing from international criminal organisations, very likely the CIA. It came to a point when the courts and police were afraid of the drug dealers and peddlers. And they were heavily armed.
In order to clamp down the drug curse, tough measures must be taken to tackle the drug problems that were going out of control. Duterte's order was simply 'shoot to kill' when the officers' lives were in danger, 'shoot to kill' when the drug criminals and dealers shoot back. What is wrong with these? The police and drug enforcing officers are doing their jobs and needed to protect themselves from being killed.
What this ICC runs by criminals are doing is to protect their criminal friends, the drug dealers and peddlers. Duterte and his police officers were the law, enforcing the law of the country to protect the Pinoy citizens. What this ICC is doing, kidnapping Duterte is to defend and protect the drug criminals. And kidnapping a former president of a nation state itself is a crime.
The ICC must be prosecuted, the criminal officials be charged for kidnapping crime, and crimes against humanity for protecting drug dealers and criminals. They are only good at bullying the innocent. They are afraid to prosecute the real criminals like Netanyahu and his gang of butchers committing genocide against the Palestinians. They are afraid to arrest the numerous American ex presidents for committing war crimes and crimes against humanity. Why? George Bush and Tony Blair are still walking free.
Because they are run by a criminal syndicate in Washington. They only charge those the Washington terrorists ordered them to charge, even to kidnap Duterte without shame. They would not dare to arrest or kidnap anyone the Washington criminals told them not to. This is how corrupt and criminal is this ICC, committing crimes in the name of the International community. What a shameless organisation! What a criminal organisation! What a criminal court runs by criminals.
ICC has been renamed 'International Court of Criminals', a court run by criminals.
When criminals run a court, do not expect justice.
The Hague Trial Goes Viral Overnight!
On March 19, Rodrigo Duterte appeared in a wheelchair at the International Criminal Court (ICC) for his hearing. As soon as the ICC judge read out the charges of “crimes against humanity,” the 79-year-old former Philippine President immediately dropped three “data bombs”:
1. “The US military killed 350,000 civilians in Afghanistan, the ICC has been playing blind for 20 years!”
2. “Israel has killed 50,000 children in Gaza, where are your arrest warrants?”
3. He then played footage of an anti-drug operation in Davao City, showing that after the crackdown on drugs, the crime rate in the region dropped by 73%.
The judge panicked and tried to stop him by banging his gavel, but Duterte instead pulled out a stack of photos—pictures of dead children who were victims of drug cartels, juxtaposed with photos of the destruction caused by US military drone strikes. In a loud voice, he asked: "Which is more like a crime against humanity?"
The courtroom erupted in an uproar! The Filipinos in attendance cheered and shouted "Long live the President!" until the security forces had difficulty controlling the situation.
The Marcos government was now in a difficult position. They initially wanted to use the ICC to get rid of Duterte, but Vice President Sara Duterte's popularity surged to 39%
In front of the court, Duterte vowed: "If I am found guilty, then arrest Biden and Netanyahu and put them on trial
This statement immediately exposed the hypocrisy of the ICC, which only dares to take action against small countries, but never touches the leaders of superpowers.
Now, the ICC faces a major dilemma:
If Duterte is found guilty, countries in the Global South may flock to withdraw from the ICC.
If he is acquitted, Western countries could stop funding the ICC worth hundreds of millions of euros.
In the end, the "trial of the century" turned into a big mirror—revealing the corruption of the international legal system and marking the rise of a new world order...
Hopefully in the future, this world will be free from violence and there will be no more bloodshed between people. Let us pray together that the world will become a more peaceful and prosperous place.
Duterte's trial by ICC may be a good thing for the world, exposing the hypocrisy of the ICC standard. Hope he does not end up like Jeffrey Epstein, silenced by the invisible hand while in prison if convicted.
Thinks he purposely so calmly surrendered on his arrest to go to this Kangaroo Court to expose them
Bravo Mr Duterte!
One small step by Duterte, a big leap for mankind.
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